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Steve Buckley’s Dog

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  1. Angry
  2. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Dethorn in Ravel Morrison   
    I totally agree. He shouldn’t have kicked the ball out. Their player was clearly not injured. There was more chance of me getting hurt in my apoplectic rage. Hate stuff like that - it is cheating. Feigning injury and pretending you are dead is just embarrassing and should be a yellow card in my book. 
  3. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Crewton in Ravel Morrison   
    I totally agree. He shouldn’t have kicked the ball out. Their player was clearly not injured. There was more chance of me getting hurt in my apoplectic rage. Hate stuff like that - it is cheating. Feigning injury and pretending you are dead is just embarrassing and should be a yellow card in my book. 
  4. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Zag zig in Ravel Morrison   
    I totally agree. He shouldn’t have kicked the ball out. Their player was clearly not injured. There was more chance of me getting hurt in my apoplectic rage. Hate stuff like that - it is cheating. Feigning injury and pretending you are dead is just embarrassing and should be a yellow card in my book. 
  5. COYR
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Premier ram in Sheff Utd vs Derby County Matchday Thread (league cup)   
    Two great away days there in consecutive years. I can see Phil Gee going clear through on goal even now and when it went through Burridge’s legs - wonderful. 
  6. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Patrick Rams in Missing Supporters   
    I’m not sure you are right. I also don’t believe that a football club the size of Derby County can’t afford to open the ticket office or answer phone calls. I also don’t believe that it can’t communicate fully with its fan base. The total mismanagement of the club has had a far greater impact on more than the couple of hundred than you think in my opinion. 
  7. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from SKRam in Sheff Utd vs Derby County Matchday Thread (league cup)   
    Two great away days there in consecutive years. I can see Phil Gee going clear through on goal even now and when it went through Burridge’s legs - wonderful. 
  8. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to Ram-Alf in Missing Supporters   
    There's been a compliment of staff there for a while, My Brother who passed away never took up the offer of a refund or Rams TV free untill the end of the 2019-20 season, We cleared his flat out and we found a letter from DCFC stating he had not taken up the cash refund offer, He was given more time...pretty sure it was until end of Feb 2021, He passed in mid April this year, So he never bothered.
    My Daughter asked if she could write a letter to DCFC and see if she could get the refund, She sent his death certificate and letter by email, A reply was sent within a week asking for a little time as they were very short staffed, A cheque followed mid July for the full amount.
    Well done DCFC...an Animal charity were £89 better off.
  9. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from jono in Missing Supporters   
    Maybe Nick Blackman and Jacob Butterfield were super spreaders?
  10. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to Miggins in Missing Supporters   
    I was shopping in Belper last week and my ears pricked up at a conversation between two elderly gents in the aisle at the supermarket. They were lamenting the fact that getting tickets (or season tickets?) was beyond them at present because they couldn't print their tickets. One said that he thought he might have to cancel his direct debit.  A club that is in such dire financial straits should surely be encouraging as many supporters into the ground and removing obstacles. The confusion over season tickets and a closed ticket office just before the start of the season is financial madness or am I missing a huge point somewhere? Surely the income generated by opening up the ticket office and telephone outweighs the cost of staffing it? I really feel for those of our older fans who can't access the system.
  11. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Crewton in Sheff Utd vs Derby County Matchday Thread (league cup)   
    Two great away days there in consecutive years. I can see Phil Gee going clear through on goal even now and when it went through Burridge’s legs - wonderful. 
  12. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Derby4Me in Stupid ticket system   
    What the club is doing regarding ticketing is absolutely baffling. I had an hour’s drive to get a ticket to someone this morning as I would have been unable to meet them off their bus and they can’t stand up for too long.
    He was telling me that the supporters bus he used to use has now been cancelled because the majority can’t sort out tickets and aren’t willing to jump through all the hoops presented to them. I don’t think the majority on here are truly understanding the impact this is having on a certain demographic of our support.
    If I ran a business and the customer numbers fell by 10,000 I would be highly concerned. It seems a pretty shambolic way to run any business, let alone one purporting to be short of cash. 
    Shame really because it is refreshing to be watching a group of players clearly giving everything for the shirt. 
  13. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from jcidaho in Stupid ticket system   
    What the club is doing regarding ticketing is absolutely baffling. I had an hour’s drive to get a ticket to someone this morning as I would have been unable to meet them off their bus and they can’t stand up for too long.
    He was telling me that the supporters bus he used to use has now been cancelled because the majority can’t sort out tickets and aren’t willing to jump through all the hoops presented to them. I don’t think the majority on here are truly understanding the impact this is having on a certain demographic of our support.
    If I ran a business and the customer numbers fell by 10,000 I would be highly concerned. It seems a pretty shambolic way to run any business, let alone one purporting to be short of cash. 
    Shame really because it is refreshing to be watching a group of players clearly giving everything for the shirt. 
  14. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Bob Mash in Missing Supporters   
    It’s farcical if you haven’t got a printer, internet access or a smart phone. As I have put on another thread, the impact our shambolic ticketing policy is having on a certain demographic of our support is far greater than people on here seem to realise. If we had sold our season tickets before the season, like every other club, and issued season ticket cards then I think we would have another couple of thousand at least on the gate. 
    Other factors, such as the club not communicating properly with fans and the absolute shambles that it has become has certainly disenfranchised a lot of people. 
