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Steve Buckley’s Dog

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  1. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Miggins in Club comms   
    Just had a look and Swansea’s ticket office is open on match days and the day before home games. So both your examples do have an open ticket office, although for limited periods. Looks like we might be the only club with a permanently closed ticket office then! 

    Despite this, it really is immaterial what other clubs are doing as I think it is pretty plain that opening ours would help us sell more tickets and sort out supporter’s problems in a professional, timely and effective manner. 
  2. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Rich84 in Club comms   
    Just had a look and Swansea’s ticket office is open on match days and the day before home games. So both your examples do have an open ticket office, although for limited periods. Looks like we might be the only club with a permanently closed ticket office then! 

    Despite this, it really is immaterial what other clubs are doing as I think it is pretty plain that opening ours would help us sell more tickets and sort out supporter’s problems in a professional, timely and effective manner. 
  3. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Miggins in Club comms   
    I doubt any club in the premiership is in financial difficulty. Ride the gravy train as long as you can safe in the knowledge that you have parachute payments if the worst happened.
    Looks to me, based on managerial resignation and others turning the job down after accepting it, coupled with selling good players seemingly on the cheap, that Swansea are in a bit of trouble now their parachute payments have/are run out. 
    The whole system is of course broken and biased but that is a different conversation. Just strikes me that if a football club needs cash then selling as many tickets as you can and treating your loyal fans with courtesy, respect and common decency whilst communicating honestly is a pretty good idea. 
  4. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to maxjam in Offence archeology on social media   
    Its never enough though is it?  And things are getting worse at an ever increasing rate.
    Since before the beginning of the pandemic I have found myself increasingly at odds with a lot of 'stuff' thats going on.  Mainstream media and social media are both fueling and driving division to such a degree that they see hate almost everywhere - stuff that I just don't see in my everyday life, so I've started to detach. 
    My Sky subscription (of approx 30 years) ends at the end of the month and my TV licence will follow.  Other than here I have very little social media presence and have cancelled all my news subscriptions/follows etc. 
    The world is going bonkers and this is just another example.  Is there really any reason to dig up nearly decade old tweets made by a teenager to punish him as a man?  Its time to drop out, walk my dogs, spend time with my family and live in a reality that is worlds away from the biased hateful crap force fed to you by the media all the time. 
  5. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from derbydaz22 in Club comms   
    I doubt any club in the premiership is in financial difficulty. Ride the gravy train as long as you can safe in the knowledge that you have parachute payments if the worst happened.
    Looks to me, based on managerial resignation and others turning the job down after accepting it, coupled with selling good players seemingly on the cheap, that Swansea are in a bit of trouble now their parachute payments have/are run out. 
    The whole system is of course broken and biased but that is a different conversation. Just strikes me that if a football club needs cash then selling as many tickets as you can and treating your loyal fans with courtesy, respect and common decency whilst communicating honestly is a pretty good idea. 
  6. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in Club comms   
    I doubt any club in the premiership is in financial difficulty. Ride the gravy train as long as you can safe in the knowledge that you have parachute payments if the worst happened.
    Looks to me, based on managerial resignation and others turning the job down after accepting it, coupled with selling good players seemingly on the cheap, that Swansea are in a bit of trouble now their parachute payments have/are run out. 
    The whole system is of course broken and biased but that is a different conversation. Just strikes me that if a football club needs cash then selling as many tickets as you can and treating your loyal fans with courtesy, respect and common decency whilst communicating honestly is a pretty good idea. 
  7. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Rich84 in Club comms   
    I doubt any club in the premiership is in financial difficulty. Ride the gravy train as long as you can safe in the knowledge that you have parachute payments if the worst happened.
    Looks to me, based on managerial resignation and others turning the job down after accepting it, coupled with selling good players seemingly on the cheap, that Swansea are in a bit of trouble now their parachute payments have/are run out. 
    The whole system is of course broken and biased but that is a different conversation. Just strikes me that if a football club needs cash then selling as many tickets as you can and treating your loyal fans with courtesy, respect and common decency whilst communicating honestly is a pretty good idea. 
  8. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Norman in Club comms   
    I doubt any club in the premiership is in financial difficulty. Ride the gravy train as long as you can safe in the knowledge that you have parachute payments if the worst happened.
    Looks to me, based on managerial resignation and others turning the job down after accepting it, coupled with selling good players seemingly on the cheap, that Swansea are in a bit of trouble now their parachute payments have/are run out. 
