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  1. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to Ram-Alf in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Maybe that they saw him as a Cockney wide boy who wouldn't play their game, Still don't get why the Bar Codes think they're summat special, Good town for going on the lash, The Likely Lads, When the boat Comes In, Aufwiedersein Pet, Geordie Shore, Not forgetting those 2 talellntless geordies who present some game show or summat.
  2. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to Sparkle in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I have no problem with Ashley potentially taking over at Derby 
    He pays the Bills - he doesn’t sell cheap - we currently have most of what we need as a club.
    we tried the very rich local man in MM who has chosen to walk away - we nearly ended up with a fake Arab and a Spanish waiter 
    we did end up with administration 
    Give me a British based business man who wants to be appreciated 
    I don’t care if PP is name after one of his company’s - just sponsor us.
    after the last 20 years I would settle for being in a relegation scrap in the premiership 4 in 5 seasons and coming through it.
    This also makes sense to Ashley - it’s a business in distress and it just needs initial money in all reality, that can build to a nice profit whilst keeping a nice profile and he has local presence in Shirebrook not to mention two new shops opening in the city soon. 
    the Administrators should have the red carpet rolled out in his direction as we have no idea what we would get with someone else if there turns out to be anyone else!
  3. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Mucker1884 in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Whilst @GeordieRam maintains his polite and well reasoned opinions, (whether we agree with them or not), there should be no hints that he and/or his opinions aren’t welcome on here.
    If he doesn’t share those opinions with us… the victims… the affected… the so called “homeless people”… then he has nobody else to share them with, because quite literally nobody else gives a T0$$!
    Unfair to suggest that he is being insensitive by airing his views on here, IMO.
     If he gets cocky, mind, or starts pointing and laughing at us, then strip him of his barcode, soak him in a vat of broon, then dunk him in The Derwent, I say!
    So far, he’s behaved impeccably.  
  4. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to PistoldPete in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    But who is to say he wouldn't have sold the club if not for covid? And administration avoided? It is hardly an "excuse", covid has had a devastating affect on revenues and indeed on valuations of players and other assets as well as on the  prospects of selling the club. Anoyone who denies that must have an agenda against Morris. 
  5. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to Crewton in Supporters Trust   
    I used to wear them, until I started to look like Dad & Son off the Dick Emery Show. 
  6. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to PistoldPete in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Their official statement said we were not eligible. Now they say we didn’t apply… well why apply for a loan you know you are not eligible for ? I haven’t applied for any £8 million loans either, for the same reason. As usual disingenuous in the extreme from EFL
  7. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to San Fran Van Rams in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I completely disagree. Their response only strengthens my view that EFL is completely incompetent.
    Firstly  - multiple occasions they've dodged questions and fall back on an argument that the current and potential future punishments seek to maintain the 'integrity' of the league. bullpoo. How is the integrity of the league being maintained when we're being forced to play a makeshift team full of academy rookies and retired pros? Its a minor miracle Rooney is doing the job he's doing. 
    They completely disregard that the club has already been penalized to the point of extinction, and are still pushing for further sanctions which will only to serve to damage the supporters, the local community, and if we're lucky, new owners. The club is on its knees and all they can talk about is maintaining league integrity because 'its what the rules say' - they don't seem to grasp the issue that the rules are not fit for purpose in the first place. They also completely miss the point that our suspended 3 point penalty (for paying players 22 days late) was completely out of whack with what they agreed for Sheff Weds (and other clubs have got off scott free for the same offense in the past).
    Also, this whole 'its the benefactor model which is wrong' cr@p needs to end. the EFL and its member clubs are in this financial predicament because the EFL are incompetent commercially, cannot negotiate a proper broadcasting deal, and have bent over and presented themselves to the EPL to take full advantage of. More regulations, such as the cost controls they're talking about, will only serve to broaden the gap between the EPL and EFL. Football either needs to stop being run as a business, or you let those who understand business run the football. You can't go either way.
  8. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to StarterForTen in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Absolutely none.
    But we're adept on this forum at stitching a coat to a button...
  9. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to i-Ram in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    There is no point him trying to sue the club because if we are in Administration he would have nothing to gain. Even if he could prove a case - highly unlikely - and won, any award would rank as an unsecured creditor and get 2/3 of 3/4 of 5/8 of FA. If as part of Administration the club was bought, it would be bought by a different entity, and the entity to which Gibson would be suing would cease to exist.
    If he should proceed with any case I cannot see the EFL would permit it under their membership rules. There would be anarchy. Would the door be open for us to sue QPR for instance.
