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  1. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to Gritstone Ram in Morecambe (H) Sat 4th Feb   
    Is it Mcgoldrick or Mchatrick?
  2. Like
    DavesaRam got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    Yes, and it goes all the way back to Mel's idea of a breakaway league after the EFL had made a right mess of the TV money negotiations. Also, and I have forgotten who it was, but one of our senior execs left the club in less than ideal circumstances, and went to work at the EFL, and staff at the EFL have spoken of there being an attitude of not liking Derby County. So something was bound to flow from all that, sooner or later, and that this attitude would colour their dealings with us - which it did.
  3. Clap
    DavesaRam got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    AAAANNNNNDDDDD: the amortisation rule, which is a valid method in the real world, wasn’t even on the EFL rule book until early last year, some 3 or 4 years after we were supposed to have broken it.
    So thar, along with all the nasty’s which the EFL oversaw during this case should leave the EFL wide open to a restriction if practice prosecution on a massive scale.
  4. Like
    DavesaRam got a reaction from CBRammette in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    Yes, and it goes all the way back to Mel's idea of a breakaway league after the EFL had made a right mess of the TV money negotiations. Also, and I have forgotten who it was, but one of our senior execs left the club in less than ideal circumstances, and went to work at the EFL, and staff at the EFL have spoken of there being an attitude of not liking Derby County. So something was bound to flow from all that, sooner or later, and that this attitude would colour their dealings with us - which it did.
  5. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to Brammie Steve in Random YouTube highlights of the Day   
    Graham Richards MAY (?) not have been the best commentator in the world but he was definitely in the top one!
  6. Like
    DavesaRam reacted to B4ev6is in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    I think clows is paying them behind close doors what he can right now.
  7. Like
    DavesaRam got a reaction from Crewton in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    However re the tax which the country needs: when the Government can spend £32 billion on a Test and Trace system which never worked, write off £42 billion of furlough fraud and a similar amount for PPE fraud, all of which being recoverable should the Government want to, then the odd £25 million owed by Derby is not that big a figure.
    I think the worst thing was all those local companies who lost out because of the mess we got into.
  8. Clap
    DavesaRam got a reaction from Kathcairns in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    However re the tax which the country needs: when the Government can spend £32 billion on a Test and Trace system which never worked, write off £42 billion of furlough fraud and a similar amount for PPE fraud, all of which being recoverable should the Government want to, then the odd £25 million owed by Derby is not that big a figure.
    I think the worst thing was all those local companies who lost out because of the mess we got into.
  9. Clap
    DavesaRam got a reaction from RAM1966 in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    However re the tax which the country needs: when the Government can spend £32 billion on a Test and Trace system which never worked, write off £42 billion of furlough fraud and a similar amount for PPE fraud, all of which being recoverable should the Government want to, then the odd £25 million owed by Derby is not that big a figure.
    I think the worst thing was all those local companies who lost out because of the mess we got into.
  10. Like
    DavesaRam got a reaction from May Contain Nuts in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    However re the tax which the country needs: when the Government can spend £32 billion on a Test and Trace system which never worked, write off £42 billion of furlough fraud and a similar amount for PPE fraud, all of which being recoverable should the Government want to, then the odd £25 million owed by Derby is not that big a figure.
    I think the worst thing was all those local companies who lost out because of the mess we got into.
  11. Like
    DavesaRam got a reaction from Reggie Greenwood in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    Oh I really, really hope that they do!
  12. Clap
    DavesaRam got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    However re the tax which the country needs: when the Government can spend £32 billion on a Test and Trace system which never worked, write off £42 billion of furlough fraud and a similar amount for PPE fraud, all of which being recoverable should the Government want to, then the odd £25 million owed by Derby is not that big a figure.
    I think the worst thing was all those local companies who lost out because of the mess we got into.
  13. Haha
    DavesaRam reacted to Anag Ram in Paul Warne’s bobble hat.   
    Maybe it’s not a hat after all and that his hair has been woven into that pattern?
    On the last day of the season he will let it down spectacularly.

