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Dean (hick) Saunders

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  2. Haha
    Dean (hick) Saunders reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    Well if he didn't have an incentive before...
  3. Clap
    Dean (hick) Saunders reacted to B4ev6is in The Administration Thread   
    You better get cooked ready then.
  4. Haha
    Dean (hick) Saunders got a reaction from Boycie in The Administration Thread   
  5. Haha
    Dean (hick) Saunders got a reaction from SaffyRam in The Administration Thread   
  6. Haha
    Dean (hick) Saunders got a reaction from alexxxxx in The Administration Thread   
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    Dean (hick) Saunders reacted to i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Bottom line is Mel wants MSD repaid - be that £20m or £22m or even a bit more - from this administration process.
    Ashley, nor any other serious businessperson imo, is going to pay large bucks for the club without taking full stadium ownership. So if Morris sells to the Council I think Ashley and others will walk away from the table (not that Ashley is overly close to the table at the minute). No matter what all the twisting and turning of this thread, the problem is Morris. He should personally settle the debts with MSD, and agree to hand ‘our stadium’ back, foc, as part of the sale. The Administrators can then actually complete their job which is to get the best recovery possible for the creditors, and to make sure who they select through the process, has the wherewithal to run the club after it comes out of administration. In short, cough up and duck off Morris.
  8. Like
    Dean (hick) Saunders reacted to Chester40 in The Administration Thread   
    I'm sure they do.
    If I were Mel, no way would I want to be leveraged by Ashley to give him the stadium and save him £20mill when he has billions in the bank and has a reputation of further asset stripping rather then investment.
    Maybe cutting a deal with the council feels much more palatable for Mel.
  9. Like
    Dean (hick) Saunders got a reaction from GenBr in The Administration Thread   
    If it could make a real difference then we could discuss it (crowd fund) but in reality we (fans) would be staving off liquidation for a few weeks*. What’s the point in that case? Better putting our hard earned into Phoenix club…
    *Worse than that, funding Q’s bar bill.
  10. Clap
    Dean (hick) Saunders got a reaction from TheresOnlyWanChope in The Administration Thread   
    If it could make a real difference then we could discuss it (crowd fund) but in reality we (fans) would be staving off liquidation for a few weeks*. What’s the point in that case? Better putting our hard earned into Phoenix club…
    *Worse than that, funding Q’s bar bill.
  11. Like
    Dean (hick) Saunders got a reaction from CBRammette in Suggestions to Save Derby County   
    Anyone in the right line of work able to describe to those that aren’t at what level of rent it would need to be to make sound business sense (stadium rent back) for the kind of figures we are talking?
    With interest rates being so low, then if it is a better figure (ROI) than in bank (or other investment options) then it presumably should be ok for fans or non fans.
  12. Like
    Dean (hick) Saunders reacted to Tyler Durden in The Administration Thread   
    How exactly are Quantuma going to be able to make an interested party submit a formal offer for the club nevermind compel the same party to make that bid sufficient to satisfy the EFLs creditors requirements? 
    I don't see what leverage Quantuma have at all. Its out of their hands. We're now totally reliant on buyers thinking it's a good enough punt to spend their money on, Quantuma can't polish the turd which Morris left them to deal with. 
  13. Like
    Dean (hick) Saunders reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    Sports Direct. 
  14. Like
    Dean (hick) Saunders reacted to ilkleyram in The Administration Thread   
    Probably - and I’m completely guessing - because what Q have actually received is two (let's accept that the statements made about a uk and US group are true) indicative offers for the club plus an ‘expression of interest' from Mike Ashley's team.  
    An indicative offer says two things - 1) this is broadly what we will pay for X, over this timescale and 2) we are interested in buying the club.
    ‘An expession of interest' is just that - we are interested in buying the club. But it contains no firm financial offer.
    From what we know of MA that’s how he works - he takes everything down to the wire to get the best possible deal. He also knows how to manipulate the media and the public/fan view to his best advantage. He knows he’s in a good position. He will be playing us and Q. 
    The other two groups - presuming the UK one is not MA - are taking a similar line, I’m guessing. They have each made an indicative offer which will be subject to conditions which will not meet what Q would ideally like but which get them in the game. But because they are indicative offers they need a lot of discussion and negotiation about what they may mean in practice. Those discussions may, or may not, lead to a formal offer.
    Nowhere in any of the statements have we heard of a formal offer for the club.  My bet is that we haven’t had one as such. Yet. Therefore it is impossible for Q to identify and announce a PB. The NDAs will absolutely prevent them from being any more open about who, why and what than they have been - and clearly they haven’t handled the PR well. They’ve raised expectations and then had hopes dashed; they’ve set timescales and procedures and the 'buyers' have done their own thing.
