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Bob The Badger

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    Bob The Badger reacted to Parsnip in Question on getting a parking ticket   
    Forget who runs the car park - I went direct to the landowner with my complaint - the landowner had the car park villians remove the fine. 
  2. Haha
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Two season transfer ban.   
    Not sure, but fortunately we only have two more instalments left on Derek Hales.
  3. Haha
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from TigerTedd in Two season transfer ban.   
    Not sure, but fortunately we only have two more instalments left on Derek Hales.
  4. Haha
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from eccles the ram in Two season transfer ban.   
    Not sure, but fortunately we only have two more instalments left on Derek Hales.
  5. Like
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from ariotofmyown in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    There's no need to even use polls, most people register their affiliations. It's caught out plenty of politicians who then switched later in life and were accused of flip-flopping. 
    It's a similar story for people who donate to Parties. Their name, occupation, city of residency and amount they donated is all public record. Not many people know it is when they donate and it has made a few celebs look silly when it was shown they donated to a Party they criticised. 
    It's also caught out some big corporations who said one thing in public and then did another thing with their wallet. Such as calling out climate change and then donating to the GOP.
  6. Like
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from ariotofmyown in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    It 100% does exist.
    And it is 100% provable to anybody who wants to look up the information.
    The US isn't like the UK with this kind of thing which is what I've spent a couple of days trying to explain.
    Their freedom of information is way different to ours, there's very little anonymity within politics outside of QAnon. 
    On a side note, Tyson is one of the most respected cosmologists in the world, he even supported Trump's idea of a Space Force for very interesting reasons, he's not a BS spreader. 
    Edit: I'm not 100% sure a member of public can pull this info, but political parties and journalists can so I'd be highly surprised if that was the case.
  7. Haha
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from therealhantsram in Question on getting a parking ticket   
    The wife got a ticket drop through the post yesterday.
    She was pizzed because she said she paid it on the app.
    On further investigation she had paid at the exact time it had here there for two hours (she was only parked for 50 mins).
    However, she paid for the wrong car park in Truro.
    She has been using the app since we moved to Cornwall last year and thought it used GPS to pay for the right car park.
    It's £50, but would anybody bother appealing it or is it a lost cause. I'm tempted to just pay it so I have more time to argue in the Covid thread, but not really sure.
  8. Like
    Bob The Badger reacted to 1of4 in Question on getting a parking ticket   
    If we still lived in a society where companies cared more about their customer's satisfaction and not just about how much profit they can make from each customer. Then  I'm sure that once you'd shown you had paid to park your car but mistakenly selected the wrong car park. A morally run company would cancel the fine. But good luck with finding one of those these days.
  9. Cheers
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from BucksRam in Question on getting a parking ticket   
    I tend to use a card but they stopped taking them in some places around here (notably Perranporth) for a few months so she started using the app and uses them a lot more than me.
    I must confess I had no clue they charged a usage fee. Makes sense I guess, but thanks for the heads up.
  10. Like
    Bob The Badger reacted to G STAR RAM in Question on getting a parking ticket   
    Is it a local authority or private parking company?
    I got a fine in 2018. I had put coins in the machine and it did not work. I then did it via text.
    A few days later I got a fine through the door.
    Asked them to check CCTV to see me putting coins in machine and they said it was not available.
    Obtained my phone bill which proved I had sent the text  and provided this to the parking company.
    Basically, they just ignored all of the evidence and carried on sending threatening letters all of which I have ignored.
    These private firms are just chancers trying to scam as much money as they can because they know some people cant be bothered to challenge it!
    If youve done nothing wrong other than an admin error, and can prove this if challenged, I certainly would not pay.
  11. Like
    Bob The Badger reacted to Boycie in Question on getting a parking ticket   
    Council car parks are un contestable 
  12. Haha
    Bob The Badger reacted to Parsnip in Question on getting a parking ticket   
    Appeal it. It's not just about the £50 it's about winning. I appealed one last year - and won, got it cancelled. Felt amazing. I did document the process on here somewhere if you want to copy my work.
  13. Like
    Bob The Badger reacted to BaaLocks in Question on getting a parking ticket   
    Some good stuff on here, click around the site and not just on that post. It's quite often a case of sending a couple of shots across the bows and if they know you know what you are on about they will back off. But, normally after a bit of a Mexican stand off over it all. 
  14. Like
    Bob The Badger reacted to Tyler Durden in Question on getting a parking ticket   
    Depends how much you value £50 of your time as you will have to formulate a letter appealing the fine together with mitigating circumstances and go and get evidence to appeal with which will cost your time and effort.
    The only way I can see you mitigating the fine is looking at the terms and conditions on the car park providers website to see if the ticket is transferrable from one site to another or it specifically states that the ticket isn't transferrable. 