    The whole system is of course broken and biased but that is a different conversation. Just strikes me that if a football club needs cash then selling as many tickets as you can and treating your loyal fans with courtesy, respect and common decency whilst communicating honestly is a pretty good idea. 
  9. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Crewton in Club comms   
    I doubt any club in the premiership is in financial difficulty. Ride the gravy train as long as you can safe in the knowledge that you have parachute payments if the worst happened.
    Looks to me, based on managerial resignation and others turning the job down after accepting it, coupled with selling good players seemingly on the cheap, that Swansea are in a bit of trouble now their parachute payments have/are run out. 
    The whole system is of course broken and biased but that is a different conversation. Just strikes me that if a football club needs cash then selling as many tickets as you can and treating your loyal fans with courtesy, respect and common decency whilst communicating honestly is a pretty good idea. 
  10. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Dean (hick) Saunders in Club comms   
    I doubt any club in the premiership is in financial difficulty. Ride the gravy train as long as you can safe in the knowledge that you have parachute payments if the worst happened.
    Looks to me, based on managerial resignation and others turning the job down after accepting it, coupled with selling good players seemingly on the cheap, that Swansea are in a bit of trouble now their parachute payments have/are run out. 
    The whole system is of course broken and biased but that is a different conversation. Just strikes me that if a football club needs cash then selling as many tickets as you can and treating your loyal fans with courtesy, respect and common decency whilst communicating honestly is a pretty good idea. 
  11. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Club comms   
    Do these clubs answer emails from the fans and have a phone line you can afford to ring to discuss problems and concerns though?
    The policy of shutting our ticket office isn’t working very well is it. Disenfranchising a large section of the fan base and causing disruption, annoyance and anger amongst your loyal supporters simply isn’t a good business decision.
    Interesting that you cite Swansea as another in the championship with no ticket office open - another club in financial trouble by the looks of things?
  12. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to Rich84 in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    I feel your pain, the inability to talk directly to a person face to face and get a resolution there and then is painful, 8 emails, 2 phone calls and still having to wait for another email response, 6 minutes on hold while the call answerer presumably spoke to someone else before saying send another email was the last interaction 4 days ago........
    Whenever I've had to sort things in the past in the tkt office the front of house goes and gets someone who can make a decision from the back and it is resolved in 10 minutes,  not over 1 hr on the phone and emails stretching back for 6 weeks and still no resolution. 
    I have asked numerous times for someone that can make a decision to call me back, to no avail, they just don't seem to care.
    I have made comments in my emails that I may have to take this to a claims process if not resolved, and I'm encouraged that the Sheff Wed fans have had success with this.
    It may be about time some of us got together and declare a joint intent to put claims in to wake this farce of a club up.
  13. Cheers
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Rich84 in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    The replies being sent out via email are just embarrassing- it’s like they send a standard response without reading the content. It’s becoming frustrating beyond belief. There will come a time soon when I give up or go the way of those Sheff Weds fans. 
  14. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Rich84 in Club comms   
    Do these clubs answer emails from the fans and have a phone line you can afford to ring to discuss problems and concerns though?
    The policy of shutting our ticket office isn’t working very well is it. Disenfranchising a large section of the fan base and causing disruption, annoyance and anger amongst your loyal supporters simply isn’t a good business decision.
    Interesting that you cite Swansea as another in the championship with no ticket office open - another club in financial trouble by the looks of things?
  15. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Derby4Me in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    Finally got a response to my email - 14 days later - and they have completely ignored all the points raised in my correspondence! I have replied pointing this out but presumably have to now wait another 14 days. I have never known such incompetence in terms of communicating with your ‘customers’ and I have had to deal with Virgin Media and BT! 
    The way this club is being run into the ground is bizarre. Pubs are open, shops are open, theme parks are open. Why can’t our ticket office be open? Why can’t we just go the ground and speak to someone to resolve our issues! Why are we haemorrhaging money unnecessarily in this way due to lost ticket sales. 
    If we can’t afford to employ people in these key administrative areas then the EFL must be right to keep us under embargo. 
    I am finding it worrying and extremely annoying. I just want to concentrate on the football to be honest. 
