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Steve Buckley’s Dog

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  1. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Rample in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    If we listen to it are we allowed to talk about if afterwards or is there a NDA online that listeners have to sign? 
  2. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    If we listen to it are we allowed to talk about if afterwards or is there a NDA online that listeners have to sign? 
  3. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Wsm-ram in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    If we listen to it are we allowed to talk about if afterwards or is there a NDA online that listeners have to sign? 
  4. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from StockholmRam in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    If we listen to it are we allowed to talk about if afterwards or is there a NDA online that listeners have to sign? 
  5. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    If we listen to it are we allowed to talk about if afterwards or is there a NDA online that listeners have to sign? 
  6. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Bob The Badger in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    If we listen to it are we allowed to talk about if afterwards or is there a NDA online that listeners have to sign? 
  7. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from strawhillram in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    If we listen to it are we allowed to talk about if afterwards or is there a NDA online that listeners have to sign? 
  8. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Ramarena in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    If we listen to it are we allowed to talk about if afterwards or is there a NDA online that listeners have to sign? 
  9. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Owen87ITK in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    If we listen to it are we allowed to talk about if afterwards or is there a NDA online that listeners have to sign? 
  10. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Rammeister in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    If we listen to it are we allowed to talk about if afterwards or is there a NDA online that listeners have to sign? 
  11. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from SSD in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    If we listen to it are we allowed to talk about if afterwards or is there a NDA online that listeners have to sign? 
  12. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Red_Dawn in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    If we listen to it are we allowed to talk about if afterwards or is there a NDA online that listeners have to sign? 
  13. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Chester40 in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    If we listen to it are we allowed to talk about if afterwards or is there a NDA online that listeners have to sign? 
  14. Haha
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from MackworthRamIsGod in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    If we listen to it are we allowed to talk about if afterwards or is there a NDA online that listeners have to sign? 
  15. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from LittleEatonRam in Notice to appoint administrators   
    I lived in Leeds when they went into administration. People with small businesses who had very little lost everything. Same in Leicester I imagine. Look at those clubs now, both paying wages of over £100k a week and sod the little people.
    It’s these people I feel sorry for and those decent people who work within the club who won’t know if they will be paying their mortgages in the next few months. Meanwhile the likes of Sam Rush, bang average players like Ikechi Anya and so many agents we probably couldn’t count them will all be sitting in their mansions no doubt not giving a poo. Football is completely broken and I am sick of it. Thanks Mel, thanks Steven, thanks Keogh- super work. 
  16. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Stoke at home   
    Wow. What a day. It was special. A day I will never forget. 17,000 Derby fans but it may as well have been 30,000 such was the noise and every fan 100% behind the team and the coaching staff. 
    Then the game. What a performance. Some superb counter attacking and glimpses of real quality. Ravel at times today (especially in the first half) was equal to Stefano Eranio   with those passes in the box, magical. Stunning goal from Max Bird who was also outstanding in the first half (what a player he is). Baldock should’ve scored, Ravel should’ve scored, we should’ve been 3-0 up and out of sight but then the Ince goal made it nervy. That said never had any doubts we would close it out. To a man the players were superb today and showed they care. Likewise Rooney and Rosenior. 
    I was in tears at full time, so proud of all of them and for the fans unbelievable support of them. It felt like we’re in this together. duck the rest of the football world, duck Mel Morris, no bitching about 3 wins in 20 odd and Rooney isn’t the right man. Everyone backing the team backing the coaches backing the club, backing each other - as one. It was truly special.
    Its to be a part of days like today is why I’m a football fan and why I love this club so dearly. It will be a bumpy road but if we stick together we will come back stronger!!
    COYR!! ?????????
  17. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to BobbyTheReadingFan in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Hey All,
    I heard this news earlier. I don't know much about the history of how you got to this stage but I know that it's due to mismanagement and really poor conduct by owners. I also heard Rooney earlier say he heard about the Administration when watching TV. 
    I was gutted to hear this latest update. I like Derby - although that's not really the point at the minute...
