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Reggie Greenwood

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Posts posted by Reggie Greenwood

  1. 2 minutes ago, jono said:

    Curtis will forever be a sporting hero of mine. There aren’t many. Sure there are players and sports men and women I have admired or enjoyed watching outside football and everywhere both old first division, PL, internationally. But to make the cut you have to be more than just talented. 

    What Curtis did last season, ever present with guts and dignity, game after game. He’s in my hall of fame never to be moved

    Plus agreeing to sign a waiver to play the last few mins v Sheff Weds after so long out injured 

  2. 12 minutes ago, Ram@Lincoln said:

    So as @David has said, in your ideal world we would start with only 9 players? With Sibley covering both left back and left midfield. 

    Call me stupid, but I'd prefer 11 players starting and playing in their best/specialist positions. 

    I appreciate that we're Intergalactic Champions in your fantasy world, but we really need to play with 11 players at the very least. 

    Let’s stop this bullying of B4 please. 
    No need , I am sure you are aware that he has difficulties. However he is an enthusiastic Rams fan and a valued member of this board and I think your snide comments go too far 

  3. 1 hour ago, dog said:

    So, ten years ago we were mid table in the championship under Nigel Clough

    Top scorer Jamie Ward. Richard Keogh at the back, winner of the Jackie Stamps trophy

    What will be the situation in ten years' time?




    Champions League Winners ??

  4. 2 minutes ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    No other clubs came in for our stars at the time because neither Brian Clough nor Dave Mackay would sell them and at the time we were THE big club alongside Leeds and Liverpool.

    Charlie George was at his peak when he signed for Derby as he proved by his performances in 1975-76. We got him for a bargain £100k because he and Bertie Mee had fallen out at Arsenal and simply wanted to be rid of each other - Mee hadn't been playing him which lessened his value in the shop window, to our advantage. The Arsenal fans were apoplectic about Charlie leaving because he really was their darling. They never forgave Bertie Mee.

    When he left he went to Southampton for £400k, a record fee between two British clubs, although Kevin Keegan had left Liverpool for SV Hamburg for £500k. The Southampton doctor advised Lawrie McMenemy not sign Charlie because his knees were damaged. The good doctor proved to be right and Charlie never hit the heights he achieved at Arsenal and Derby.

    Wasn’t Charlie on the verge of going to Spurs when Dave Mackay stepped in which suited Arsenal as they would have had even more grief off their fans ? 

  5. 8 minutes ago, SamUltraRam said:

    Our next game was eventful for those of us that travelled - away at Newport County on New Years Day.

    My memory of this is getting the Heanor Supporters bus early morning - of course with a massive post New Years Eve hangover.

    Got to Newport quite early and went to a local Miners Welfare and at that point it wasn't raining. Whilst we were in there the heavens opened and by the time the game kicked off the pitch condition was awful.

    The game started and Newport took the lead but the worst thing was Bobby Davison got an injury that would keep him out for almost two months.

    On 39 minutes the referee abandoned the game due to the waterlogged pitch.




    If my memory serves me right the pen was awarded when George Williams tried to tackle one of their players just outside the box , continued to slide on the water logged pitch ( totally under water) and collided with another Newport player in the box. Most bizarre pen I’ve seen given. 
    match should never have started as dangerous and cost us dear with Bobby D’s  injury 

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