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    Andrew3000 reacted to EtoileSportiveDeDerby in Fans not from Derbyshire...   
    Not Derbyshire, not Englandshire, south of France and somehow ended up in Derby.  I go by a simple rule whereever i end up, i go and watch the local team. Stafford Rangers, Leek Town, Port Vale (never lived in Burslem  but there was a cracking Balti nearby) and now the Rams. Never been accused of being a glory hunter. Having seen my country win the WC and Euros, seen Messi play and score, seen Iniesta, i just have one wish on the football bucket list, see the Rams win the FA cup, not bothered about PL, just the FA cup.
  2. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Day in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Steve McClaren had a 3 month affair whilst he was married, Chris Martin banned from 68 pubs, I mean we haven’t always had squeaky clean men at the club.
    Still not exactly sure what he has meant to have done wrong this time. 
    Out with mates, have a few drinks, invite some women to his table, are his mates single unknown to paparazzi men where Rooney used his status to get the women to the table? What a naughty boy.
    All go to a hotel room, Rooney fully dressed falls asleep on the chair. Is that the crime here, falling asleep? 
    Pictures of his mates not posted on social media as they have no headline grabbing status.
    I mean if he’s stripped naked, wearing makeup, with the women snorting coke off his arse cheeks has he takes a hit from a bong I could maybe understand it.
    I haven’t seen headlines of Colleen leaves family home, spotted not wearing her wedding ring as we’ve seen previously, so if his wife has presumably forgiven him, why are we creating page after page on the internet laying into him.
    I just don’t get it Kash, forgive me if I’m wrong but it all feels like an overblown situation by those that don’t want Rooney as manager. Probably best we agree to disagree on this.
  3. Clap
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from G STAR RAM in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    What else would it say?! Again, I'm not saying I 100% trust the source but his credentials as a scientist seem pretty good. Alarming how every dissenting voice is instantly discredited and how powerful the effect is on us.
  4. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    It says a similar thing on Bret Weinsteins wiki page - fwiw they (him and his wife) made a video proving what they were being accused of was false.
    The guy that created the Wikipedia also hates what it has become;
  5. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to GboroRam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I looked him up on Wikipedia. Nice start for his entry. 
    Robert Wallace Malone is an American virologist and immunologist criticized for propagating misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  6. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I guess the point I was making was that we originally only needed to vaccinate the elderly and vulnerable to get our freedom back.  Then the over 50s.  Now its everyone.  IIRC herd immunity was reached a while back, if I was mistaken and it hasn't been, we're on track to vaccinate 90% of all adults anyway - so theres my 90%/10% argument.  
    Unless you physically restrain people and jab them against their will, 90% is probably about the best we'll do and far better than the Govt imagined at the beginning.  Personally, I think 90% is a great achievement and well beyond herd immunity. 
    IMHO vaccinating the final 10% won't effect the overall R number to any significant degree given that its well beyond the number needed for herd immunity, they are a small percentage of the community and 9 in 10 people they meet will be vaccinated anyway. 
    One of the problems with the current language being used by people in Govt or millions of followers on twitter is that they regularly conflate anti-vaxxers with the vaccine hesitant.  Vaccine uptake drops off a little as you go down the age brackets but most significantly in the under 30s - the ones that are likely to suffer least with covid and have the most to lose if any long term complicantions should arise.  
    Its a bit like the old Brexit argument - all the far right are Brexiteers but not all Brexiteers are far right.
    TBH I can't recall what Chris Whitty said exactly, and couldn't find it following a quick google search.  I did find this however;
    'Of the 117 people who died with the Delta variant, first identified in India, 50 (43%) had been fully vaccinated.'
