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  1. Haha
    BaaLocks reacted to ariotofmyown in If 3 points are not your thing, you could celebrate....   
    Which other forum Members have you been on a date with? And did you realise any of them were dates?
  2. Like
    BaaLocks got a reaction from NottsRam in Boxing Thread   
    Good display from Zach Parker, looked a bit tired towards the end but a clinical disection of a tough opponent.
  3. Like
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in 11 Points   
    Only five teams have ever got less than twenty points - it is hard to put into words just how unbreakable our record is. And with the pile of very average teams at the bottom of the table all likely to take some points off each other this is not the season it will happen. And, for sure, it won't be Forest who are bottom at the end of this season.
    I did a thread last year, that I think now has been archived, to calculate what became known as St Clods Day - namely the date at which no club could beat our record. Would be great if someone could bump that as it did show that nobody, but nobody, has come anywhere seriously near threatening it.
    It will not be 'bettered' in our lifetime - I genuinely believe that.
  4. Clap
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Henrycav81 in Boxing Thread   
    As for Joe Joyce, I don't think he landed a single punch of any consequence. Totally scarred from the first fight and looked utterly beaten on his stool at the end of the first.
  5. Like
    BaaLocks reacted to Alph in Boxing Thread   
    I fancy Zhang again tbh. 
    Joyce was totally blind to the southpaw. He was rotating straight into that left hand. Never saw it coming. I don't know how you fix that. I hope his camp was full of big southpaw fighters that can bang. No good being ones he can bully or take shots from
    Needs to make sure he doesn't get hypnotised by Zhang's jab again and keep getting blasted from the blind hook. 
    He's come in massive. I'm not sure why? 
    Zhang is good for 6 or 7 rounds max.
    Joyce is good for 12 at pace. Why carry extra weight? I don't get it. 
    I fancied Joyce in the first fight but how it played out put me off him for this rematch. Very interested in the fight. It's a good match up. 
    Both too slow and ponderous to become world champions though. Usyk, Fury, Wilder, Joshua.... all too fast, too elusive and hit too hard to walk down 
  6. Clap
    BaaLocks got a reaction from GboroRam in Electric Vehicles   
    It's just amazing how chaotic our government is. They win one bi-election in Uxbridge by opposing ULEZ and now some think tank consultants seem to think that their only hope of victory in the next election is to embrace the petrol engine. It is just heartbreaking to watch 
  7. Like
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Alph in Boxing Thread   
    Not sure he looked outmatched, he just got targeted with a repeated shot and it closed his eye before Zhang tired. Joyce will win the rematch, neither will trouble the top four or five in the division, even if politics might mean they are an easier match for title fights than many more deserviing yet bound in the BS that is this game.
  8. Like
    BaaLocks reacted to therealhantsram in Electric Vehicles   
    It's incredible how they have managed to anger the Green lobby and the car manufacturers at the same time. 
  9. Like
    BaaLocks got a reaction from AndyinLiverpool in Electric Vehicles   
    It's just amazing how chaotic our government is. They win one bi-election in Uxbridge by opposing ULEZ and now some think tank consultants seem to think that their only hope of victory in the next election is to embrace the petrol engine. It is just heartbreaking to watch 
  10. Clap
    BaaLocks got a reaction from therealhantsram in Electric Vehicles   
    It's just amazing how chaotic our government is. They win one bi-election in Uxbridge by opposing ULEZ and now some think tank consultants seem to think that their only hope of victory in the next election is to embrace the petrol engine. It is just heartbreaking to watch 
  11. Sad
    BaaLocks got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Electric Vehicles   
    It's just amazing how chaotic our government is. They win one bi-election in Uxbridge by opposing ULEZ and now some think tank consultants seem to think that their only hope of victory in the next election is to embrace the petrol engine. It is just heartbreaking to watch 
  12. Haha
    BaaLocks got a reaction from GboroRam in Russell Brand   
    Even a broken clock is right twice a day 🙂
  13. Haha
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Archied in Russell Brand   
    If he can deny his crimes I guess anyone can 

  14. Haha
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Ryan Nyambe - Signed Until Jan 2024, Extended to 2025   
    Have we signed Candyman?
