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  1. Clap
    BaaLocks reacted to i-Ram in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    Fantastic song that. May have to give Raintown a play today. 👍❤️
  2. Haha
    BaaLocks got a reaction from David Graham Brown in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    Could have been worse 
  3. Cheers
    BaaLocks reacted to Walkley Ram in Most memorable FA Cup matches   
    George Best bought me a pint when I was about 14. My dad managed to blag league one/two playoff final tickets in corporate at Wembley (don't ask me who played, no idea, not Derby so I didn't care). Best was at the bar and my dad sent me for an autograph. He said "only if you'll have a pint with me" so what was I meant to do, argue?
    So yeah. George Best bought me my first pint.
  4. Like
    BaaLocks got a reaction from VulcanRam in That Conor Washington Fella   
    Saw him play a couple of times for QPR and he was beyond poor. But his record at this level (Posh, Charlton, Rotherham) is decent so let's hope he can get a run of form going. His goal on Tue was very good, though I'm still not sure if the drag back / dummy was intentional or just him getting the ball trapped under this foot. Either way, back of the onion sack and all that.
  5. Haha
    BaaLocks reacted to Mucker1884 in Most memorable FA Cup matches   
    Who needs enemies with mates like that, etc!  🤣
  6. Like
    BaaLocks got a reaction from therealhantsram in Ice hockey   
    It is so sad that you can watch the video of this so easily on line. This is someone dying and it's shared and reposted in a click. What a sad indictment of the human species this (the video sharing) is.
    I agree with @RadioactiveWaste - not watched it and have no intention to, out of respect for all involved.
  7. COYR
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Most memorable FA Cup matches   
    Away at Hartlepool in 1984, first time in my lifetime we'd been in the first round of the cup. I got a train down from Newcastle, where I was living at the time. It was proper tasty, just a wire fence between us and the home fans. Every few minutes a group would jump over the small perimeter wall, run the sideline and jump into our fans for a bit of action. We lost 2-1, seem to remember John Robertson being utterly useless but not much besides
    We got ran back to the station with a police escort of about two officers who frankly didn't want to get involved. Back in the station all the Derby fans are on one platform and all the locals are on the other, baiting each other. I'm with the locals as I am going north, back to Newcastle, on my own and keeping very quiet. Till someone recognizes me and starts shouting at me across the platform "hey up", "what you doing over there" and all that. I just turned to the lad next to me and said "do you know that lad?". Got out alive, but only just.
    Seem to remember we drew them again in either the FA or league cup the next season, I gave that one a swerve.
  8. Cheers
    BaaLocks reacted to TigerTedd in St Clod’s Day   
    That’s some good statting. 
  9. Clap
    BaaLocks reacted to AndyinLiverpool in St Clod’s Day   
    It should be called 'Eddie Lewis Day'. That's the signing that summed up that season, summed up Billy Davies and the point where we knew we were screwed.
  10. Haha
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Leicester Ram in St Clod’s Day   
    As a friend said to me over the weekend "Norwich are going to take your record this year" I wanted to suggest the initiation of St Claude's Day, the date on which no club can undertake (or equal) our points tally of eleven points. Named in honour of a player more symbolic of our lack of preparedness, ability, and commitment than any other (a statement of recognition in itself) in that 07/08 season the race is now on to predict on what day it will fall this season.
    In previous years St Claude's Day has fallen on the following weekends, last season's Covid affected schedule aside it has only three times made it past New Years Day.
    2020/21: 4th March (Sheffield United)
    2019/20: 22nd December (Watford)
    2018/19: 27th February (Huddersfield)
    2017/18: 13th December (Swansea)
    2016/17: 19th December (Sunderland)
    2015/16: 18th January (Aston Villa)
    2014/15: 29th December (Leicester)
    2013/14: 26th December (Sunderland)
    2012/13: 2nd January (QPR)
    2011/12: 31st December (Blackburn)
    2010/11: 27th November (Wolves and West Ham)
    2009/10: 19th December (Portsmouth)
    2008/9: 8th November (Spurs)
    So, on what day will St Claude's Day fall on this year? I predict it will be the fourth time it has made it past New Years Day but I still think last week in February our record will be safe for one more season.
  11. Like
    BaaLocks got a reaction from TigerTedd in St Clod’s Day   
    This weekend marks the earliest date that St Clods Day has ever fallen on. Even if the Blunts get maximum points from their next four games they can't get there till 2nd Dec. Still got four months to beat their own record of the latest date it has ever fallen in 2021.
  12. COYR
    BaaLocks got a reaction from David Graham Brown in How Paul Warne survives!   
    You had to go say George Thorne didn't you?
  13. Like
    BaaLocks got a reaction from norwichram in How Paul Warne survives!   
    You had to go say George Thorne didn't you?
  14. Haha
    BaaLocks got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Warne Out Out   
    Not related to the above but I see you are trending on Twitter @DarkFruitsRam7

  15. COYR
    BaaLocks reacted to MadAmster in How Paul Warne survives!   
    ... type. GT type. Or a Sethalike. In the end injury did for them both. Shame we'll never know how good GT would have turned out to be. He was already very good and, given an injury free run.... we can but dream.
  16. Haha
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Warne Out Out   
    Not related to the above but I see you are trending on Twitter @DarkFruitsRam7

  17. Like
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Leeds Ram in Ice hockey   
    It is so sad that you can watch the video of this so easily on line. This is someone dying and it's shared and reposted in a click. What a sad indictment of the human species this (the video sharing) is.
    I agree with @RadioactiveWaste - not watched it and have no intention to, out of respect for all involved.
  18. Haha
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Ghost of Clough in Warne Out Out   
    Not related to the above but I see you are trending on Twitter @DarkFruitsRam7

  19. Haha
    BaaLocks got a reaction from sage in Warne Out Out   
    Not related to the above but I see you are trending on Twitter @DarkFruitsRam7

  20. Haha
    BaaLocks got a reaction from i-Ram in Warne Out Out   
    Not related to the above but I see you are trending on Twitter @DarkFruitsRam7

  21. Like
    BaaLocks got a reaction from therealhantsram in Hourihane gone in January?   
    Hoped him to be the Dave Mackay / Robbie Van Der Laan / John Gregory (icon not position) of our resurgence, well I was wrong on that one. Been bang average for the most part, with occassional moments of skill (the third goal last night) but all too far and between to make me think of shedding any tears if this were true.
  22. Like
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Ram@Lincoln in Updated Rams manager's win percentages   
    No David Lowe here?
  23. Haha
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Elwood P Dowd in Cool the anti-Clowes rhetoric   
    You can get help for that

  24. Haha
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Walkley Ram in Cool the anti-Clowes rhetoric   
    You can get help for that

  25. Like
    BaaLocks got a reaction from Rev in Cool the anti-Clowes rhetoric   
    This. We have no clue what is going on behind the scenes and this ridiculous view that unless the owner pumps in another £200m he's not worthy is ridiculous. So I won't even start to question how the club is run financially. What I will say, and I am sure that Clowes shares this view, is that we should not be a League One club and, more than that, we should not be a middling League One club. For two reasons, one being that we have such an impressive infrastructure, fanbase and set up that makes it very challenging to see how we can't use that to our advantage in this league in the same way that the likes of Man City and Liverpool do in the top flight.
    But, maybe more importantly, because we have such an impressive infrastructure we can't survive in this league for ever and a day. It's like expecting to ask your postie to do their rounds in a Range Rover - the maths of it just don't add up. If we don't get outta this place in the next few years we will be back exactly where we were 15 months ago.
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