    I think the point that I wanted to make is that every single football fan really needs to take notice here. It could be there club next. It doesn't matter if they're your biggest rivals, you hate the club, etc.. it's more than that. I'm sick of seeing rich owners come in, playing at being a chairman, making poor decisions or taking risks and then putting the whole club in jeopardy. I'm also sick of the rest of the footballing world just ignore it and almost watch on with mild interest to see what happens. We're all football fans first and foremost and clubs like yours and others have been around well over a hundred years and form a huge part of the community. 
    It's the fans that really suffer here. Not to mention the staff, those in back office roles, canteen staff, cleaners, car park attendants, maintainance people, etc... 
    Anyway, I hope that there is some better news for you soon although I realise things look bleak. I know you're going to try to negotiate on the points deduction, either way hopefully there's some clarity and closure on that so you at least know where you stand and can focus on football. 
    Great result today as well (at least that's one positive!) 
  18. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to Bigfella in Stoke at home   
    Not sure if someone else has put this up but a bit of class from Michael O’Neill 
    “We had two really good chances before we did score, but I can't begrudge Derby the win, they've had a really difficult 24 hours.
    "I thought they showed great spirit in how they played, the crowd were terrific as well."
  19. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in I take it back...   
    Ive never been a big fan of Rooney and have been critical of him throughout his time at Derby,in both roles, but today he impressed me with his humility and consideration for the hundreds of staff who are facing redundancy at the club.
    In addition he continued to express his loyalty to the club and seemed to mean it.
    I'm slowly warming to him through these difficult times.
  20. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from TheTinMan in Views From the Outside 21/22   
    Genuine football fans realise what this means to ordinary people and it brings a certain unity. Leeds fans seem very pleased by the whole thing. I draw solace from the fact that that night still hurts them and it always will. You would have thought they would know better having had local people lose their livelihoods when it happened to them but obviously not. 
  21. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Kathcairns in Views From the Outside 21/22   
    Genuine football fans realise what this means to ordinary people and it brings a certain unity. Leeds fans seem very pleased by the whole thing. I draw solace from the fact that that night still hurts them and it always will. You would have thought they would know better having had local people lose their livelihoods when it happened to them but obviously not. 
  22. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Miggins in Notice to appoint administrators   
    I lived in Leeds when they went into administration. People with small businesses who had very little lost everything. Same in Leicester I imagine. Look at those clubs now, both paying wages of over £100k a week and sod the little people.
    It’s these people I feel sorry for and those decent people who work within the club who won’t know if they will be paying their mortgages in the next few months. Meanwhile the likes of Sam Rush, bang average players like Ikechi Anya and so many agents we probably couldn’t count them will all be sitting in their mansions no doubt not giving a poo. Football is completely broken and I am sick of it. Thanks Mel, thanks Steven, thanks Keogh- super work. 
  23. Clap
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Miggins in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Cheer up everyone. I have been talking to a mate who is a Leicester fan who speaks very highly about going into administration. Champions in 4 years! 
  24. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from cstand in Notice to appoint administrators   
    I lived in Leeds when they went into administration. People with small businesses who had very little lost everything. Same in Leicester I imagine. Look at those clubs now, both paying wages of over £100k a week and sod the little people.
    It’s these people I feel sorry for and those decent people who work within the club who won’t know if they will be paying their mortgages in the next few months. Meanwhile the likes of Sam Rush, bang average players like Ikechi Anya and so many agents we probably couldn’t count them will all be sitting in their mansions no doubt not giving a poo. Football is completely broken and I am sick of it. Thanks Mel, thanks Steven, thanks Keogh- super work. 
  25. Like
    Steve Buckley’s Dog got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Notice to appoint administrators   
    I lived in Leeds when they went into administration. People with small businesses who had very little lost everything. Same in Leicester I imagine. Look at those clubs now, both paying wages of over £100k a week and sod the little people.
    It’s these people I feel sorry for and those decent people who work within the club who won’t know if they will be paying their mortgages in the next few months. Meanwhile the likes of Sam Rush, bang average players like Ikechi Anya and so many agents we probably couldn’t count them will all be sitting in their mansions no doubt not giving a poo. Football is completely broken and I am sick of it. Thanks Mel, thanks Steven, thanks Keogh- super work. 
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