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  1. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to Woodley Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Quick question if both claims go to full arbitration and are proven to be false can we go after them for the problems they have caused 
  2. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to Charlie George in -15 points on exiting administration??   
    Ignore Maguire. He's a self opinionated stirrer.
  3. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to Van der MoodHoover in The Administration Thread   
    Of course they can be challenged. But through proper channels (financial reporting Council and ultimately statute). 
    What you cannot do is what the EFL have done, which is to seek to override accounting regulations in order to make things "fit" into rules they do have jurisdiction over. Ie the P&S calcs. 
  4. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to duncanjwitham in The Administration Thread   
    Unfortunately for you, *if* the EFL decide that overspending requires paying compensation to the teams you displace, then you owe us about £90m I reckon, and if you don’t pay up, you’ll get kicked out of the league.  And rinse and repeat for dozens and dozens of other cases across the league.  Obviously we’re all hoping it doesn’t come down to that, because it would be absolutely insane. But that’s what’s at stake here.
  5. Haha
    SaffyRam reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
  6. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to Van der MoodHoover in The Administration Thread   
    I thought it was that they had met the required standards in that they were "audited" and that audit would confirm among other things that the accounts had been prepared in accordance with frs102. 
    Clearly, in common with general lack of understanding, the EFL do not know the purpose of an audit, nor of the room for varying interpretations within the boundaries of frs102. 
    Utterly incompetent rule setting. 
  7. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to G STAR RAM in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    Another question to add if you do engage with him.
    For the 3 years ended 30 June 2018, the comparative figures for our 2 clubs were as follows:-
    DCFC £108m
    Boro   £146m
    Net Transfer Spend
    DCFC £38m
    Boro   £90m
    Do you really believe that DCFC gained a competitive advantage over Boro by using a different method of amortisation?
  8. COYR
    SaffyRam reacted to RoyMac5 in Krystian Bielik   
  9. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    Pretty sure that will have been part of the political pressure. Would be very different if noone wants to buy us but apparently some heroic mad people do. How can you defend that loss to the public purse in the circumstances? Dont think "mr gibson said it wasnt fair" will wash somehow 
  10. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to Ram a lamb a ding dong in CALLING MEL MORRIS   
    I've bit my lip long enough.....
    I'm not Interested in MM one bit. He is 100% to blame for all this and clearly doesn't care much for the people of Derby, especially with us being dragged through the mire.
    If it were me I would hold up my hands admit I've screwed up and do what I can to put things right before sailing off in to the sunset. If he had no links with Derbyshire you could make excuse for him. The fact he's from Derby makes it downright shameful.
    If I had the money I would bail the club out as I know what the club means to the people of Derby. It absolutely breaks me that I could have taken my Grandson to PP for the last time and it is all down to MM
  11. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to ollycutts1982 in Let's get national media coverage   
    There are enough disgruntled fans out there from numerous other clubs to raise the notion the EFL isn't fit for purpose, us, Birmingham, Bolton, Wigan, Bury, Macclesfield. 
    If a coordinated effort was made to bring fans together and get everyone banging the same drum the cause would soon gain momentum. Look at what we achieved in a few days last week.
  12. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in The Administration Thread   
    Nice one, @HuddersRam
  13. Haha
    SaffyRam reacted to JfR in The Administration Thread   
    "Your players are all rubbish, but also, why aren't you selling them to us?"
  14. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to ariotofmyown in The Administration Thread   
    Let's get ourselves sorted. Then combine with other screwed over clubs to get real change. That Bury MP will be up for it.
  15. Cheers
    SaffyRam reacted to Heisenberg in The Administration Thread   
  16. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    Accounts were audited by professional. P&S documents go to the EFL based on the accounts. The EFL accepted them.
    Why would you change what you're doing if the EFL are accepting them?
  17. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to Curtains in The Administration Thread   
    I lost the plot with Simon because I was annoyed but I tried to get my point across-nevertheless
  18. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to Indy in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    Back on topic - there were some posts somewhere about ignoring trolls on social media. I think a lot of other fans have opinions based on false info they’ve been fed relentlessly for a year or more. I try and engage with them. 
    Yesterday had a Boro fan questioning the stadium sale and saying we cheated. Originally he thought Pearce was on the panel that cleared it!? Anyway I explained what happened (below) and got a supportive response. 
    Might be a small thing, but it’s possible that the next time his Boro mates are talking about us cheating, he might pipe up and say they might’ve been misled as to what’s actually happened. 
    Some fans are morons. Most are just going on the info they’ve heard (been fed). This is why getting Parliament, Sky, the Mail, the Times etc making our case is so important - as people then make an opinion based on that. 

  19. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to G STAR RAM in The Administration Thread   
    No accountant would recognise them in the accounts.
    Would possibly be noted as a contingent liability.
  20. Haha
    SaffyRam reacted to RoyMac5 in Only one team?   
    Ask for your money back.
  21. COYR
    SaffyRam reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in The Administration Thread   
    We ain’t going to league one, two or any further below. 
    Preferred bidder will be announced in time for us to make 3 signings and by the end of our game against Birmingham we’re going to be just 5 points off safety. 
    The EFL have done us a favour, they’ve just made Derby county a stronger club, they’ve brought us all together and that means only one thing - going up to the Premier League and as far away from the EFL as possible within the next 2-3 years. 
    Just imagine the celebrations when we come out of the bottom 3. 
  22. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to Ambitious in The Administration Thread   
    The absolute clown show that is the EFL would be at its absolute peak if they allowed us to liquidate and then start again in League Two. Talk about wanting their cake and eating it too. 
    I would hazard a guess that Derby County have been on TV significantly more so than any other team in the Championship this year? It seems like we've been on TV for roughly a third of our games. We are a cash cow to them and they're willing to throw their entire league structure so that they can guarantee we would be a league club and they can continue to milk us? 
    It's obviously good for us, honestly if it's a case of League One with a ton of debt and potential point deductions in the future due to the administration process or liquidation and a start again in League Two with a clean slate then obviously the latter makes a ton more sense. I just find it laughable how badly they're trying to screw us, now they're worried we could go bust they're wanting to protect their own investment. Rancid. 
  23. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to strawhillram in Fans are our own worst enemy at times   
    My love of football has died this last few years, the commerciality, the corrupt efl, the scavenger behaviour of clubs and the vulgar behaviour of some fans 
  24. Like
    SaffyRam reacted to Indy in Fans are our own worst enemy at times   
    Less rubbing salt in the wound, more like turning off the life support. 
  25. Clap
    SaffyRam reacted to RoyMac5 in Fans are our own worst enemy at times   
    No. He IS responsible for our situation now.
    If it wasn't Gibson and Couhigs claims, then Q would have announced a preffered bidder and we'd be on our way to coming out of admin and with the possibility of staying up.
    Now because of those claims we have 'hints' being leaked from the EFL that they will 'pragmatically' allow us to restart in League 2 (oh how could be not be grateful?)...
    Ultimately they are responsible.
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