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    Parsnip got a reaction from Premier ram in The UEFA European Championship 2020 Thread   
    Gotta admit I'm excited. 
    And I'll continue to feel excited until @Jourdaneloquently explains to me why I shouldn't be.
    But for now, it's coming home.
  2. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to TigerTedd in Gareth Southgate   
    I suppose you’re right. It reminds me of the problem Peter Jackson just have had casting for lord of the rings (stick with me on this convoluted analogy). He’s looking for good actors, but knows that the real Hollywood headliners aren’t going to to drop everything for a long term project in New Zealand.
    it’s the same for the FA. They want a really good manager, but the best managers aren’t going to give up on the idea of managing in the champions league every year, and working with elite players on a daily basis, compared to seeing them once in a while and playing in a short tournament every 2 years as part of a long term project that could span a couple of world cups. 
  3. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to maxjam in The UEFA European Championship 2020 Thread   
    Subtle ?
  4. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to i-Ram in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    That red tippex is awful, but the white tippex that removed the u and the n is brilliant. Where did you buy that from?
  5. Like
    Parsnip reacted to Dimmu in Starting line up for the first game of the season.   
    More I watch the formation of 5-3-2 when defending 3-4-3 when attacking, more I'd prefer us to to play same way. It would cover some of our main weaknesses (defending our own are, letting crosses in from dangerous positions) and also give our biggest attacking threat, Byrne, more responsibility.
       Mengi  Davies Buchanan
    Byrne   Bird  Shinnie   Jozwiak
              Ebosele   CKR
    Mengi + couple other loans, 1-2 free signings and we are good to go. 
  6. Haha
  7. Cheers
    Parsnip reacted to Comrade 86 in EFL Verdict   
    Why are some folk so unable, unwilling or both, to assimilate a few simple facts concerning these charges? It's no small wonder that fans from other clubs have a poor opinion of us now, when some of our own fans, who ought to be better informed, are themselves the first to jump on any sniff of perceived wrongdoing. What possible benefit is there in wilfully ignoring what we know to be true in favour presupposing guilt at every corner? We've even got folk using the fact that we've not submitted the new accounts inside 48 hours as the latest stick with which to thrash the club. It simply beggars belief.
    For the umpteenth time, there were two charges; one related to the valuation of our stadium and was summarily dismissed by the DC; the other related to our amortisation policy which was signed off on and approved under legal accounting standards by independent auditors, the auditors regulatory body, the DC and the ducking EFL themselves, the latter several times over a period of years. The amortisation policy charge was also initially dismissed by the DC for the aforementioned reasons. This left the EFL so desperate to save face that they appealed the decision, the outcome of which was predicted by myself and numerous others on this very thread: a small fine in order to secure the token win they need to maintain any ducking credibility at all AND NO POINTS DEDUCTION. 
    At this point, I very much doubt that even the EFL will be willing to risk further embarrassment. They can kid themselves this paltry fine vindicates two years of unwarranted charges and appeals and get back to their principal role as lapdogs to Sky and the Premiership whilst paying themselves inflated salaries for doing so. As for the DC, I strongly suspect that they only agreed to what is a nominal fine in order to save the EFL from falling into further disrepute and to allow us to finally emerge from under an endless series of unfair and damaging embargos and to prevent the EFL from continuing what has become a spiteful and unwarranted campaign against a club whose chairman quite rightly questioned their business acumen. In doing so, they have vindicated Mel's opinion in spades, though the crushing irony of this has unsurprisingly escaped the EFL's notice and who will doubtless be celebrating spending millions to secure a £100k fine for their members' coffers.
    If, as I strongly suspect, the EFL do not appeal this sanction, I think we will 'be the bigger man' and simply take the £100k hit in order to allow us to return to football matters rather than spending every waking hour addressing the embittered ramblings and actions of a so-called professional body that seems more intent on undermining its membership than serving it. 
  8. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in EFL Verdict   
    So we don't even have to submit the accounts until 11 days after the season has started, so why the EFL even bothered to put two fixture lists out is beyond me.
    The EFL are completely mental. 
  9. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to maxjam in Clarkson’s Farm   
    I have to believe some of it is staged for camera, whether it is or it isn't its so, so funny.
    3m30s onwards had me in stiches!
  10. Like
    Parsnip reacted to IlsonDerby in The UEFA European Championship 2020 Thread   
    Stop being a wet blanket man. She was clearly shaken by the ordeal and was visibly upset. I was upset watching it. I rang my dad just to talk to him. Blokes my age and fit as a fiddle and it looks like his heart stopped. Why pick on people for being honest? 
  11. Like
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  13. Like
    Parsnip reacted to Dimmu in The UEFA European Championship 2020 Thread   
    Just got the message from the stadium, they announced the same news there.
    Alive and stable when he was carried off.
  14. Like
    Parsnip reacted to Comrade 86 in The UEFA European Championship 2020 Thread   
    Wonderful work from the medics. Let's hope they can stabilise him and that he makes a full recovery. The match has been abandoned in any case and clearly that's the right call.
  15. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to Spanish in The UEFA European Championship 2020 Thread   
    err disgusting.
    oh you mean you weren't born then!  Ok carry on
  16. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to TimRam in EURO 2020 Fantasy Football League - Invite.   
    Kane, Rashford, Pickford, Mount, Stirling, Keegan, Brooking, Shilton, Rooney, Beckham errr hang on...
  17. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from Mostyn6 in EURO 2020 Fantasy Football League - Invite.   
    Same - I'm googling the england players!  
    What's Tyrone Mings doing in the squad?
  18. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from TimRam in EURO 2020 Fantasy Football League - Invite.   
    Same - I'm googling the england players!  
    What's Tyrone Mings doing in the squad?
  19. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from Wolfie in EURO 2020 Fantasy Football League - Invite.   
    Same - I'm googling the england players!  
    What's Tyrone Mings doing in the squad?
  20. Like
    Parsnip reacted to Wolfie in EURO 2020 Fantasy Football League - Invite.   
    In, but...

    Never felt so disconnected to premier league / international players, as I do right now.
  21. Haha
    Parsnip reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Yankee Doodle Derby?
  22. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Mucker1884 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I try and keep out of the beer thread. Too political.
  23. Haha
    Parsnip got a reaction from Mucker1884 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Dunno. Can't remember putting that. Don't even know what I was referring to. I'd had a fair few that night. I've had a few now as well. It was probably something right wingy that got me back up. For coherence try and catch me on a midweek lunchtime.
  24. Clap
    Parsnip reacted to Andicis in Pets   
    So my parents left the gate open in case she managed to find her way home, and this morning when they went downstairs she was asleep on the garden. No idea where she was or how she got back, she happy that she did!

  25. Like
    Parsnip got a reaction from cstand in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I try and keep out of the beer thread. Too political.
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