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Posts posted by Oldben

  1. An opportunity to cheer on Sunderland fc today as they go to Wembley against Wycombe fc in the play off final.

    After what wycombe fc put us through this year, I definitely want to see wycombe battered.

    Wycombe fc have been adamant we should have been relegated rather than them, they didn't want to recognise that we weren't relegated last season due to efl rules.

    Wycombe fc have mouthed off against to often.

    come on sunderland.

    Good game to watch.


  2. 50 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Despite the savaging by Parliament over Bury, EFL contrived to make an even bigger mess up over Derby. Thankfully that looks like it will not end for us as badly as it did for Bury but that wil be no thanks to EFL.

    Perversely I think the Bury situation was a prompt for EFL to "do something" over Derby. But what EFL actually succeeded in doing was making things ten times worse. If they were going to take action they should have done it at the time , not retrospectively, and not drag things out for two and half years. 



    I'm concerned that nothing comes from this, that the efl doesn't change and that no independent regulator is established.

    What worried me most about boro and Wycombe is that they took advantage of dcfc because there was no money to defend dcfc and the efl sat back and did nothing.


  3. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/mps-call-efl-apologise-bury-17202257.amp

    Committee of mps found "despite being warned about the club's finances and ownership, and having multiple opportunities to intervene, the EFL failed to do so in 'an effectively or timely enough way' to prevent the problems escalating."

    MPs demanded that the efl take urgent action be taken to prevent other clubs befalling the same fate.

    Among the recommendations made are that the FA, EFL and Premier League establish a supporters’ ombudsman to hear concerns about how clubs are run, and r eform the Owners’ and Directors’ Test to disqualify buyers with a record of corporate insolvency.

    They also want clubs to be banned from borrowing against fixed assets such as stadiums.

    The committee's chair, Damian Collins, said: “Systematic and structural problems are responsible for the tragic expulsion of Bury FC from the League this year.

    "These failures were avoidable, and it is essential that the authorities urgently overhaul their framework if they wish to avoid the same fate befalling other clubs.

    Exactly the same is true of the efl with derby.

    There had also been calls for an independent football regulator because of a lack of trust in the efl to resolve issues, the independent regulator might happen  now?

    I could now discuss the efls failure to defend derby and put an end to wycombe and Boros claims which almost ended derby.

    By the efls failure to defend derby, they have opened the possibility of disputes happening against other clubs and in my opinion it shows the powerless nature of the efl.



  4. https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/wayne-rooney-derby-county-curbishley-7106632?utm_source=derbyshire_live_newsletter&utm_campaign=welcome_dcfc_newsletter2&utm_medium=email

    Click bait from the det, I doubt most are expecting an easy ride in League one.

    Rooney admits a massive team rebuild is needed.

    I thin most people will acknowledge there are some tough teams in League one.


  5. Soon to be out of contract players:

    Tom lawrence, Lee buchanan, Nathan Byrne, malcom ebiowei, Liam Thompson, Ryan allsop, kelle roos, Ravel morrison, eiran cashin, louie Watson, Craig forsyth, Curtis Davies, Richard spearman and Colin kazim-richards.


  6. 1 hour ago, Crewton said:

    Not sure what you mean - I'm saying that about £2.5m of the £8.3m owing for player registrations would be owed to Poznan for Joswiak. 

    Hm ... i wonder, did the club keep running with joswiaks sale, and there's still money owed to poznan?

  7. With us owing arsenal 8 million for Bielek there's zero reason to sell, we simply wouldn't recover the money or even break even.

    We will need his skills in League one.

    He's still under contract next season, why would dcfc sell.

    He's one bright light in a team that's decimated by free transfers during the summer.

    Loaning him out, doesn't help derby, since it means the loss of a great player and so where would the benefit come from.

    You couldn't do a loan swap deal either, who would join derby in that sort of swap deal.