  15. Clap
    BaaLocks got a reaction from WharfedaleRam in One of our Aircraft is Missing (Hollywood remake)   
    I've seen "One of our defenders is missing" at least three times this season.
  16. Haha
    BaaLocks got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in One of our Aircraft is Missing (Hollywood remake)   
    I've seen "One of our defenders is missing" at least three times this season.
  17. Haha
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Mucker1884 in One of our Aircraft is Missing (Hollywood remake)   
    I've seen "One of our defenders is missing" at least three times this season.
  18. Like
    BaaLocks got a reaction from GboroRam in Russell Brand   
    Sorry I meant 'yes'. D'oh!
  19. Haha
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Grumpy Git in One of our Aircraft is Missing (Hollywood remake)   
    I've seen "One of our defenders is missing" at least three times this season.
  20. Clap
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Collins advise   
    Lee got the better of the second altercation though, the one where Reaney grabs the ref to alert him as they walk off. Love the commentary "well if they weren't sent off they are now". But it was all a bit handbags when you look at the actual fighting, lots of swinging haymakers that really didn't go anywhere.
    Story I heard was that Lee was at a charity golf day just a few years back with Hunter and offered to give him chance to finish unfinished business. That said, I also heard they ended up good friends so believe whichever one fits best for you I guess.
  21. Cheers
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Tamworthram in Watchable telly   
    It is a good film but far from an easy watch, especially if you take a dim view of religion as a positive agent in our society. My Mum was unmarried when she had me, my father never lived with us. I am confident if I had been born in Ireland we would have been prime candidates for this horrific machine.
  22. Clap
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Russell Brand   
    And this 
  23. Like
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Russell Brand   
    Sorry I meant 'yes'. D'oh!
  24. Like
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Malagaram in Russell Brand   
    Last sentence is everything here - Ched Evans case was appallingly handled and morals and the law overlapped. Was he a twonk in how he acted? No. Was he a rapist? Well, finally, it was shown he wasn't.
    We have a significant challenge of trial by media in this country, our 'red top' press is a bit of a joke worldwide but it is the mainstream media, including those funded by significantly influencers such as Rupert Murdoch. Social media muddies the waters even further. It feels like we now live in a society where the courts are not really the people doing the convicting - couple that with expensive lawyers who can get stone clad cases thrown out on technicalities, plus a judicial system that is one of the public services that has been run into the ground in the last twenty years (don't forget, judges were on strike recently) and it offers a grim view of how cases like these will be handled as we go forward. That is what some of the people who are claiming to support Brand are saying and I do agree it is a challenge. And it can be said without that meaning I support or condone, even have an ounce of consideration for, Russell Brand.
    Sadly, we didn't learn from the Saville case in this manner. His ability to use his celebrity to influence or direct from within. For someone like Russell Brand it is two sides of the same coin - he might not be writing letters to Prince Charles but he is using his influence to carry out his wishes. I don't think any of these people are evil, wanting to harm in the way a serial killer or psycopath would. But I do think they believe that their status gives them entitlement to behaving in a way that they only need to consider their own needs, they are somehow a level above (no pun intended) their victims. From my view, Prince Andrew clearly fell into this bracket.
  25. Like
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Who wants to live forever?   
    Walt Disney was allegedly a famous recipient of this of course. Great little conspiracy theory is that Disney called the film Frozen so as to make sure when you put the phrase "Disney, frozen" into search engines you don't end up with lots of links to crackpot theories but instead to pictures of a little girl singing 'Let it go'
    Yes, Yuval Noah Harari suggests just this in his follow up book to Sapiens, Homo Deus. To the point above, the Earth cannot sustain eternal lifestyle and this planet is likely already broken beyond repair. So the solution is to upload a version of yourself, like San Junipero in Black Mirror, and be whatever you want / can afford to be.
    Maybe they will have renamed it the Premiership by the time we do that
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