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Posts posted by Andrew3000

  1. 8 hours ago, David said:

    Crap isn’t it, I know he’s been struggling, but never expected to see that tonight. Not like he’s down the road either so having to get Police round and that. Waiting up now for a call back from their welfare team

    So so sorry to hear that Dave. I hope he's safe.  Probably not the time so I hope it doesn't seem insensitive but there are reports of Ivermectin treating long covid successfully. Your cousin needs some hope. This is why I'm concerned, covid is a serious public health issue, but treatment is not being emphasised which is really odd and a seriously problem. Take care, all the very best.

  2. 4 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

    The only motive is money. Vaccines are a magic money tree where as treatments like ivermectin cannot now be patented.

    It is a logical conclusion.  There may be other motives. I'm open to suggestions. We need to press our governments to explain why, if we are 'following the science' why some science is valued over others. That is usually the job of the media.

  3. On 20/07/2021 at 22:42, uttoxram75 said:

    Before Covid appeared, a world renowned research department at Keele University in staffs was shut down after the Uni received major funding from Vaccine manufacturers, either directly or through "charitable" organisations funded by them.

    The research was into a link between aluminium ingestion and Alzheimers/dementia type diseases due to the phenomenal increase of early onset Alzheimers in the US over the last 20 years or so.

    When my dad was diagnosed with Alzheimers in 2014 we did what many people do, read up on the disease, talk to the people you come across at hospital visits, consultants, doctors etc, ask about possible causes of the horrific disease, all that stuff you suddenly need to know when a loved one is suffering.

    Through a close family member connected to Staffordshire University I ended up reading some of the stuff that the Keele team were working on, although I didn't understand much of it the conclusions were that aluminium was present in all Alzheimers patients that were studied. It appears that it breaks down an enzyme between brain cells (its far more complicated than that, like I say, I don't understand the science but the research was all peer reviewed and published).

    As more and more evidence came to the fore it seemed that the presence of aluminium was mainly due to it being used as an adjuvant in vaccines, especially early onset dementia, although links to pesticides and other stuff was not totally ruled out and it was suggested that a combination of several toxic ingestions of aluminium was likely to accumulate and make the problem worse. These studies were over a 20 year period and nothing to do with covid.

    As Keele university went through a change in management and new funding arrived from the various groups I mentioned earlier, the research team was told it could not receive any more funding, internally or externally, so any outside group that wished to donate to the research was banned from giving to that particular team. Their website was shut down and the team disbanded.

    Dad passed away in October 2019 so all I read about this was way before any mention of covid. It made me think about the ethics of vaccine manufacturers and the control they had over research into possible side effects way before covid vaccines were even thought of.

    Some vaccines have been around for years and are obviously safe and needed, but is it too much to ask for full disclosure of all ingredients and possible side effects of new stuff?

    My point is that I don't trust people who shut research down in case it affects their bottom line. Look at who finances the WHO, who some of the SAGE experts work for (or receive funding from). My philosophy is "follow the money". The covid vaccine has not gone through the normal testing for short term side effects let alone the long term issues so why should it become mandatory, (legally or through the backdoor by creating a second class citizen denied access to events, work etc).


    I won't post any links, most people don't care but even if you do its better that you discover it for yourself but In case anyone is interested or think ive just made it all up, google Christopher Exley. He is the main researcher who has studied this stuff for 40 years.


    Thanks for sharing, that is very disturbing. Follow the money is a wise principle I think. There are many alarming signals.   A recent Meta-analysis shows strong evidence that Ivermectin, (an out of patent drug with a strong safety record) can both prevent and treat covid.  There is an aggressive media campaign (see the guardian which I previously was biased towards) to discredit individual experiments, ignoring the overall evidence. What is the motive for this if we are all interested in public health?  

  4. 56 minutes ago, roboto said:

    Season 21/22 is the season of Festy.

    He will be the versatile player on the bench at first. Being able to fill in at full back, DM, on the wing and strangely at CF according to how Rooney used him last season. However, his performances will earn him a starting spot and we'll all be getting Ebosele printed on our shirts for the promotion parade.

    I really hope so. I love the idea of him, as I'm obsessed with our lack of pace and power. He seems a unit but i haven't seen him play. You may be onto something with his versatility which may allow him to accumulate experience and grow into first team footie.

  5. 18 hours ago, rynny said:

    The 4 signings are to cover the first few games of the season, this isn't all we are going to sign the whole window.

    On that basis I would bring in Jagielka and Davies for CB (Cashin as back up) Morrison to add some creativity, then either Aluko or Baldock whoever performs the best in training and the friendlies.

    @Carnero and @sage I would do anything drastic in releasing any youth players, just yet. If we sort out the hmrc and submit the accounts before the 18th August we will still have another couple of weeks to bring players in. 

    I like the optimism and hope you are right because once again, whatever combination of the trialists and out of contract players we choose, we will have relatively little pace & power.

    If we can only add 4 until Jan we look in real trouble. Having said that, necessity is the mother of invention and this limitation will likely force something unexpected out of the squad.

    Jags, Mengi, Morrisson and one other striker we've not yet been linked with please. I will change my mind again soon no doubt. What a saga!

  6. 1 minute ago, Wolfie said:

    It’s a mathematical exercise based on real data of people in hospital. I get that it doesn’t agree with you but impartiality doesn’t come into it. 

    Is anyone arguing that the figures are made up?