  8. 46 minutes ago, I know nuffin said:

    I have rose tinted glasses do I see it a little differently. There is Steve mc at man u. Youth players going from us to Liverpool and Chelsea who know what out academy and Rooney can do with youngsters. Rooney's name will also help bring in slightly older players who want to be part of what he does. Even older players have shown they want to be part of it , thinking Curtis and the centre half that went to Stoke. Getting Rooney to sign a new contract is key to that lot. Without Rooney I think what you say stands up, with Rooney and what he did last year things change

    I have yet to see rooney winning enough games that he could win enough games to break the 80 points required just to reach the play offs.

    I don't under estimate the quality of the teams or managers in League one.

    There are some ex Premier league teams in League one.

    How many of the teams at the top of league one are mostly made of older and youth players.

  9. 1 hour ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    I doubt very much that we're going to plash a great deal of cash on players, There'll be plenty of players who will be free agents, Now getting that elusive striker that scores 15+ goals will either cost or we'll be very lucky and get a free, Port Vale let Harry McKirdy go to Swindon Town as he wasn't cutting it with PV, Now he's at Swindon he's their top scorer with 20+ goals I believe.

    We need a focal point up front as you say, He's out there but finding him along with other clubs could make things a little tough, But we have a few of aces in the pack, Great training facilities, A manager that's world renowned and hopefully a Stadium to play in with support that could top 30k a week.


    The stadium isn't a pull factor, we might get crowds of 20000 next season.

    This season, while in the championship we averaged 22000.



  10. 1 hour ago, TheresOnlyWanChope said:

    I think pretty much every team in top 6 league 1 had a goal scorer of 15 or more - Derby need Lawrence and another striker to compete I think. Need a goalscorer. 

    Lawrence is a free agent with clubs in higher leagues, chasing his signature.

    I agree that Derby definitely require a striker capable of scoring at least 15 goals. It costs to outbid other clubs to sign a player like that.

    A player like that is more likely to come from league one, than from a higher league. League one clubs are not going to want to let their 15 goals a season strikers leave for Derby.



  11. https://inews.co.uk/sport/football/league-one-promotion-permutations-wigan-win-title-who-make-play-offs-1594139

    In a league with a whole host of big clubs and big fanbases, 80 points might not be enough even for a play-off berth.

    For 80 points to be the high watermark required to sneak into the play-offs is extraordinary. To put it into context Oxford, who will miss out with a current tally 75 points, would have made it into the top six in each of the last 11 seasons. As it is Sunderland may need 83 to qualify for the play-offs for the third year in succession and cap a strange season at the Stadium of Light.

    A quality team will be required to win promotion from league one.

    The club's at the top of league one have better strikers than dcfc. Lawrence is our best striker, and he's leaving on a free.

    I don't believe that players at the end of their careers and young loan players, will be enough to win promotion next season.

    Coming out of administration is just the start of the journey, we might also be restricted on transfers next season by the efl.

    In any case signing players in League one could be challenging with the competition for quality players in that league.

  12. https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/derby-county-chris-kirchner-abuse-7089417

    The social media abuse mentioned is uncalled for.

    I get that fans are anxious, but the club didn't enter administration for the sake of it, its 60 plus million in debt.

    There are few interested in taking over the club, and of those that are, ck might very well be our last hope.

    Why do people assume, the rumour about MA being interested in taking over the club has truth behind it. For all we know it's click bate, for a name that could potentially take over derby.

    If MA was interested, why wasn't his name just as heavily linked to other clubs being taken over, clubs with less debt.

    Never before has a club with 60 million plus debt, been placed into administration, a club that has a former owner that crazily doesn't want to sell a stadium he owns unless he gets compensated by more than 20 million on top of the debt he owns.

    A former owner who only paid off boro, in order to help to try and get himself compensated faster, by attempting to expedite the purchase of the club.

    If its not ck then who?

    If MA really wanted Derby, why hasn't he come out in the press and said he's determined to take over the club and is out bidding ck in order to do so.

    Ck says that a deal is a close, a lot of work is bring done behind the scenes thar he can't legally discuss until if at all, until after he's signed the contract.

    Non disclosure agreements in business deals are common practice.

    With the amount of debt in question, it takes time to buy something the size of Derby.

    I hope that the social media abuse on ck is coming from Nottingham forest fans and not derby fans. However, it's irrelevant, ck needs derby fans support and not abuse or else we will not have a club to support.

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