    I am quite enjoying the back to the wall siege mentality personally and am enjoying the greater bond between players and fans and the recognition of where we are as a club and the greater effort on display. I am sure that more will return once we have new owners but fear that COVID combined with mismanagement will have cost us more who will never return. 
  15. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Derby4Me in Missing Supporters   
    It’s farcical if you haven’t got a printer, internet access or a smart phone. As I have put on another thread, the impact our shambolic ticketing policy is having on a certain demographic of our support is far greater than people on here seem to realise. If we had sold our season tickets before the season, like every other club, and issued season ticket cards then I think we would have another couple of thousand at least on the gate. 
    Other factors, such as the club not communicating properly with fans and the absolute shambles that it has become has certainly disenfranchised a lot of people. 
    I am quite enjoying the back to the wall siege mentality personally and am enjoying the greater bond between players and fans and the recognition of where we are as a club and the greater effort on display. I am sure that more will return once we have new owners but fear that COVID combined with mismanagement will have cost us more who will never return. 
  16. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Miggins in Missing Supporters   
    I’m not sure you are right. I also don’t believe that a football club the size of Derby County can’t afford to open the ticket office or answer phone calls. I also don’t believe that it can’t communicate fully with its fan base. The total mismanagement of the club has had a far greater impact on more than the couple of hundred than you think in my opinion. 
  17. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Miggins in Missing Supporters   
    It’s farcical if you haven’t got a printer, internet access or a smart phone. As I have put on another thread, the impact our shambolic ticketing policy is having on a certain demographic of our support is far greater than people on here seem to realise. If we had sold our season tickets before the season, like every other club, and issued season ticket cards then I think we would have another couple of thousand at least on the gate. 
    Other factors, such as the club not communicating properly with fans and the absolute shambles that it has become has certainly disenfranchised a lot of people. 
    I am quite enjoying the back to the wall siege mentality personally and am enjoying the greater bond between players and fans and the recognition of where we are as a club and the greater effort on display. I am sure that more will return once we have new owners but fear that COVID combined with mismanagement will have cost us more who will never return. 
  18. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Deej in Derby County vs Middlesbrough   
    It was a super tackle. The fact that the ball went 50 yards down the pitch told you everything.
    However, let us put petty rivalries aside and pray for their  number 7 who was so badly injured today, numerous times, that it will probably be the end of his career. The fact he kept jumping back up and smiling at the crowd must only have added to the intense pain he must have been feeling. 
    Warnock’s teams never change do they. At least we had a strong ref who wasn’t fooled by it….oh…
  19. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Chester40 in Missing Supporters   
    I’m not sure you are right. I also don’t believe that a football club the size of Derby County can’t afford to open the ticket office or answer phone calls. I also don’t believe that it can’t communicate fully with its fan base. The total mismanagement of the club has had a far greater impact on more than the couple of hundred than you think in my opinion. 
  20. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Angry Ram in Missing Supporters   
    It’s farcical if you haven’t got a printer, internet access or a smart phone. As I have put on another thread, the impact our shambolic ticketing policy is having on a certain demographic of our support is far greater than people on here seem to realise. If we had sold our season tickets before the season, like every other club, and issued season ticket cards then I think we would have another couple of thousand at least on the gate. 
    Other factors, such as the club not communicating properly with fans and the absolute shambles that it has become has certainly disenfranchised a lot of people. 
    I am quite enjoying the back to the wall siege mentality personally and am enjoying the greater bond between players and fans and the recognition of where we are as a club and the greater effort on display. I am sure that more will return once we have new owners but fear that COVID combined with mismanagement will have cost us more who will never return. 
  21. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from MickD in Derby County vs Middlesbrough   
    It was a super tackle. The fact that the ball went 50 yards down the pitch told you everything.
    However, let us put petty rivalries aside and pray for their  number 7 who was so badly injured today, numerous times, that it will probably be the end of his career. The fact he kept jumping back up and smiling at the crowd must only have added to the intense pain he must have been feeling. 
    Warnock’s teams never change do they. At least we had a strong ref who wasn’t fooled by it….oh…
  22. COYR
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from MaltRam in Sheff Utd vs Derby County Matchday Thread (league cup)   
    Two great away days there in consecutive years. I can see Phil Gee going clear through on goal even now and when it went through Burridge’s legs - wonderful. 
  23. COYR
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from HorsforthRam in Sheff Utd vs Derby County Matchday Thread (league cup)   
    Two great away days there in consecutive years. I can see Phil Gee going clear through on goal even now and when it went through Burridge’s legs - wonderful. 
  24. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Derby blood in Stupid ticket system   
    What the club is doing regarding ticketing is absolutely baffling. I had an hour’s drive to get a ticket to someone this morning as I would have been unable to meet them off their bus and they can’t stand up for too long.
    He was telling me that the supporters bus he used to use has now been cancelled because the majority can’t sort out tickets and aren’t willing to jump through all the hoops presented to them. I don’t think the majority on here are truly understanding the impact this is having on a certain demographic of our support.
    If I ran a business and the customer numbers fell by 10,000 I would be highly concerned. It seems a pretty shambolic way to run any business, let alone one purporting to be short of cash. 
    Shame really because it is refreshing to be watching a group of players clearly giving everything for the shirt. 
  25. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from i-Ram in Missing Supporters   
    I’m not sure you are right. I also don’t believe that a football club the size of Derby County can’t afford to open the ticket office or answer phone calls. I also don’t believe that it can’t communicate fully with its fan base. The total mismanagement of the club has had a far greater impact on more than the couple of hundred than you think in my opinion. 
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