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Posts posted by Oldben

  1. https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/championship-risks-repeat-derby-wycombe-6773462

    I give my support to Barnsley on this.

    Reading must be given the full six points, after what's happened to Derby why should Reading be exonerated just by agreeing to follow a business plan.

    The 6 point deduction for Reading would seriously help Derby and the efl should not be allowed to give Reading a method to avoid it else why not have given the same method to Derby.


  2. https://www.lancs.live/sport/football/football-news/chris-kirchner-preston-derby-county-23313908

    A reminder again of the Kirchner bid for Derby, that our administrators failed to capitalise on.

    The reason might have been the middlesbrough/wycombe craziness but who knows.

    Kirchner went public with his interest in the purchase of the Rams before withdrawing from the process in December 2021, writing in a statement: "Two weeks ago, I made a formal offer to buy the club. I believe I presented a very detailed, generous and ambitious long-term sustainable business plan. It included purchasing the stadium, future funding and maintaining the academy’s status. We improved that offer further today."

    Since pulling out of the deal to buy the club, the American has sent several tweets with regards to the situation at Derby and how things unfolded.

    One read: "Not misled at all… knew the rough structure. That wasn’t the problem. Problem is overall price, complexity with debts from previous owner (Mel Morris), and the stadium doesn’t make it any easier.”

    The club might have been in a different position had this brought a close to the behaviour of the efl towards us.

  3. https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/derby-county-contracts-rams-transfers-6764882

    9 derby players to potentially leave in the summer.

    So huge rebuild, the longer Derby leave going out to players to assess for signing, the harder it becomes to have a team ready to play next season regardless of the league derby are playing football in.

    Discussions on signing free agents are pointless and less the club can actually compete on salaries paid to get such players to join and in any case if Derby is in league one, then the best free agents will not come to Derby.

    To rebuild quality and depth in the squad is going to take capital.

    When it comes to any new owner its not a matter of just taking on a massive debt, they would most likely want to see a return, and they cant do that the longer Derby stays in league one, if thats where the club plays football next season.

    Even assuming Derby survive for next season, what will be left of the club, will not be in a position to really look at the top 6 in the championship without a number of players being signed.


  4. 1 hour ago, Flying Fokker said:

    Neutral viewpoint.   Ask a Sunderland fan what needs to be done.   

    You make great points and the money will certainly help once the transfer embargo is lifted.  Teams can go up successfully but it is built on exactly what you say.    The team I support, Coventry had an extremely low budget for several years because of the ridiculous outcomes of alienating the fans. 

    The team had one of the poorest budgets but the manager assembled his best possible squad which actually saw us pull back from League 2 (1 season) and the following couple of years promotion push.  City's budget was affected by the revenues gained the previous seasons.  

    This brings us back to The Rams. This season attendances have been as consistently high.  It bodes well for next season providing the players that make the difference want to play in League One.  If not, get rid as soon as possible because they will pull the whole team down to the mediocrity of several seasons there.  The Rams will be big payers for the right talent.  

    Sunderland seem to be a fixture in their league as they miss out on promotion play-off success most seasons despite having high revenues.  Derby may still have some debt of course but I'd put a few quid on promotion next season.  

    BTW Rooney has done a great job so far although the other teams seem to be doing a good job of relegation themselves.  The results are being ground out but some of those draws will cost The Rams.    Mid-table (Would be under-achieving in any other circumstances for Derby).  It is so difficult for fans because Rooney has fought out some solid results against clubs without the sanctions when their fans would have expected you to lie down.  This was our bug bear as well during our journey to league 2.



    If the efl restricts what we are allowed to spend it makes things very difficult.

    Any quality in the current team is likely to move on, meaning a significant rebuild is required.

    Derby wouldn't be looking at championship players, they would be seeking the absolute best players in league one and two, and through acquisition of such players, attempting to rebuild the team.

    Ultimately, you dont buy a club for 50 million and say your happy to keep losing money by being in league one and so im confident that who ever buys the club will want to spend decent money on the team and make an attempt to promote the club in one season.

    Its a great shame that we are not with a new owner yet, because Derby have to scout a lot, and they have to be willing to pay above the odds for a number of players. If they dont pay good money for players, and the clubs handed a 15 point deduction at the start of the season, that does not look good for derby.

    I can't them being relegated from League One, but I do see them outside the play offs.





  5. http://www.financialfairplay.co.uk/scmp.php

    That limits the spend in League one.

    Season tickets and revenue from gate receipts will matter a lot.

    60% of turnover allowable spend.

    Highly expensive wage budgets not a good idea.

    The club's at the top have generally have the largest wage budgets plus are spending the most to win promotion.

    Unlikely to win promotion without at least one 15 goals plus a season striker.

    If derby are handed a 15 point deduction next season, that will require an amazing team to win promotion in one season.

    New owners are definitely not likely to want to see more than one season in League given the size of the debt, as that debt increases the longer the club's in League one.

    The teams psychology would need to change to a total belief that they can win promotion.

    It takes time for team to bond especially if your looking to bring in at least 8 new players.

    Scouting network has to be exceptional to get the best talent at the best odds.

    The club has to pay above the odds to bring in the best talent for a promotion push especially if there's a 15 point deduction.

    The current team in my opinion, isn't strong enough to win promotion at the first attempt.

    If derby ground is too expensive, might have to ground share with Burton or Notts county. I think those teams would accept the extra capital and share their grounds but that's less fans at the games so less revenue.



  6. In my opinion Rooney knew that if the best and in my opinion, only decent striker at the club was sold in January, the club had zero chance of avoiding relegation.

    So Tom wasn't sold.

    Plange was starting to do well for Derby, but Haa gone missing in action lately.

    The efl said why didn't the club sell Lawrence for a bargain fee, who would that help. 

    It doesn't help Derby to sell him for less than he's worth.

    The further nonsense from the efl could be next season, assuming that Derby are relegated and still receive a 15pt reduction.

    So new owner gets a two years in League one and needs to pay 50 million for a club without a football stadium plus needs to entirely rebuild the squad.

    The efl continues on its useless course of not having the power to intervene when owners misbehave.

    The efl could easily have stepped in and said to Morris, he's not selling Derby in the way he sold Derby.


  7. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/government-challenged-derby-county-reach-6727012.amp

    A repeat of much of the Bury fc findings.

    It doesn't exonerate the efl which is good.

    It says that the efl must be changed but who enforces that.

    I'm upset with the efl over their lack of help for Derby especially over the mb/w claims, but also over their failure to accept covid costs as an issue.

    I'm upset over efl desire to kick derby while the club's in this position by potentially handing out a further 15 points next season, and would that come with a continued transfer embargo.

    It's like the efl are desperate to hurt clubs that don't have the ability to fight a battle when they are down.

    It feels like the efl want to punish fans and not the owners who caused the issue.

  8. JOHNNY CASH (singer)

    A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.


    Knock me down nine times but I get up ten


    Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.


    You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.

  9. Derby have passed the sealed bids deadline.

    Next step is to check the bids, do any match the amounts the administrators are looking for.

    After that I'm guessing the administrators can reveal the bids to the bidders and ask if the bidders would like to outbid the highest bid made.

    If the highest bid made is acceptable, then the administrators can take that.

    If the bids failed to meet the administrators target, then they can return to the bidders and ask for more.

    Obviously the process takes a while.

    All eyes seen to be on Ashley but is his bid the highest, and in this situation the administrators are keen to get the most that they can for the creditors.

    The administrators will communicate the bids to the creditors after working out how much to offer each, to see if the creditors will accept the bid.

    These are all my assumptions on the process.


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