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Posts posted by Andrew3000

  1. 52 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    Well... We're either all doomed or the pandemic is over.  Who even cares what stats they produce anymore ? 

    Fearing 100k per day cases a few days ago...

    Forecasting 5k per day cases today...


    Seriously mixed messages. Were predictions based on our modelling ever that helpful though?

    Some people suggested that similar coronaviruses like SARS had a 2 year presence and then faded. Hope this is the same.

  2. 38 minutes ago, David said:

    It's rules such as above that builds this "vendetta" that some believe the EFL have towards us.

    Let's not forget here, the EFL signed off on our accounts, they only became an issue when they looked into the stadium valuation despite Kieran Maguire alerting the EFL to take a look at our accounts a long long time before the stadium sale was made public.

    Meanwhile clubs such as QPR smashed the FFP rules the season we played them at Wembley, were Derby crying and threatening to sue the EFL and QPR, no.

    Gibson however, well he's been a dog with a bone on this. I suspect the EFL would not have appealed and pushed as hard if they didn't have this threat hanging over them, and this all may look like paranoia, but honestly tell me I'm wrong.

    The EFL will not want this in court, front and back pages of the paper for the country to see their handling of all this.

    I find it hard to take that we're being punished for something historically which was approved by the EFL, the punishment doesn't feel like it fits the crime either.

    We've been under embargo for the best part of a year, unable to strengthen the team, can't submit accounts as there is an argument over accountancy methods which are not in the EFL rules.

    We're then being denied an opportunity of an interest free loan that could have helped prevent us going into admin because of the above investigation, so we're hit with -12.

    Yet that doesn't appear to be enough as they want a further 9 point deduction.

    At what point are we allowed to feel a little annoyed by what the EFL have done here, I'm amazed other club fans are actually enjoying this when it could be their club next.

    We have a club down the A52 with an owner sending players between his 2 clubs in plain sight, how is this not been flagged up as a potential FFP issue, can you imagine transfer negotiations? It's a table with 2 chairs and just himself. 

    It just stinks, it really does. Maybe I'm biased as this is my club, but it does absolutely feel like a vendetta that won't end until they have us in League 1.

    When you look at what Rooney and this team are up against, it's incredible the fight they continue to show on the pitch. They don't deserve to have a relegation on their CV's, not one of them.

    If we somehow stay up against the EFL's best efforts to send us down, without a doubt Rooney should be manager of the season, not that the EFL would be brave enough to award it him.

    Wonderful post that, captures my thoughts precisely.  Other clubs must set aside the competitive mentality for once because otherwise they collude with misuse of power which as you sat, could one day hurt them.

  3. 1 minute ago, David said:

    This really depends on how long the administration process takes, we know nobody can buy the club in the next 28 days which puts us into mid October. 

    Would a clean slate and reduced price ensure a sale before the January window?

    Difficult to say right now, as I say, trying to be optimistic 

    I really appreciate it tbh. 

  4. 1 hour ago, David said:

    Needless to say, today's game is huge.

    If we lose, we lose, but we need to see the players leave everything on the pitch, IF they do that, as Wigan did, dare I say we stand a chance of surviving, albeit a slim chance.

    Now if they walk out, heads down looking defeated then it's finished, we're down without a fight and I fear Rooney will walk despite showing incredible loyalty so far. 

    The players need to step up for him, if not for us, and we, as fans, love him or hate him need to give him all the backing we can starting from today. 

    We do not want to be on the lookout for a new manager whilst in administration, a squad full of kids.

    -12 is a given, we know that's coming as it's been confirmed, however if the EFL write off all the other potential punishment as they did with Swindon due to new ownership, we may be in a position to bring in some new faces in January.

    Let's be honest, the EFL are not out to punish us, the fans, the club itself. Their crosshairs are lined squarely on Mel's forehead. If he's out the picture, they may lower their weapons.

    Understand this is all very optimistic given what has happened, the odds are not stacked in our favour, however I can't sit here and demand the players do not walk on to the pitch today already defeated whilst having that attitude myself.

    If there ever was a time for siege mentality, this is it. 

    I admire these sentiments and your refusal to take a defeated brain state. If Wayne and the players do this, we could feel much closer to them and prouder of them. However, to get to January in decent shape will be very difficult. Then we will lose all our assets. Even if we can trade, the disruption is huge. It would be one of the greatest escapes ever if we didn't get relegated.  We should fight it but not fear it.  Sadly I fear this season is mostly meaningful in terms of how we reset and rebuild and who will be involved. This is a painful but riveting part of the ongoing epic story of our club. The rebuild and restoration could be thrilling and more meaningful for it.

  5. 22 minutes ago, brady1993 said:

    Ok let me rephrase a little as it was bit of an off the cuff comment in the meat of the post. What I meant is in an ideal world you would have a bit of pace, supreme positioning or both in that position. To an extent the DMs position does partially alleviate the need for pace at CB but it'd still be nice to have. I think a few of the problems likely dissipate with Jagielka's introduction because he's excellent on the ball and much better positionally than Stearman so less likely to get caught out (negating the need for pace a little)

    In terms of recruitment I firmly believe that the intent was to pickup Mengi along with a couple other players who are slowly drifting in and that we are essentially fudging it in terms of personnel until we reach the point that Rooney has been working towards with playing staff.

    Fair enough Brady. It seems that you are reasonably positive that this might begin to work? If right, you've done well to discern any pattern out of the mess.

  6. 27 minutes ago, brady1993 said:

    I'm not sure on your point here ? To be clear I'm not talking about our current the centre backs but the ideal in the set up (I go onto to explicitly talk about why neither Davies or Stearman are right for what we are trying to do).

    Well, my point is why would we have this tactical intent when we don't have the personnel? For the cbs You address how we might improve comfort using the ball but not pace. Only Mengi is quick and we haven't been able to get him.

    It is an interesting piece and if correct makes me worry that Rooney isn't being pragmatic enough with what's available.

  7. OK I will keep reading and respect the effort but:

    , CBs - Not much to really explain here and they aren't doing anything fancy. The important bit is that we expect the ball to move around between them a lot and so need to be comfortable on the ball and able to shift possession quickly and accurately. Also the centre backs may be called upon to cover the space wide that the full backs vacate so in an ideal world are positional aware and quick.


    So this can't be right.

  8. 18 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Strong take from the Peterborough owner here:


    Yes, it's a fascinating interview. He is scathing about the idea that players who perform on match day are judged on training. It's a tricky one that because you have to give incentive to train hard but then we've all heard managers talk about talented mavericks who needed managing differently. We know that artistic types for instance tend to be low on trait conscientiousness. So do you bin your best player if he doesn't train as hard as the rest? Very context dependent I imagine and as he says maybe at the elite level you cannot allow this. I'm not saying for one minute jack was our best player, but we were seeing a player who worked hard on the pitch and was scoring. We'll see what happens this year, but the accusation is that he was mismanaged and that seems right to me.

  9. 7 hours ago, MickD said:

    Our other "new signing" Curtis said "I never thought I would sign for this club with a grimace on my face".  Any idea what he was referring to?

    Working with Richard Stearman? Accepting low wages? Rooney had him by the balls? Seriously though it was an intriguing comment.

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