    It will, probably, go down to the wire. The problem for we fans (and probably Q as well) is when is the wire? Is it when the money runs out? When’s that? Is it after the Cardiff match or the end of May when the season ends or the end of June when contracts finish? Perhaps it’s when the fixtures are due to be announced; maybe it’s when we actually know what division we will be in next year or when the EFL judge when we have or do not have enough money to fulfill next season’s fixtures. There will be a point when something has to give and that’s the moment it will get exciting. It could come before if one of the groups jumps the gun and makes an offer; it could be the moment of liquidation. Timing in acquisitions is all, and can be worth millions of pounds. 

    If I were Q I would be getting irritated by the groups interested. I would be (belatedly) upping my PR game; I would be (very carefully) leaking stories to the press; I would be taking a risk and putting Wayne in front of them directly to emphasise the footballing issues; I would, now, define the end date, the point of liquidation and I would engage the EFL in that strategy. In short I would be increasing the pressure on them to make formal offers and move the process forward, quicker. 
  15. Haha
    Dean (hick) Saunders got a reaction from Mihangel in Please don't go on the pitch tomorrow.   
  16. Clap
    Dean (hick) Saunders got a reaction from Magicman in Luke Plange - signed for Palace & loaned back   
    Not looked like a future prem star in the last few weeks?
  17. Clap
    Dean (hick) Saunders got a reaction from Asanovic70 in The Administration Thread   
    So…. Let’s leave it a bit longer then?
    Weve done so many rounds of final bids that we must be done (positively or forked).
    You can’t wIth a straight face keep giving deadlines to the “interested parties” and then…. “Ok this time I REALLY mean it, give me your best and final”…
  18. Clap
    Dean (hick) Saunders got a reaction from Jimbo Ram in The Administration Thread   
    So…. Let’s leave it a bit longer then?
    Weve done so many rounds of final bids that we must be done (positively or forked).
    You can’t wIth a straight face keep giving deadlines to the “interested parties” and then…. “Ok this time I REALLY mean it, give me your best and final”…
  19. Like
    Dean (hick) Saunders got a reaction from r_wilcockson in The Administration Thread   
    Why can’t we name PB? Not sure I get it.
    Even if none of the interested parties have offered as much as Q would like, why can’t the best of them be the PB?
    Does this mean we have actually NO BIDS at all or if there are then they are with possibly unworkable strings attached which makes them in effect not a bid at all.
  20. Like
    Dean (hick) Saunders got a reaction from r_wilcockson in The Administration Thread   
    So…. Let’s leave it a bit longer then?
    Weve done so many rounds of final bids that we must be done (positively or forked).
    You can’t wIth a straight face keep giving deadlines to the “interested parties” and then…. “Ok this time I REALLY mean it, give me your best and final”…
  21. Haha
    Dean (hick) Saunders reacted to Yani P in Please don't go on the pitch tomorrow.   
    was it chicken?
  22. Clap
    Dean (hick) Saunders reacted to Jimbo Ram in The Administration Thread   
    So how long do we leave it then?
  23. Clap
    Dean (hick) Saunders got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Lee Buchanan   
    Eboselee was not very goodeee todayeee
  24. Like
    Dean (hick) Saunders reacted to May Contain Nuts in The Administration Thread   
    Credible buyers they may be, but it doesn't stop them leading Quantuma the garden path by telling them they're prepared to make bids at a certain level and then not providing the figures talked about when the bid actually goes in though, altering the bids according to what's happened on the pitch and our chances of relegation.
    The fans demand an update again and again and again and again, don't like it when they think they're being fobbed off so won't accept 'things are ongoing', they want timescales to hold people to.
    (Actually some seem fine being fobbed off by Ashley's advisors and the occasional 'I'm still interested" email from Appleby)
    They want and can only get these timescales from Quantuma, but Quantuma can only give these timescales based on the info provided to them by the bidders. Info from the bidders says one thing, Quantuma answer the fans demands, bidder doesn't follow through, Quantuma's answer becomes a lie and a missed deadline.
    Rinse. Repeat. 
    Things look ever more bleak, the fans demand another update. They want the truth. Except they don't really want the truth they want to be told that everything's going to be OK.
    The Kirchner (aka Chief Loudmouth) at Preston situation should provide a wake up call to the possibility of the bidders pissing about and not being true to their word. Has he been on twitter giving it the big 'un again, or is there no Quantuma or Mel Morris for him to blame for his own shortcomings this time?
  25. Like
    Dean (hick) Saunders reacted to Day in Please don't go on the pitch tomorrow.   
    There has been social media campaigns to see fans on the pitch. Bringing attention to our dire situation.
    Going on the pitch tomorrow will only hurt the club, as in the staff, management and players.
    Quantuma, EFL, will not have a sleepless night.
    We are in desperate times, I understand, feel the frustration and anger.
    I have created this topic using my own voice, my own thoughts with no communication from anyone at the club in the hope it keeps some fans off the pitch.
    Just one fan, using his own voice asking you all to stop and think.
    There has to be better ways in letting our voices be heard without affecting  the team. 
    So far this season, the one positive we can take is the support for this club, it's been second to none. 
    There is one man tomorrow that deserves that same level of support, one man that does not deserve to see his remaining games abandoned for crowd trouble.
    Wayne Rooney. 
    Come on Derby!
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