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Posts posted by Oldben

  1. Luke Plange, Colin Kazim-Richards, and Jack Stretton have enough to fight out the relegation battle, but Lawrence's departure would end any distant survival hopes.

    Despite the potential immortality of avoiding relegation this season, the club's long term future must be prioritised.

    Given that the club is still in administration, allowing Lawrence to leave this month might be the best option.

    Derby are in the driving seat here and will be confident of striking a beneficial deal for both the club and Lawrence in the remaining six days of the window.

  2. Efl want us to go to independent arbitration with boro and Wycombe, so they can save face.

    Independent arbitration in my opinion will see favour given to boro and Wycombe and would force Derby to accept that their financial claims are valid, when they have zero merit.

    A court of law would look at insolvency law, and I think not give merit to boro and Wycombe, if dealt with by a good lawyer acting on derbys behalf.

    I have zero reason to trust an independent arbitration panel as in previous instances they've rarely ruled in derbys favour or allowed enough specialists to examine the evidence.



  3. steve gibson of Middlesbrough, apparently has an OBE.

    Im wondering if its worth launching a petition to have him stripped of that obe.

    I see no reason why he should have the order of the British award, since part of the reason he was awarded this was for services to sport.

    On the change petition site, a petition was raised to have Tony Blair's knighthood rescinded, im not saying that's a right or wrong petition, but that has raised 1.1 million signatures so far. In any case if a public figure like Tony Blair can has his knighthood petitioned, why cant Steve Gibson's services to sport OBE be petitioned.

    This will help to highlight public opinion about Steve Gibson, putting the man in the press.

    The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire is a British order of chivalry, rewarding contributions to the arts and sciences, work with charitable and welfare organisations, and public service outside the civil service.

    Hoping someone can set this up!


  4. Department of business, insolvency service, leaders email ...


    I could be wrong but as head of the governments insolvency service, I wonder if he has any influence in terms of dismissing middlesbrough and wycombes crazy claims against Derby.

    Is it worth mass emailing him for a response or at least asking mps involved with trying to save our club, to contact him requesting his insight.


  5. Any potential new owner, will be crunching the numbers as to whether its worth covering the repayments, is the cost to great.

    The debt is circa 50 million, so on a repayment plan with msd and hmrc is the largest amount.

    I think I'm right in saying that these would be on repayment plans and not on instant lump sum repayment.

    Then I'm thinking if Derby sells Knight it's 8 to 10 million for the player.

    So if Everton take Rooney as their new manager, that's a compensation package to Derby of say 2 million?

    I would let Everton take Rooney unless they agree to also take Knight, for Knight I'd ask for 10 million from Everton.

    So that's 12 million, which keeps the club in business until the end of the season.

    I think both Rooney and Knight would be a loss to the club.


  6. For me its clear Nick De Marco QC or someone who is a quality specialist sports lawyer needs to be engaged to take the Boro and Wycombe claims before a court of law and have those claims thrown out. 

    There are obviously matters which need pursing in a court of law, so that they can be worked out in favour of Derby, which i believe they will be, assuming a qualified lawyer defends Derby.

  7. https://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/Derby-county-pride-park-quantuma-6514394?utm_source=derbyshire_live_newsletter&utm_campaign=welcome_dcfc_newsletter2&utm_medium=email

    Maguire is correct about ...

    Charged property: non-floating charge

    [F171(1)The court may by order enable the administrator of a company to dispose of property which is subject to a security (other than a floating charge) as if it were not subject to the security.

    (2)An order under sub-paragraph (1) may be made only—

    (a)on the application of the administrator, and

    (b)where the court thinks that disposal of the property would be likely to promote the purpose of administration in respect of the company.

    (3)An order under this paragraph is subject to the condition that there be applied towards discharging the sums secured by the security—

    (a)the net proceeds of disposal of the property, and

    (b)any additional money required to be added to the net proceeds so as to produce the amount determined by the court as the net amount which would be realised on a sale of the property at market value.

    (4)If an order under this paragraph relates to more than one security, application of money under sub-paragraph (3) shall be in the order of the priorities of the securities.

    (5)An administrator who makes a successful application for an order under this paragraph shall send a copy of the order to the registrar of companies before the end of the period of 14 days starting with the date of the order.

    (6)An administrator commits an offence if he fails to comply with sub-paragraph (5) without reasonable excuse.]


  8. 8 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

    You've not been paying attention - the EFL can do whatever they want, whenever they want....that's the core of the problem..

    If Derby, actually had a decent sports lawyer that could take these cases on, would the efl, boro or Wycombe actually be trying to take advantage.

  9. 12 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Would you trust the EFL not to screw the new owners by doing something like retrospectively giving Boro & Wycombe 'football creditor' status?!

    That's a reason for raising this in parliament, it puts the spotlight on the efl.

    A tactic like your suggesting, gives parliament am opportunity to step in and deal with the efl.

    I would like parliament to raise another enquiry against the efl, like they did for Bury fc and I'd like to see parliament do more than just make recommendations.

    The Bury fc enquiry recommendations don't seem to have been followed by the efl.

  10. Can rooney outperform statistical computer ...



    Final Position 22nd: Derby County - relegation

    Despite the very best efforts to overcome a 21-point deduction, the supercomputer is predicting that Wayne Rooney’s side will fall at the last hurdle and be relegated this season. Projected Points = 39. Projected Goal Difference = -1

  11. 8 hours ago, Oldben said:

    'boro made a £36m loss last year...you can only lose £39m over the last 3 years or you are breaking FFP!!!... SO MAYBE BE VERY CAREFUL MR GIBSON

    Plus surely that's why he wants 50 million from Derby, to cover his losses.


    In addition, please can we let supportive mps know and the efl know about this aspect of Boro's claim.

  12. 26 minutes ago, RammingStone66 said:

    I know they shouldn't do it and shouldn't need to do it but it does worry me slightly that none of the bidders will step up to put in a bid then fight the case. 


    Wouldn't Derby fight this if they didn't need the money.

    Assuming you were a prospective buyer of Derby, a club almost in League one, and you needed to pay 50 million to buy the club.

    Now you get an extra 10 million for chance clubs from other teams.

    Would you pay an extra 10 million, I'm not sure most buyers would.

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