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  1. Clap
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from Angry Ram in Tactics; Intent and Execution   
    Well, my point is why would we have this tactical intent when we don't have the personnel? For the cbs You address how we might improve comfort using the ball but not pace. Only Mengi is quick and we haven't been able to get him.
    It is an interesting piece and if correct makes me worry that Rooney isn't being pragmatic enough with what's available.
  2. Clap
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from Rammy03 in Tactics; Intent and Execution   
    Well, my point is why would we have this tactical intent when we don't have the personnel? For the cbs You address how we might improve comfort using the ball but not pace. Only Mengi is quick and we haven't been able to get him.
    It is an interesting piece and if correct makes me worry that Rooney isn't being pragmatic enough with what's available.
  3. Like
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in Tactics; Intent and Execution   
    Well, my point is why would we have this tactical intent when we don't have the personnel? For the cbs You address how we might improve comfort using the ball but not pace. Only Mengi is quick and we haven't been able to get him.
    It is an interesting piece and if correct makes me worry that Rooney isn't being pragmatic enough with what's available.
  4. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to RoyMac5 in Step Up Jack Stretton   
    Bit of trouble? Been megging Sibs! ?

  5. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to brady1993 in Tactics; Intent and Execution   
    I don't think we are too far away from it working, especially if Rooney gets the signings over the line he clearly wants to. Whether it's the best plan we could be doing is a whole different question. I think it has merit and better thought out that would you could see at a glance (and a damn sight better tactically served up last season). But it's success long term hinges on the three behind the striker and Lawrence in particular producing more than he has done which isn't the gamble I'd have personally made.
  6. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Dean (hick) Saunders in Tactics; Intent and Execution   
    Agree that Bird and Shinnie does not work. Needs to be either or..
    Be tempted to try Ravel in RHS DM role with Hutchinson in LAM place.
  7. Like
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from brady1993 in Tactics; Intent and Execution   
    Fair enough Brady. It seems that you are reasonably positive that this might begin to work? If right, you've done well to discern any pattern out of the mess.
  8. Like
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from Deej in Tactics; Intent and Execution   
    Well, my point is why would we have this tactical intent when we don't have the personnel? For the cbs You address how we might improve comfort using the ball but not pace. Only Mengi is quick and we haven't been able to get him.
    It is an interesting piece and if correct makes me worry that Rooney isn't being pragmatic enough with what's available.
  9. Like
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from brady1993 in Tactics; Intent and Execution   
    Well, my point is why would we have this tactical intent when we don't have the personnel? For the cbs You address how we might improve comfort using the ball but not pace. Only Mengi is quick and we haven't been able to get him.
    It is an interesting piece and if correct makes me worry that Rooney isn't being pragmatic enough with what's available.
  10. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to JfR in Academy Thread 21/22   
  11. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Kernow in Phil Jagielka & Richard Stearman - Both Signed   
    Thank god for that. Before CKR got injured, I'd have said that Jagielka would have been the most important signing we could have made this season. 39 or not, he's going to make a real difference.
    Obviously now we also need a striker, whether Baldock is the answer or not I don't really know. However when the trialists we have are taking up offers at League 1 clubs instead, it's quite clear we're very far from being in a position where we can be picky.
    Edit: And when I say could've made, I mean realistically from the players we've had on trial, obviously.
  12. Cheers
  13. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Carnero in Tom Carroll - Gone Ipswich   
    I'd have liked Carroll but thats a bit melodramatic when we have Bird, Shinnie, Knight, Bielik, Morrison, Watson, Sibley, Lawrence, Hutchinson, Thompson, J Brown, etc for CM/AM positions.
  14. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to MACKWORTHRAM in Player Ratings #2 : vs Peterborough (A)   
    Roos - 5 - Probably one of the only goalkeepers I've seen that doesn't look like they like to use their hands. Nearly let one in from 40 yards out which was straight at him. Almost lumped it into Marriott a few times by taking much longer than he needs to on the ball. Almost cost us a goal too. Said it before and I'll say it again. Nowhere near good enough. Our best keeper is 3rd choice. 