  14. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to B4ev6is in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    Sorry I have to disagree with some of this mate efl had in for us and clearly they took boro and wycombe side and did not want even want to help were they could have done. All they had to say to wycombe and boro and owner gibson and cougthin to back off and say we are dealing with derby and owner mel. And they continued your clubs will be punished too the only reason they did not do this because banker gibson threatened to sue them.
    No other club been treated like this and I still think it is wrong even now clows has done a good job by sorting out the mess and debt but I think clows is still trying pay companies that missed out behind closed door and maybe offerd to give cut of promation money and hopeful it might clear the rest.
    And me truly grateful toward clows we saved the club and me with out I dont know were I would be today I have to admit my own mentally health took a battering I was struggling at the time.
    Once thank you clows
  15. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to Curtains in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    Best post ever. 
    Good to see you from “Come on you Rams” mate. 
  16. Clap
    DavesaRam got a reaction from Phoenix in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    AAAANNNNNDDDDD: the amortisation rule, which is a valid method in the real world, wasn’t even on the EFL rule book until early last year, some 3 or 4 years after we were supposed to have broken it.
    So thar, along with all the nasty’s which the EFL oversaw during this case should leave the EFL wide open to a restriction if practice prosecution on a massive scale.
  17. Clap
    DavesaRam got a reaction from Betty Swollocks in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    AAAANNNNNDDDDD: the amortisation rule, which is a valid method in the real world, wasn’t even on the EFL rule book until early last year, some 3 or 4 years after we were supposed to have broken it.
    So thar, along with all the nasty’s which the EFL oversaw during this case should leave the EFL wide open to a restriction if practice prosecution on a massive scale.
  18. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to Sparkle in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    For me it’s not the way the EFL have treated us so much it’s how they have treated other clubs who are in similar strait’s because consistency is totally missing with a climate of totally changing the so called rules and interpretations.
    The worse thing - the absolute worst thing was the EFL allowing a situation to occur where we were being blackmailed with the very existence of our football club because of the actions of the owners of Middlesbrough and Wycombe football clubs. 
  19. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to nick_d in Are We Having a Morecambe Match Thread?   
    Come on Diego!
    If you're going all princessy on us because we lost against West Ham, then OK - you're barred from starting the thread for the next FA Cup round we're in.
    Get Posting?
  20. Haha
    DavesaRam got a reaction from S8TY in January Window   
    Is something wrong? No-one’s mentioned Chris Martin for at least 30 minutes.
    And for CB cover, Roy MacFarland is still alive. Surely he could do job for us?
  21. Haha
    DavesaRam got a reaction from jimtastic56 in January Window   
    Is something wrong? No-one’s mentioned Chris Martin for at least 30 minutes.
    And for CB cover, Roy MacFarland is still alive. Surely he could do job for us?
  22. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to CBRammette in January Window   
    So after Port Vale every one on top of world - autos here we come - now we lose 2-0 to a strong West Ham performance, Max is injured (may be less likely to attract bids in summer), Dobbs isnt recalled, we keep our young stars for now, loan some in (one in particular who looks very promising) and suddenly we are one step away from armageddon with many fans??
    Come on cheer up. We have our club. We are on the up. We're nicely poised. We have @B4ev6isFinal push needs us to back the team and make a difference. 
    Cant wait for Saturday ???
  23. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to duncanjwitham in January Window   
    Fully expecting the EFL's response to be "Oh, you came in 20% under the budget? Guess you didn't really need it then, so we'll drop it by 20% next season."
  24. Like
    DavesaRam reacted to Kernow in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    I think the timing of both goals pretty much directed the pattern of how each half went, and I can’t blame Warne for accepting defeat and looking towards the league.
    We know we have a small squad, if we’re now without Bird as well as McGoldrick and Sibley for however long, then we’re looking very thin.
    We have one day to rectify that, if not this small group have another 19 games to go to try and get us promoted. Warne will be judged on whether we get promoted or not, not if we get knocked out by a PL side in the 5th round rather than the 4th round.
    It’s disappointing to see us beaten by any side comfortably, but we have bigger ambitions to focus on.
  25. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to strawhillram in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    They should stick to blowing bubbles. Whoever he is
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