  16. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to JG400 in Local Journalism   
    Really frustrated with the lack of any comms from Club or EFL along with everyone on here , but I am pretty disappointed with the output from the local journals , be it paper or Radio, I am sure that they will say that there hands are tied and that they ask DCFC for a response everyday but get no comment, further more let me state that I have a lot of time and respect for the guys at Radio Derby  (plus also zero time or anything else for the click bait that calls itself the Derby Evening telegraph) , however is Investigative Journalism dead ? or is it smothered by a don't ask questions that will get us banned ?
    National Papers will only give so much space/time to DCFC  and then only the more sensational news bites , a local journalist has a audience who are invested in there local club and therefore digging for detail must be worth while 
  17. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to 24Charlie in Club comms   
    The club may not be able to answer questions related to ongoing disciplinary issues but they can certainly explain the decision to shut the ticket office.
    This decision is so stupid that it defies belief. It is purely a club decision which has had a hugely negative affect on attendances and therefore income.
    If we get a answer to this question we may be closer to getting to the bottom of what is really going on.
  18. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Chester40 in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    Finally got a response to my email - 14 days later - and they have completely ignored all the points raised in my correspondence! I have replied pointing this out but presumably have to now wait another 14 days. I have never known such incompetence in terms of communicating with your ‘customers’ and I have had to deal with Virgin Media and BT! 
    The way this club is being run into the ground is bizarre. Pubs are open, shops are open, theme parks are open. Why can’t our ticket office be open? Why can’t we just go the ground and speak to someone to resolve our issues! Why are we haemorrhaging money unnecessarily in this way due to lost ticket sales. 
    If we can’t afford to employ people in these key administrative areas then the EFL must be right to keep us under embargo. 
    I am finding it worrying and extremely annoying. I just want to concentrate on the football to be honest. 
  19. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Abu Derby in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    Finally got a response to my email - 14 days later - and they have completely ignored all the points raised in my correspondence! I have replied pointing this out but presumably have to now wait another 14 days. I have never known such incompetence in terms of communicating with your ‘customers’ and I have had to deal with Virgin Media and BT! 
    The way this club is being run into the ground is bizarre. Pubs are open, shops are open, theme parks are open. Why can’t our ticket office be open? Why can’t we just go the ground and speak to someone to resolve our issues! Why are we haemorrhaging money unnecessarily in this way due to lost ticket sales. 
    If we can’t afford to employ people in these key administrative areas then the EFL must be right to keep us under embargo. 
    I am finding it worrying and extremely annoying. I just want to concentrate on the football to be honest. 
  20. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to MACKWORTHRAM in Embargo.   
    All these supporters paying for match day tickets and now putting copious amounts of money into the club for season tickets.
    And our owner doesn't have the common decency to submit the accounts on time or to pay other clubs what they are owed and to even offer communication to the fans.
    Where are these minutes from the meeting? After they were submitted back to the club we haven't heard a single thing.
    It's an absolute shambles.
    I've seen people respond to this charge be saying the EFL have it in for us.
    Well they might do, they might not.
    But if they give us a deadline to submit our accounts and we don't do it and then we decide we aren't going to pay a transfer fee installment that is due. Then the blame lies solely at one man's door.
    Anyone sticking up for him is deluded.
    No ticket office, no mascots, no roadrider, more charges, no communication.
    I love this club. But right now I hate everything that it has become.
  21. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to Ambitious in Embargo.   
    It's not even a protest for him to walk away. It's more of a protest to get their act together. 
    I don't want Morris gone for the sake of it. I want him to act like any other owner in the Championship with a club not under embargo. I want to become a football fan again, not constantly having to worry about off-the-field issues. I want a club that has an open ticket office. 
  22. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to MACKWORTHRAM in Embargo.   
    All we have are assumptions.
    Owing to the disgusting lack of communication from the football club.
  23. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Tamworthram in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    Seems like that puts you in the lead! What an incompetent organisation. It absolutely beggars belief how badly we are being run. They might as well put Beilik and CKR in the ticket office. 
  24. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Saul in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    Currently on 11 days waiting for my reply. It is absolutely shambolic. I think everyone on the administration and ownership side of the club has completely lost interest. No wonder fans can’t get ticket issues sorted. A month into the season and we still haven’t opened our ticket office or opened phone lines, even in our darkest days we managed to sort things like this out. It is nothing short of disgraceful and incompetent. 
  25. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to ram59 in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    It's so short sighted of the club not to man the ticket office. The annual cost of a few employees would have been met in extra ticket sales in the first game alone.
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