    As I've covered earlier in the thread I'm not wanting to spread conspiracy theories, there is a very good reason for this - most of the population have now been jabbed, including the elderly and vulnerable, therefore most of the deaths eventually be in this group.  I guess eventually your time will be up and the next thing you get will knock you over.  As it says further down the article;
    'No vaccine is perfect in preventing people from getting Covid and therefore a small number of people will still die.  And in a world where every single person had been vaccinated, 100% of Covid deaths would be of vaccinated people.  But the actual number of people dying would be much lower - a 20th as many as if no-one was vaccinated, according to PHE estimates.'
    I'm not denying that the vaccine works, nor that it keeps people out of hospital or requiring less intervention if they do, but I do believe that we have either reached or are very close to reaching herd immunity with approx 90% of the adult population double jabbed by Sept.  Calling everyone else stupid or selfish and trying to coercing them to take the jab by denying them their freedom is a a slippery slope towards increased Govt interference in our lives. 
    Others may or may not agree with that, but personally I'd like to stop any chance of that happening now rather than have to potentially look back in 5 years time at what we've lost and fight to get it back.  I'm still hopeful it won't make its way through Parliament, especially with approx 50 Tory rebels but Labour do seem to be wobbling ? 
  7. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Day in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    I have a mate that cheated on his missus several times. I don’t agree with it, told him that.
    But he’s still a mate, I like him. 
    I would imagine we have players in our squad now that have also cheated but it’s been kept off the front pages as they are not as high profile as England’s all time top goalscorer.
    We can all like and dislike who we like and for whatever reason which begs the question why I even felt the need to write all this, I’ll still post it though on the off chance a player or Rooney reads this.
    Crack on with your own personal life, as long as it doesn’t effect your job at Derby you get handsomely paid for, I’m not really bothered. 
    It’s not great seeing you on the front pages of the tabloids, but I never read them anyway, waste of trees.
    I’m no angel that hasn’t done anything that would go against another’s morals so who am I to pass judgement on what you do.
  8. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to Parsnip in I'm a plonker!   
    Posting in real time.
    I'm watching tele in my favourite seat and needed a wee. Whenever I vacate my favourite seat (the corner bit of the sofa), my dog nicks it. So I always put something there so he won't, like my laptop or summat. I grabbed the mirror the Mrs uses for make up, its actually a little wall mirror but she just props it up on her knees for some reason. I placed that in my spot and went for a wee. 
    As I was having a wee I had a mini panic attack - what if my dog is stupid enough to sit on the mirror?? He is a pretty stupid dog! Could he be that dumb??? I rushed down without even dabbing and found the dog snoring on the floor.
    Panic over, went to get mesen a drink, brought it back to the settee with half an eye on the tele - and sat on the stupid mirror.
  9. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to strawhillram in 2021 / 2022 New kit   
    Give it another 48 hours
  10. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Tyler Durden in Supporters Charter Meeting Questions   
    Do you regret becoming owner of Derby County Football Club?
    Would you have made the same decision again to take over the club with the benefit of hindsight on how matters have ended up at this point in time? 
  11. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to angieram in Has the transfer embargo been lifted?   
    If that figure is correct, it is very low. Bobby Duncan said to be on £3,500 per week. Hardly kicked a ball for any of our teams.
  12. Cheers
    Andrew3000 reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Interesting chat here re. accurate covid data and policy making.
    Official figures now show 25% of people classed as Covid hospitalisations are being treated for other reasons.  If you add to that 56% of people catch Covid whilst in hospital and that care homes account for over 1/3 of Covid deaths, do we actually need many of the draconian measures that Politicians want to impose on us?
    Skip the first 1m5s if you don't want to listen to her initial ramble...
  13. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to Gaspode in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    It's been the case all through the pandemic that the figures being used to justify the decisions are flakey - and without accurate data, you can't make decent informed decisions. Hopefully one of the many lessons that need to learned from this will be that governments need to check where the figures originate from and what the likelihood of them being skewed by other factors are. Covid death numbers are clearly inaccurate as are covid admissions - yet the public are excpected to follow rules to protect the NHS based on the smoke and mirrors estimates predicted by the 'experts'....
  14. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to Ambitious in Who will be our first signing?   