    Or on the signage for the carpark does it give clear instruction to what the code of that site is and so on. 
  15. Like
    Bob The Badger reacted to JoetheRam in Question on getting a parking ticket   
    Depends how much you want the £50 and depends on the ticket.
    Personally I'd write it off as bad karma for a previous life and have one less night out this month. After ranting and raving about it to anyone who'd listen of course.
    If you hate the idea of paying for the injustice then go on that Money Saving Expert forum thread where they tell you how to not pay any parking fines. 
  16. Like
    Bob The Badger reacted to BucksRam in Question on getting a parking ticket   
    To be fair to them @Bob The Badger, officially your wife was in the wrong, but I would still appeal on the basis of good faith, i.e. she did pay via the app and made a genuine error, (the app shows your car as in Truro at a given time therefore evidence it must have been a mistake otherwise how would she have got a ticket somewhere else? Her car can't have been in two places at once).  You then have to hope they have morals and are customer-centric, but where parking fines are concerned this is usually pretty rare as it's all about the take. 
    As an aside, I used to use a parking app but have stopped doing so as they often charge an "admin" fee on top of the parking amount.  Most parking machines are contactless these days anyway so I just use my phone.  I'd only use the app as a last resort.  But then in principle I don't like to pay more than I should. 
  17. Like
    Bob The Badger reacted to B4ev6is in Question on getting a parking ticket   
    Perhaps take some pictures of prove mate even if it on the phone as well as the app and per haps go to car park and see in signs not always clear to were to park.
  18. Haha
    Bob The Badger reacted to Gritstone Ram in Question on getting a parking ticket   
    Based upon what I was being charged for parking when I went to Newquay £50 sounds quite reasonable for parking for 50 minutes. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
  19. Haha
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from Tamworthram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    That was last month, we were talking about the run up to the November election last year. I know I dive into threads half way through and don't really know what is going on sometimes so I feel your pain and there's no need to apologise.
    Is laugh out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud something you do very often?
    It sounds tricky to pull off. You should start a YouTube channel showing how you do it and explaining what it even means.
  20. Like
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from ariotofmyown in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    But Bidens daily schedule and talks weren't covered over here and it's there that he was pushing mask-wearing and then the vaccine. I saw him at different events once he was on the road multiple times per day and he always had a mask on and was calling for people to be sensible.
    The debates were scuppered by Trump because of him refusing to both debate remotely or guarantee the safety of attendees if there was a debate in person.
    At the first debate his side agreed to wear masks and then none of them did once they sat down. 
    Trump openly mocked Biden for wearing a mask and also for going into lockdown, even questioning his manhood.
    He had his Covid jab a month BEFORE he took office live on TV and almost as soon as it was available. So didNancy Pelosi.
    Although Mike Pence had his on TV, Trump didn't and (ttbomk) it wasn't oficially announced he'd even had it.
    I have talked with @Eatonram a LOT about politics because he has followed it closely here for about 112 years and I was amazed how few of Trump's utter duck ups had little to no coverage over here.
    So I'm damn sure some of these lesser stories didn't break through the UK news.
    I largely went on memory because I had the John Hopkins tracker open for about a year and there was also much talk whether it would go over the half a million mark before Biden took office. It didn't, quite.
    Can't be arsed to scroll back but I don't think you linked to anything.
    If you mean fully supporting it once it was cleared then yes, you are right. 
    I bet those clips were taken from at least 4 or 6 months prior to the vaccine being available and I've explained why they were suspicious of Trump because he started leaning on the drug companies immediately because of the political gain he would have experienced. 
    How else can you explain you saying that those clips influenced people into not taking the vaccine? Do you think Democrats didn't take it because of something Biden said (and again, it was out of context) months earlier?  Come on man!
    We can only look at reported cases.
    Almost 30 people close to Trump contracted Covid, but I cannot remember a single senior Dem getting it. I could be wrong because I am going on memory, maybe there were one or two.
    But certainly none of the stature of people like Trump himself, his personal aide Hicks, ex-NY Governor, Chris Christie, Trump jnr, Herman Caine (who died), his press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, his senior advisor Stephen Miller, his wife and son Barron and a whole lot more people in his orbit.
  21. Clap
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from RoyMac5 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I'll tell you why. 
    Because Biden was on TV every day and I saw him and senior members of the DNC interviewed a great many times. 
    He (nor they) never talked the vaccine down and if you think he or Democrats in general did it's because you didn't follow it closely. 
    I don't have all the facts. Just a lot more than you do on this topic. 