    Byrne - 2 - Woeful. Not sure what's being asked of him. But he was barely at right back. Gives so much space away and balls just get lofted over the top. The defending for that second goal was unforgivable. Poor first game too.
    Davies - 6 - Did ok. But got in a massive mess with Bird that led to their first goal. Comedy of errors. 
    Stearman - 6 - Can't really think of anything he did drastically wrong. But he's part of an experienced back 4 which conceded 2 goals which wouldn't have looked out of place on the park on a Sunday.
    Forsyth - 4 - Not sure what he was doing for their first goal. He's nowhere near good enough. 3 cruciate injuries. Great servant. Don't like to criticize too much. Just not good enough anymore.
    Shinnie - 5 - First half was poor but thought he improved second half. Him and Bird doesn't work together though. Both slow, both left footed. 
    Bird - 6 - Thought he broke the play up well. Better than Shinnie today. Still needs to move the ball quicker. But the same can be said for everyone.
    Morrison - 6 - Showed some nice touches. Not sure if he's been told to drop deep, which if he has, doesn't make sense. Because clearly his talents are much more suited to a number 10 role.
    Lawrence - 3 - Not sure what he's offering. Rooney wants him to score more goals. So not sure why he's dropping so deep to get the ball. Doing the work of Shinnie and Bird. If anything sums him up. It's probably having a shot from 50 yards instead of passing to an open Morrison to let him run at the defender.
    Ebosele - 4 - Probably ran at them once and got a foul. They were touch tight to him. Said before. Plays a good game against Salford and everyone jumps on the hype saying he should start. He's got massive potential. But he's not ready yet. He's explosive and I said before would rather have seen him come on against tired full backs.
    Kazim-Richards - 4 - The ball didn't stick to him at all today. Not that it would have made any different when the players you want round him (Lawrence and Morrison) are playing holding midfield with our 2 other CDMs. Shame he's injured. But with him being the one player we can't afford to lose, it was inevitable something would happen. It's us.
    Sibley - 6 - Came on and got at them. Sick of hearing this Rooney can't trust him lark. He's the only player we have that drives and puts defenders on the back foot. He needs to start for me.
    Jozwiak - 0 - Don't normally give anyone a rating who came on in the 87th minute. But he was fast asleep for their goal and didn't look remotely interested either. He probably doesn't want to be here and I can't blame him. If we were in any position to let someone go. I'm pretty sure he'd be gone. He's not a championship player. Can see him going somewhere else abroad and doing well. Still absolutely no idea why he came on in the 87th minute at 1-0 up. Makes no sense.
    First half was absolutely dire. We've played against a team who have conceded 7 goals in 2 games. And the way we set up was embarrassing. Slow, laboured, never got at them. There's no attacking threat. I didn't see the goals when they lost in the cup. But the Luton game. All 3 goals were from crosses and we didn't put one in.
    Second half was better. Mainly due to the introduction of Sibley. Who got at them. We actually got in positions 2 or 3 times where we could slip someone through but the final ball, as ever, was woeful. 
    It's not all the managers fault. With the circumstances he's got to work in and I feel for him.
    But he has to shoulder some of the blame here. He says he's got a way of playing but I have no idea what it is. 
    All the issues are still there from last season. Going 1-0 up and going on to lose.
    We never get at teams and look to go 1, then 2, then 3 up.
    Unless things are sorted quickly. We are absolutely finished.
  15. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to MACKWORTHRAM in v Peterborough (A) Match Day Thread   
    We're finished.
    If this is our squad we're done.
    The manager is tactically inept. How many times under him have we been 1-0 up and lost the game?
    No idea what our plan was that game. Almost playing with 6 in midfield at times.
    The mess before their first goal started with Forsyth not even trying to win the header and the lack of effort from Jozwiak to even stop their player was a joke. His reaction when they scored to, didn't look remotely bothered.
    Where was the logic in bringing Jozwiak on right at the end? 
    The second goal is disgraceful too. Davies and Bird going for the same ball and what Byrne was doing is anyone's guess. Just put your foot through it. 
    There's no doubt in my mind we will go down.
    I can't see anyone coming in, we can't even afford working TVs, staff in the ticket office, roadriders. So how we going to pay wages?