    It is a statistical exercise that relies on interpretation. As I said I'm not critiquing those figures myself, but there are political decisions about what data gets collected,  analysed and what research is published and disseminated. There is bias in our academic systems which rely on government and big business funding. Are these figures published and peer reviewed? I'm just calling for some more considered analysis and reporting not this reductionist and simplistic stuff. What other factors have been controlled for in the analysis? Etc etc.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Eddie said:


    Pretty funny tbh, but it's another smug dismissal of dissenting voices. There are plenty of respectable scientists who have found important information that is being suppressed.  Like the evidence of the effectiveness of re-purposed drugs to treat covid,like Ivermectin that have a long safety record. Many credible scientists have raised concern, but of course they must be anti-vacc wierdos right? 

  8. 34 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    Although the vaccines are working - in all but the most extreme cases (elderly/vulnerable) they do prevent the more severe cases of covid.  The vaccines themselves were never going to get us to covid zero. 

    If covid zero is what Govts want then we need another strict lockdown followed by closed borders and a 'world beating' track and trace system - however, as New Zealand and Australia are finding out, it is impossible to remain at covid zero long term. 

    We have to assume that the vaccines are doing their job - and they are apparently approx 95% effective, in which case rising infections are not really a problem and there will always be a number of covid deaths, just as there are always a number of flu deaths despite years vaccinations.

    Yes, what other virus do we measure like this? It's bizarre.

  9. 3 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Very bizarre article to reply to with a rant. Could you provide a critical analysis of this piece please as it seems to have got you so riled up? 

    Not that article but many over the course of the pandemic. How about the series of stories about people in hospital regretting not having the vaccines. That's fine, but balance it with people who have had adverse reactions, or about how the usual safety protocols have been avoided and there is no long term data on safety or effectiveness. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Archied said:

    Yep my wife just returned from school run ( childminder) to tell me she was harassed by a male parent ( I presume ) , she was outside in the open air and is mask exempt , she pointed out she was exempt and asked him if he worked for the school in any capacity which he didn’t , he carried on being rude and did a little jig whooping freedom day sarcastically ??????,

    happens again I can tell you he will be visiting getting knocked out day ,,,,, wrong I know but this is where we are, big brave busy a holes thinking they are some moral higher being with licence to harangue women , brought about by a pathetic government and media

    Jeez thats awful.  We are being turned against each other and it's wrong. The risks are not being contextualised and so threat is easily stimulated.

  11. 2 hours ago, Wolfie said:


    By way of explanation - from the BBC feed...

    Reports of vaccinated people ending up in hospital causes alarm.

    On Monday, chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance revealed that around 60% of hospitalisations were among people who are unvaccinated.

    So that means for every 60 unvaccinated people hospitalised, about 40 who have been vaccinated are also ending up in hospital. Does that mean the vaccines are not working very well? Absolutely not.

    That’s because for every 60 unvaccinated people, there are about 440 vaccinated adults in the population.

    So that means the numbers of vaccinated people in hospital are at least 10 times lower than they would be if the vaccines did not work at all.

    The 60:40 ratio therefore suggests the vaccines are a little over 90% effective at keeping people out of hospital.

    But the news is even better than that. The figures are skewed by the fact the people who are most likely to be unvaccinated are the younger age groups - the ones least likely to end up in hospital.

    If you factor that in the vaccines look to be well above 90% effective at keeping people out of hospital – bang in line with what all the research suggests.

    Im sorry but BBC have given up on journalism a long time ago. They are biased towards lockdown measures and are running emotive stories with unnecessarily provocative language designed to whip up social pressure against people who are cautious about the vaccine. All for the greater good of course. Where is the critical analysis in mainstream media and politics? This is a major problem. There are credible doubts about both policies but this is actively shut down by big tech and socially you risked being dismissed and shamed. Just for exercising caution, looking at the bigger picture and having the temerity to question authority.  It's a concern, no matter what you think about lockdown or vaccines, this is a wider trend .

  12. Just now, cheron85 said:

    Anyone got any idea whether Wisdom and Davies count towards the 5?

    Surely as we already hold their registration they won't be counted towards new registrations? In which case the above covers 5?

    That's what I was referring to...if they are part of the 5 and we are also signing morrison, then surely Jags not Stearman and then Aluko or Baldock. 

  13. I hope Jordan isn't just getting basic counselling. He has clear PTSD symptoms and needs trauma therapy, like EMDR.  The PTSD will likely be a maintaining factor for his depression.

  14. 6 minutes ago, mwram1973 said:

    Think you've hit the nail on the head there. Stupidly rich people are big risk takers. I know a multi millionaire and he always said to me you don't get rich by being cautious, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't but if you keep going eventually you'll end up where you want to be. He said he and his wife spent 2 Xmas days having sausages because they couldn't afford anything else in the early days.

    I think it's going to be a fun ride, could it go wrong?, Yes of course but it could also go so right. Like I said before, we don't know who's backing him yet so let's stoo the jibes and mocking until we know the facts. If it turns out he's got naff all then we can have a field day ??

    Aha! Finally the mystery of the breakfast club sausage scandal is revealed!

  15. 53 minutes ago, derbyfan55 said:

    Glad you enjoy them! Hopefully, our Brentford one is better than the teams performance against Millwall!

    They really do build anticipation for the game even in this bleak and tedious season. Widens the perspective on our league in a helpful way too. Bravo!

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