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Posts posted by Millenniumram

  1. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Not sure how spot on Mr Witcoop has been. Anyway the Reading fans seem very happy that they hope to be off-loading dead wood and bringing in young, hungry players.

    Whereas we’re offloading young, hungry players and bringing in dead wood.

  2. 5 hours ago, Jourdan said:

    Our circumstances - trying to rehabilitate after being in financial ruin - dictate the level of patience though, and let’s be honest, we’re in no position to be rash.

    Ripping up Warne’s contract will cost money. Dismissing his backroom staff will cost money. Appointing a new manager and his coaching team will cost money. Paying compensation if they are contracted will cost money. Bringing in players for the new manager will cost money.

    Money we seemingly don’t have or if we do, we are either not prepared or not permitted to spend it. So which managers would be queuing up to replace Warne in any case?

    Warne has been in the job for less than 12 months. He has three years left on a four year contract. He is not getting it right at the moment, that’s plain to see, but surely Clowes will be thinking: maybe things will look different in 20-30 games?

    We have to stay calm and Warne has to step up and show what he can do. It’s a 46 game season, not a 4 game season, after all.

    You’re right, they probably will do.

    Well be on our our way down to League Two

  3. Just now, Andicis said:

    More of a comment on the disappearing act in the good spells of form followed by the resurgence in the bad spells of form.

    I’ve never once disappeared off this forum, so that’s complete b*******. 

    I post less often these days outside of match days as I’m busy with work. Nothing to do with football.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Andicis said:

    You can criticise me for supporting the manager if you like, I'd take that against your approach of slagging absolutely every element of the club off relentlessly for the last 5 years mind. 

    The club that was run so badly it almost went out of business?

    Yeah, you’re right, I should’ve been more supportive of Mel.

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