    We have just played against a team who have conceded 7 goals in 2 games.
    Please someone explain why we didn't go at them from the start.
    What has Sibley got to do to start a game?
  16. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to Heisenberg in v Peterborough (A) Match Day Thread   
    Now is time for Mel Morris to face the music and admit defeat to the EFL.
    We CANNOT end the window with this squad of players. Threadbare, inexperienced and totally out of its depth. Additions are desperately needed.
    Peterborough would’ve been picked off 2 or 3-0 by any other competent Championship side after they had conceded the 1st. Unforgivable. 
    Take the points deduction and deal with it head on. This constant limbo is crippling.
    We’re good as down if nothing changes between now and September 1st.
  17. COYR
    Andrew3000 reacted to Albert in v Peterborough (A) Match Day Thread   
    Get in!
    We've really come to life with Sibley on, and Stretton has looked dangerous leading up to that strike. 
  18. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to nottingram in v Peterborough (A) Match Day Thread   
    Oh look we’ve looked a million times better with Sibley on the pitch again. Must be a coincidence
  19. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to hintonsboots in v Peterborough (A) Match Day Thread   
    Separated at Birth ??

  20. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to Igorwasking in Academy Thread 21/22   
    Proud day for me. I used to coach Harrison Foulkes at under six and seven level. He is still pals with my son. Looking forward to getting some tickets this year! ???⚽️
  21. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to Ghost of Clough in v Peterborough (A) Match Day Thread   
    Could it be something other than effort/fitness?
    Perhaps their shots aren't hitting the back of the net as often as they should, or passing/crossing is inaccurate... however on match day they're fantastic.
    Blackman apparently had the opposite problem. He was dynamite in training but looked like a donkey on matchday.
  22. Clap
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from Deej in v Peterborough (A) Match Day Thread   
    Yes, it's a fascinating interview. He is scathing about the idea that players who perform on match day are judged on training. It's a tricky one that because you have to give incentive to train hard but then we've all heard managers talk about talented mavericks who needed managing differently. We know that artistic types for instance tend to be low on trait conscientiousness. So do you bin your best player if he doesn't train as hard as the rest? Very context dependent I imagine and as he says maybe at the elite level you cannot allow this. I'm not saying for one minute jack was our best player, but we were seeing a player who worked hard on the pitch and was scoring. We'll see what happens this year, but the accusation is that he was mismanaged and that seems right to me.
  23. Like
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in v Peterborough (A) Match Day Thread   
    Yes, it's a fascinating interview. He is scathing about the idea that players who perform on match day are judged on training. It's a tricky one that because you have to give incentive to train hard but then we've all heard managers talk about talented mavericks who needed managing differently. We know that artistic types for instance tend to be low on trait conscientiousness. So do you bin your best player if he doesn't train as hard as the rest? Very context dependent I imagine and as he says maybe at the elite level you cannot allow this. I'm not saying for one minute jack was our best player, but we were seeing a player who worked hard on the pitch and was scoring. We'll see what happens this year, but the accusation is that he was mismanaged and that seems right to me.
  24. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in v Peterborough (A) Match Day Thread   
    Interesting points.
    I feel that Marriott, in a similar way to Waghorn, is judged (rightly or wrongly) by his failings towards the end of his time at Derby. Sometimes I have to force myself to remember how much he contributed to that brilliant 18/19 season.
    Let’s not forget, he scored in the games against Man United, Chelsea, Norwich and Leeds, just off the top of my head. Four brilliant, memorable games.
  25. COYR
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in v Peterborough (A) Match Day Thread   
    Yes, it's a fascinating interview. He is scathing about the idea that players who perform on match day are judged on training. It's a tricky one that because you have to give incentive to train hard but then we've all heard managers talk about talented mavericks who needed managing differently. We know that artistic types for instance tend to be low on trait conscientiousness. So do you bin your best player if he doesn't train as hard as the rest? Very context dependent I imagine and as he says maybe at the elite level you cannot allow this. I'm not saying for one minute jack was our best player, but we were seeing a player who worked hard on the pitch and was scoring. We'll see what happens this year, but the accusation is that he was mismanaged and that seems right to me.
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