    IMO it is no more than sabre rattling, and Gibson trying to look hard to pacify his own entitled fanbase who are fed up with Championship football and Warnock’s brand of entertainment. The bloke is an irrelevance and we should ignore him, rather than give him the time and profile he seeks.
  10. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Rev in Tickets on sale   
    I'd guess that what we have now will remain in place for now.
    Even if the card and postage only costs a quid each, why spend 10k+ if you don't need to, when it could be the difference between a redundancy or not?
  11. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Mucker1884 in Tickets on sale   
    "Your order has been completed successfully."
    The above means I have no official complaint to make.
    I've only confirmed my (reserved) season ticket seat (both games) because I came on here, and saw this thread.
    I'm not keen on the extremely short notice, and short "selling period". 
    I have no idea whether my season ticket seat would have gone on to general sale tomorrow at 10am, for others to snap up once general sale opens up (It's an aisle seat, with an empty one next door, so somewhat tempting for a couple). 
    Has there been any announcement as to when season tickets lose their reserved status, and become available to all?  Is it when general sale opens, or is that reserved period extended beyond that date, eg until 48 hours before kick off?  Maybe 5 days or so?  I truly don't know.
    If there has been such an announcement, then whilst I am happy to apologise for moaning, I'd still argue that, as a season ticket holder, I would have hoped to be informed when my tickets are available.  Preferably from the company that sold me those tickets, not some bloke on the internet.
    I'm just grateful I came on here.  I'm just grateful that some bloke on the internet had the decency to let us know.  So sincere thanks for that, @Foreveram  ? 
    minor rant over.
    Purely for info... no postal tickets this time... Mobile or print yersen only.  (Not moaning... Mobile worked perfectly for me, for the last two games).
  12. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Van der MoodHoover in Long Keogh piece in the Guardian   
    I'd give Gordon Taylor a bell mate. You'll be a multimillionaire within a couple of months. 
    Ole Gordon wouldn't let small issues of morality, general good, or egregious greed get in the way of helping out a player of the beautiful game.... ?
  13. Cheers
    GB SPORTS got a reaction from angieram in Long Keogh piece in the Guardian   
    Glad you said that Angie I am fed up of saying it to all i meet in person or on SM.
  14. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to Ramarena in Long Keogh piece in the Guardian   
    In the week that the club had to make a number of local people redundant, we need to spare a thought for poor Richard Keogh.
    Poor guy goes to the pub after a club event, didn’t really drink anything, probably made a couple of huge donations to charity, also probably saved some drowning puppies and helped an old lady cross the road!
    He then wakes up injured in a crashed car, through absolutely no fault of his own!
    Then the club outrageously sacks him.……..Awful!
    He’s the real victim here!
  15. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to PistoldPete in Long Keogh piece in the Guardian   
    It wasnt a Court of Law, nor even a proper employment tribunal. It was a kangaroo court set up by the EFL and the Players union.
  16. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to Mucker1884 in Long Keogh piece in the Guardian   
    Not sure a court of law was involved in anything other than the drink/drive related charges to TL & MB.  Don't think Keogh was anywhere near a court of law, nor the club, in this instance.   
  17. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Rev in Long Keogh piece in the Guardian   
    If Keogh was knocked out in the accident, how did he know exactly which building his teammates were hiding behind, and limp up to join them?
  18. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to RamInFrance in Long Keogh piece in the Guardian   
    Baalocks and pathetic sob story by the Guardian and Keogh. No sympathy from me. Club Captain. Got Loaded. Got in a car with someone over the limit. And the rest is history. Could have been remembered as a great servant to the club. Now he will be remembered as a member of the pish head joiners gate group. twit.
  19. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Foreveram in Long Keogh piece in the Guardian   
    Difference is Lawrence paid for his crime Keogh was paid for his
  20. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to Foreveram in Long Keogh piece in the Guardian   
    Maybe he used his incredible positional sense 
  21. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to uttoxram75 in Ryan Allsop   
    Not done a thing wrong in two tough games. Strong shot stopper and safe hands with crosses. Quick to tell the defence to get out today as well.
    Looks a keeper!
  22. Clap
    GB SPORTS got a reaction from 1967Ram in 1971-72 season scrapbook   
    And blue shorts, Wait for the incoming
  23. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Rev in Long Keogh piece in the Guardian   
    Absolute ******** from Keogh, and he knows it.
  24. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to RoyMac5 in Long Keogh piece in the Guardian   
    Wow what utter baalocks from Keogh. 
  25. Haha
    GB SPORTS got a reaction from ThePrisoner in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    Where are you all? 

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