    Non of our trialist have a big name. Morrison is as big as it gets - 8 letters - gone are the days of Kieftenbeld! 
  15. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to Chester40 in Who will be our first signing?   
    In our current situation then Jagielka all day long. Looks classy at this level, looks fit enough (never been blessed with pace anyway), model professional, bags of experience and sends out a message we aren't a complete unprofessional basket case of a club if he is willing to sign. 
    With Knight out, I'd put Carroll second. Another confident-on-the-ball body in midfield and is experienced enough at a higher level to bring through our young prospects. 
    Morrison 3rd. Could be amazing and has been putting in a shift. But we do have Lawrence, Jozwiak, Sibley etc already in the 'mercurial, potential match winner but not producing regularly' category already. 
    Aluko looks a handy squad player so 4th I suppose, but a proper goal scoring striker is a bigger priority and he isn't it. 
  16. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to G STAR RAM in Supporters Charter Meeting Questions   
    It would appear that insufficient due diligence was carried out on the prospective sales to BZI and Erik Alonso.
    Who carried out due diligence and what measures have been put in place to ensure that we are not sold to such an unprofessional outfit?
  17. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Dean (hick) Saunders in Supporters Charter Meeting Questions   
    What is your thoughts now on the EFL having been through the last 2y?
    Do you think they (EFL) have a vendetta against our club?  (Or more specifically senior leaders in the EFL).
    When you speak to other chairman to what extent are they sympathetic toward us?
    What are your thoughts on future governance of EFL?
  18. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Ambitious in Supporters Charter Meeting Questions   
    My other questions would be to ask what we are doing to improve recruitment as its largely to blame for the mess we find ourselves in? We are undeniably one of the worst clubs in the country when it comes recruiting players for both the ability we recruit and in resale value of the players we sign. As far as I know, it hasn't changed since Mel walked through the door. If I was him, I would've chemically castrated the entire lot for wasting 10s of millions of my money. He seems a patient man in that regard. 
  19. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Crazy in Supporters Charter Meeting Questions   
    With the benefit of hindsight, what one decision would you have done differently since you bought the club?
  20. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to DCFC1388 in Supporters Charter Meeting Questions   
    What happened with the proposed East Stand development? Did we get the planning permission?
  21. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to DCFC1388 in Supporters Charter Meeting Questions   
    Despite alot of the positivity done at the club during your (Mels) ownership such as the Academy, do you feel embarrassed/ashamed by our public image to the rest of the footballing world now? After the EFL cases, Keogh, Joiners Gate, Rooney & the 32red deal, embargoes, no players, iPro, Derby Way etc
    Btw, not me having a go would just like to know how Mel feels, as a Derby fan, about how tarnished image
  22. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to uttoxram75 in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    Same here mate, family and friends are amused and entertained by my ability to get knee, beer and background in alignment.
    great pun btw, have a patella on the back!
  23. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to richinspain in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    FTFY (bring back the "good"old days?)
  24. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Ellafella in Supporters Charter Meeting Questions   
    The name of Derby County has been radically sullied in the press of late, some of it very unfair. Does the Club have a communications strategy to set the record straight over some of the issues eg how we cheated relegation? How we fixed our accounts? How we sold the ground to ourselves? What we value as a Club eg fairness, community spirited, ambitious. 
  25. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Anag Ram in Derby County versus Real Betis, 28 July, Pre-Season Friendly   
    I think one of the things which remains apparent in this side is the lack of cohesion through the team.
    Plenty of players have good moments, a nice flick or a great pass, but then the recipient slows things down again and the initial advantage is lost. 
    I’d like to see us be a bit braver and play some first time passes. I think we have enough players now who are capable of doing so. Watson got the ball to Bird quickly and he hit it first time and hey presto, a goal. 

    Chris Martin (yeah, yeah, I know) put momentum into our attacks with first time flicks and passes. We haven’t really replaced that.
    And pace, boy do we need some pace.
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