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Posts posted by Andrew3000

  1. 13 hours ago, GboroRam said:

    Absolutely it is. And when the general consensus in the scientific community says it's safe, I'll agree with Andrew3000. But before that happens, it's still anecdotal evidence. 

    Come on, there is more than anecdotal evidence which I've supplied links to. You can't do meta-analysis on anecdotal evidence! Anyhow, I just want balance in all things and to feel that we can debate such important issues.

  2. 8 minutes ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

    Said it before and I'll say it again,the efl will not be happy until we have been made a example of and are relegated.

    It probably would have been better to have just got it done last season in hindsight....we would have had a total reset and would now be into a rebuild rather than waiting for it to happen.

    I'm starting to agree. Not being able to be compete is a complete waste of a season. I'd rather have meaningful div 1 matches than this.

  3. 4 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Known fact - where is your evidence for the vaccines not going through rigorous testing?

    As for long-term testing it os on going

    Fact check: It is standard practice for vaccine safety monitoring to continue after approval | Reuters

    Vaccines are not a new method of treatment.

    The COVID-19 vaccines are mostly using new RNA tech. Long term testing is usually done in trials, not in a global roll-out! I didn't say no safety checks, I said the usual gold standard has been waived. I will check this.

  4. 6 minutes ago, maxjam said:


    I'm not sure what point you think I've been trying to make with my posts?

    All I have stated (with links) is that some countries have had success with Ivermectin and it is undergoing a proper trial here in the UK - which may or may not lead to your peer reviewed study.

    I'm not suggesting anyone should take it and I'm not pinning all my hopes on it.  If it work, it works.  If it doesn't, it doesn't.  The only personal comment I made was 'Personally, I hope Ivermectin or or some other readily available, proven drug is found to help in the battle vs covid as it will give those hesitant to take the vaccines alternative medicines'  as the drug is approx 40 years old with a proven track record.

    Same here. I'm just interested in choice and finding answers to things that don't make sense. 

  5. 52 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Then again in all seriousness I'll wait for the 'Gold standard' trials to be done and consider their results. 

    And if you're talking about the vaccines, that is very different and if you don't know what safety tests were done and how vaccines work then I suggest you read up.

    It is a known fact that the vaccines have not gone through the usual 'gold standard safety checks'and have been allowed to do so as an emergency measure. The short term adverse effects reporting is regarded as high (according to Tess the expert I referred to earlier)compared to other vaccines. The long term data is not in. So we are back to my main concern, double standards being applied t o suit. To suit what agenda I don't know.

  6. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    No it is not semantics! Again you don't get it. How can you say it has had some 'success' if you cannot prove that 'success' was down to the drug and not to other things.

    That is the whole point of trials. After the trial then we should know whether the drug has a positive effect or not. 

    The point is why should a drugs company be able to sell a drug with the claim it is successful in treating covid when it is not proven?

    At the moment it is Snake oil.

    Far from snake oil. There is lots of evidence.

  7. 12 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Weird that some people are happy to push vaccines with no long term data available but seem really against another potential life saving drug because its unproven...

    Exactly. It is this weird double standard that is troubling me and needs explaining. It is our governments that I am criticising because we are being strongly pressurised in this direction.

  8. 37 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    Ivermectin has has some success elsewhere in the world but have never really been studied properly - fortunately, it now is being so we'll have some more definitive results in the near future.


    You can even sign up to join the trial if you want;


    This is encouraging. We need to shift the focus to treatments and other preventative measures so that we have more options.

  9. 57 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

    "EMA advises against use of ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 outside randomised clinical trial“


    Basically the very high concentration required has other side effects on the lungs. 

    Also, bear in mind that there are different standards being applied to the use of the vaccine. It already seems to have a poor safety record in comparison.

  10. 51 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

    "EMA advises against use of ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 outside randomised clinical trial“


    Basically the very high concentration required has other side effects on the lungs. 

     I'm not sure what is going on here, very contradictory reports.  This is worth a listen. This researcher claims the meta-analysis is clear that it is safe and effective. Very odd.


  11. 43 minutes ago, David said:

    Yeah sorry about posting that, was just going out my mind and I guess hoping for any kind of suggestions.

    Got my Dad to ring his parents, couldn’t get through so rang the police. As I did that his mate turned up to the house followed by the police, wasn’t there which sent us all into panic more.

    His mate stayed at the house, ringing all his other mates. Rolled up to the house pissed out his face crying. 

    I know he’s been struggling with long Covid, didn’t think it was that bad. Woke up to a message from him, no thanks but pissed off I got his parents involved and then blocked me. Nice. 

    I know I did the right thing, one day he will realise that. What a mess.

    You stepped.up and took action. It takes courage to do that. The part of him that posted on Facebook must have hoped for some help (because there are other ways to say goodbye), even if another part of him is angry that people intervened. Not saying he didn't intend to do it, but perhaps some doubt. Various serious situation, our mental health is also a public health crisis.

    Hope you are OK David, it's a very dark and disturbing world at times and our compassion is the only way to bring some light.  

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