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Posts posted by Millenniumram

  1. Good thing that leak was legit and the third kit will be smart - because that thing is an abomination. I’ve almost always liked Umbros kits but that’s one of the worst things I’ve seen. Like someone’s thrown up on a shirt.

  2. 3 hours ago, i-Ram said:

    Only @Millenniumram has so far said Warne should be fired, but he has not yet reached voting age of consent. So no, I think we are still at nil, none, zip, zero, nada, zilch.

    For what it’s worth, I said he should’ve been sacked at the end of last season. We can’t sack him now we’ve given him the transfer window 

  3. 11 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:

    Maybe it’s just me but I can’t think of a period of Derby’s history that I’d be less interested to revisit.

    I mean, if I’m honest, I want to forget it!

    I thought the same about Nigel Pearson’s tenure, but we appear to be currently witnessing the live recreation!

  4. 7 hours ago, Archied said:

    So you’ve decided who it is and what he means ,, yer right you keep telling yourself it’s ok to throw around personal and professional bile at the derby manager because you don’t and or rate him and we’ve lost two games and I will keep believing that’s it’s no different from fans throwing personal crap at billy sharp , it’s not ok to get so  offensive and hyperbolic to players and managers

    Mate, any idiot can tell that’s who Warne was referring to. Thinking anything else is wilful ignorance.

    So calling someone a Sunday league manager is exactly the same as calling them a rapist? Can you hear how ridiculous you sound?

  5. 1 minute ago, Archied said:

    Did he say max bird ? 
    you want to call warne a fictional pathetic comedy character and say he is not fit to manage a Sunday league team when his record is clearly very decent at a decent level , bile , grow up

    No, and that probably makes it even worse. Any idiot can see that’s who he meant. He’s sniping at his players without even having the balls to name them.

    Yeah, cause that clearly wasn’t a joke. And it clearly equates to chanting vile stuff about Billy Sharp. You keep telling yourself that.

  6. 29 minutes ago, Archied said:

    Look the David Brent stuff is personal and a little sad that it’s used to slate a bloke who clearly goes out of his way to treat people with decency, then not fit to manage a Sunday league side when the bloke has 3 recent promotion s from this division on his cv is just pathetic foot stamping , that said is he right for derby ? Who knows , it may be too big for him , may be too high pressure high profile , if you want to talk that them im happy but the post I pulled you on is just bile filled garbage , may not be enough for a warning from mods but bile filled garbage non the less , I read your views on derby and football , I go to games , I ducking hate us losing and I give stick out too but I’ve not got any time for the post you made , you stand by it then fair play 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Goes out of his way to treat people with decency? Try telling that to Max Bird! Those comments yesterday weren’t treating anyone with decency.

    The only bile filled garbage here is you accusing me of being the sort of fan that would abuse billy sharp.

  7. 53 minutes ago, Archied said:

    You want to throw personal and professional insults at a bloke you dont even know because you don’t rate him for the derby job , read your post again , way over the top offensive garbage , im ok that you take offence as you have no problem throwing it out at warne and others , how did you know I wasn’t talking about the sex offender chants 🤷🏻‍♂️

    do yourself a favour and perhaps chill down on the insults to warne , they are over the top and you perhaps don’t realise quite what you portray yourself as 

    I criticised his managerial ability. That’s it. Hyperbolic yes, but that’s what this forum is for, to express your views on those associated with Derby County. It wasn’t a personal insult, else I’d have been given a warning (which I have been previously for a comment I made about Mason Bennett, which I stand by given what he did). I’m sure Paul Warne is a nice guy to have a drink with, if you’re into his sort of charectar. He’s just a crap football manager.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Archied said:

    Come on there’s thinking he’s not the right manager for derby , there’s wanting him out , fair do s , everybody has an opinion but the above  is just bull crap bile , he’s had three promotions at a club with not much budget , he’s made and is making a living from football management at a decent level not on a computer game , 

    there’s levels and your way over the top ,verging on the kind of fan that chants the kind of stuff aimed at billy sharp

    Because I don’t like Paul Warne that makes me the kind of guy who would chant about someone’s child dying? Wow, I take great offence to that.

    For your information, I actually quite like Billy Sharp the man. Past it as a football, but a good character nonetheless.


  9. 2 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    Wel thats not true is it

    But according to u warne is another one in the line of s*** appointments 

    maybe .. he is .. maybe hes not 

    but less than 2 games with 8 new players is not the time to throw the towe in on another manager and add him and his collection of players to the bin … bring in another manager and start the whole process again

    more players , more management staff, and the dcfc car crash to oblivion starts again 

    we not learnt anything yet?? 

    We leave it as it is and we have no chance of promotion. No chance. That’s the road to oblivion.

    We have learnt something. Paul Warne is a crap David Brent wannabe who isn’t fit to coach the local Sunday league team.

  10. Just now, NottsRam77 said:

    Ur a joke pal

    i know u have no idea what your talking about 

    u cant see that changing manager every season for 10 years has got us exactly where we are today ??

    If u cant see that then ur an absolute fool

    God help this club with morons like that “supporting” it 

    Mate literally everyone else on this thread is telling you why you’re wrong - ever thought it might be you that’s the problem?

    We changed manager every season because most of them were s*** appointments by Morris. Clowes has followed suit unfortunately with a s*** appointment in Warne. It’s not the sackings that got us where we are, it’s the appointments in the first place.

    Love the old “supporters” quote. As if the only way you can support a football team is blind faith that things will work. If anything, it’s people like you who aren’t the true supporters. I want the best for the team, which is Warne going - you clearly don’t.

  11. Just now, NottsRam77 said:

    Cant win can he

    leaves them on and youll moan hes too soft and not prepared to drop certain players no matter how badly theyre playing

    take them off and its a s*** signing and waste of money.. even though he was a freebie


    Nobody’s saying he shouldn’t take them off. It’s indicative of the mess we’re in, the mess that Warne has overseen.

  12. 7 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    8 players and ur moaning that they havent settled and gelled ?????

    think about it 

    thats is exactly derby countys problem

    when was the last time we had a manager for more than a season? More than 18 months???

    and we wonder why we got ourselves into a mess ??!?!

    when was the last time a manager at this club had to time to get it wrong before getting it right? Time to gel players, time to work with players ?

    thank the f****** lord the internet wasnt a thing when jim smith and brian clough were here

    U would have been moaning like a bitch on here early days jim smith 


    See that’s how I know you have no idea what you’re talking about.

    Speaking about Jim Smith and Brian Clough as if football hasn’t changed. You need to get to the 21st Century.

    For a manager to stay at a club for years, they must show some actual success. All Warne has done so far is fail.

    A good manager can get the best out of what he’s got. Warne has had the whole pre season to work with his players, and this is what he delivers.

    It’s genuinely scary that there’s still fans as backward thinking as you out there. Hate to break it to you, but Woolworths went bust, Freddos and no longer 5p, and Paul Warne ain’t gonna survive much longer.

  13. 1 minute ago, NottsRam77 said:

    Thought he might have a clue as to being as he seems so convinced warne is not the answer

    i said the fans would have to show patience 

    i said bringing in this number of players would cause teething problems that would take time to iron out

    i also said that some sections of the fanbase are incapable of patience and have a sense of entitlement that we should be winning every game from the word go ad would be moaning after a couple of games 

    f*** im good 

    Warne isn’t the answer. That’s fact. Darren Moore for example is a much better manager.

    We can show all the patience we want, it ain’t gonna work.

    Hes brought in 8 players, some of whom won’t even start. Blackpool have brought in 6. Doesn’t seem to have done them any harm.

    Time to wake up and smell the coffee mate. 

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