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    Rammy03 got a reaction from Mimester in Derby County versus Northampton Town (H) Match Thread   
  2. COYR
    Rammy03 reacted to oomarkwright in Live football thread.   
    Come back Mason, you know you want to and we will look after you properly. 
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    Rammy03 got a reaction from HectorsHouse in Derby County versus Northampton Town (H) Match Thread   
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    Rammy03 got a reaction from LazloW in Derby County versus Northampton Town (H) Match Thread   
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    Rammy03 reacted to WilkoRam in Derby County versus Northampton Town (H) Match Thread   
    Can we not all just enjoy the win and the performance? We can talk about how poor Northampton might have been but I for one have been calling out for entertainment and we got that but rather than enjoying it some still want to dismiss it.
    We won, it was good, time will tell if it’s a corner turned or not but enjoy it for what it is. 
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    Rammy03 got a reaction from Premier ram in Derby County versus Northampton Town (H) Match Thread   
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    Rammy03 got a reaction from Jase116 in Derby County versus Northampton Town (H) Match Thread   
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    Rammy03 got a reaction from InstaRam in Derby County versus Northampton Town (H) Match Thread   
  9. COYR
    Rammy03 got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Derby County versus Northampton Town (H) Match Thread   
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    Rammy03 got a reaction from DerbyAleMan in Derby County versus Northampton Town (H) Match Thread   
  11. Clap
    Rammy03 reacted to hintonsboots in Hourihane gone in January?   
    I would prefer him to stay, 7 goals and 10 assists last season, ? 2 goals and 4 assists this season so far. His stats are very similar to the much lauded Barry Bannan (22/23). Key part of the squad and willing to have polite discussions with the fans.
  12. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Yoxoram in Hourihane gone in January?   
    It always amazes me, how little, football supporters understand football. I'm hoping that the speculation is wrong.
  13. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to valakari in John Eustace   
    Ipswich under McKenna
  14. Clap
    Rammy03 reacted to Day in John Eustace   
    I was expecting this link to appear.
    Eustace sacked.
    Rooney takes over.
    Warne under fan pressure.
    Eustace ex Derby.
    Bing bong bash, we have an article to fill a quiet Wednesday morning.
  15. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to 1of4 in Derby County versus Northampton Town (H) Match Thread   
    Most confused, after seeing all the recent posts from the Warne out section, that is his football is boring clueless hoof-ball, lacking in sparkle.
    So why am I seeing words like treat, enjoy, great entertainment, amazing and playing through midfield, from people describing tonights performance? Could the call for the sacking of Warne, be a little premature?
    Should we show the same faith, that Clowes has in Warne and give both our full support?
  16. Haha
    Rammy03 reacted to CBRammette in How Paul Warne survives!   
  17. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to CBRammette in Derby County versus Northampton Town (H) Match Thread   
    Dunno but he looks happy at half time
  18. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Topram in Derby County versus Northampton Town (H) Match Thread   
    They’re certainly playing for Warne and Co 
  19. Haha
    Rammy03 reacted to TheRamOfSwad in Derby County versus Northampton Town (H) Match Thread   
    Crisp passing, fluid positional movement, triangle passing, high energy... it's all too much!!! bring back Warneball!!! 🤣
  20. Haha
    Rammy03 reacted to Ramos in Derby County versus Northampton Town (H) Match Thread   
    *glues season ticket back together 
  21. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to Jourdan in Warne Out Out   
    Maybe Rosenior had already planned his next move, much like Rooney?
    I don’t think you can blame Clowes for the Rosenior situation.
    Was it guaranteed that Rosenior would succeed? Was it guaranteed that Rosenior would sign a deal to stay? Would we have been able to invest in the squad in the same way Hull have been able to? 
    Warne might not succeed here but it’s a separate issue. It doesn’t automatically make moving on from Rosenior a mistake.
  22. Clap
    Rammy03 got a reaction from StarterForTen in Warne Out Out   
    Said arsenal fans about arteta. I'm not saying Warne is going to be the second coming of pep but I think he needs more time. We've not been bad enough to sack him yet.
  23. Clap
    Rammy03 got a reaction from maxjam in Warne Out Out   
    Said arsenal fans about arteta. I'm not saying Warne is going to be the second coming of pep but I think he needs more time. We've not been bad enough to sack him yet.
  24. Like
    Rammy03 got a reaction from Caerphilly Ram in Warne Out Out   
    Said arsenal fans about arteta. I'm not saying Warne is going to be the second coming of pep but I think he needs more time. We've not been bad enough to sack him yet.
  25. Like
    Rammy03 reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Warne Out Out   
    It’s the dreaded vote of confidence. Historically it often is the precursor a parting of ways not long after. This is most likely due to the fact it only happens (the vote of confidence) when things aren’t going well and in most cases the rot has set in the situation is irretrievable.
    Clowes is steady and won’t be knee jerk, the fact he’s his man he will give him every chance to turn this around. But he needs to do just that, turn things around or we could be here in a month further away from where we want to be and the pressure will only build. If we don’t win the next two home games and get knocked out of the cup Clowes’ resolve will be tested. 
    He needs a winning run akin to the one we had last season when he first came in, that will give him breathing space and probably get him through to the end of the season but we still need to finish top 6.
    Ive felt a lot of the criticism about Warne has been knee jerk, I think people have seen things interviews to fit their narrative (Even the Warne interview at the weekend has been blown out of proportion in my view - great work from Dom Dietrich by the way), but this season particularly there seems less of a plan, the football is tougher to watch and we are not improving, in fact we are going backwards. It’s going to need some turnaround.
    The league is poor this season, Pompey looked as average as we did at PP yet they’re walking the league, feels right now that we are spaffing a major opportunity. 
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