  22. Haha
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from Archied in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Not sure what your source is (please post a link) but irrespective, this entire conversation is about the run up to the election and Trump did not tell his supporters to get vaccinated before then, it was 3 or 4 months after when the real damage had been done.
    Even as late as April his aides were saying according to Politico:
    Former President Donald Trump’s unwillingness to pitch his voters on getting the jab has become the source of frustration for former aides, who lament the political benefits that would have come had he done so. It has also worried health officials from his own administration, who told POLITICO about a months long effort to get him to publicly take the lead; and medical experts, who say a full-throated endorsement could sway vaccine skeptics on the right and get the country closer to herd immunity.
    The nub of this is, was Trump responsible for tens of thousand of deaths because he refused to wear a mask or push his supporters to get the vaccine whilst in power?
    And the answer is an unequivocal yes of course he was.
    And has Biden tried (and not succeeded in fairness) to reverse that?
    Again the answer is yes, I've no clue what else, short of mandating vaccinations (which would never happen in the US) he could do.
    Especially as Governors who wield the real power in States like DeSantis and Greg Abbott as well as Senators like Ron Johnson and the Whip, Steve Scalise are still pushing back. And they are doing so because they're all rabid Trump supporters.
    A bit like the succession of Conservative radio hosts who are now dropping like flies after telling their Trump loving listeners that they didn't need the vaccine. You certainly don't to die and ignominious death that's for sure.
    There's a cognitive bias called primacy effect in which people better remember and give more weight to initial information they acquire. Trump spent months telling his supporters that it was all a hoax, and then that it would go away, and then with his bizarre exit from hospital and suppression of how sick he really was (according to insiders and medical experts) tacitly suggesting that you'll be ok.
    Saying on Fox News, an organisation that has haemorrhaged viewers to far right stations like OAN and Newsmax because they admitted Biden won months after he left power, is welcome, but too little and too late.  
  23. Haha
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from Anon in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Me saying I'm knowledgable on a topic (of which there are very few but US politics is in the top 2 or 3) does not imply other people are stupid, that's your own projection or insecurities. 
    I'm not stupid, but you wouldn't have found me debating UK politics other than generalities whilst I lived in the US. I couldn't have even named more than a couple of Cabinet members because it wasn't covered in the US and I wasn't that bothered because it didn't impact me.
    That statement is clearly wrong, but you know very well we are talking about the lead up to the election so if you take out was then it's entirely true.
    And when it comes to goal post moving:
    You said that 400k died under Trumps watch and 250k under Biden when it was just shy of 500k and 150k respectively.
    That Biden didn't call for the vaccine in the election cycle because he wanted to win, when there wasn't even a vaccine to call for, but he did call for mask wearing a LOT. And as soon as the vaccine was rolled out he supported it when he wasn't the President.
    And you evidently believing (because it's they that are suffering) that Trump supporters sucked up what Biden was saying (even though he didn't actually say it) based on a carefully edited video with zero context that was produced after the fact by Republicans.
    It would have been largely Democrats dying now and not Republicans if Trump haters did suck up what Biden said, or rather didn't.
    Also, you suggested mask-wearing didn't work even though almost every member of the Oval Office staff caught Covid and almost no senior Democrats did.
    That stuff isn't hard to talk down.
  24. Clap
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from ariotofmyown in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Me saying I'm knowledgable on a topic (of which there are very few but US politics is in the top 2 or 3) does not imply other people are stupid, that's your own projection or insecurities. 
    I'm not stupid, but you wouldn't have found me debating UK politics other than generalities whilst I lived in the US. I couldn't have even named more than a couple of Cabinet members because it wasn't covered in the US and I wasn't that bothered because it didn't impact me.
    That statement is clearly wrong, but you know very well we are talking about the lead up to the election so if you take out was then it's entirely true.
    And when it comes to goal post moving:
    You said that 400k died under Trumps watch and 250k under Biden when it was just shy of 500k and 150k respectively.
    That Biden didn't call for the vaccine in the election cycle because he wanted to win, when there wasn't even a vaccine to call for, but he did call for mask wearing a LOT. And as soon as the vaccine was rolled out he supported it when he wasn't the President.
    And you evidently believing (because it's they that are suffering) that Trump supporters sucked up what Biden was saying (even though he didn't actually say it) based on a carefully edited video with zero context that was produced after the fact by Republicans.
    It would have been largely Democrats dying now and not Republicans if Trump haters did suck up what Biden said, or rather didn't.
    Also, you suggested mask-wearing didn't work even though almost every member of the Oval Office staff caught Covid and almost no senior Democrats did.
    That stuff isn't hard to talk down.
  25. Haha
    Bob The Badger reacted to Stive Pesley in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Congartulations - you have taken step 1 on the path to learning not to waste time arguing with @G STAR RAM ?
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