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Posts posted by DarkFruitsRam7

  1. On 29/03/2019 at 15:36, Angry Ram said:

    Show off... 

    Actually, a good story about Costa. I recently employed 2 ladies that were working in my local Costa. I had 2 pretty entry level jobs that did not pay much but was still a better deal than Costa. They had never worked in my industry but my lot had a gut feeling about them.

    Both are absolutely brilliant and have doubled their wages in less than a year. Hard working, multi-lingual superstars. Could not me more happy with them. They both admit that Costa did teach them some good things and they learnt a lot..

    Moral is I suppose, just because you may not hold the greatest job in the world at any given time, it does not mean that you cannot achieve anything, given a bit of luck and dedication.

    May I ask what line of work you're in?

  2. 7 hours ago, ramit said:

    Jehova's Witnesses, Catholic nuns, or Mormons knocking on my door to introduce me to God and save my everlasting soul from the torments of hell.  i am fine with discussing theology and not least philosophy with folks of interest, but the downright patronizing stance of these folks is intolerable.  They can't get their noses out of their books and think that because they studied some religious text or another, that they automatically therefor know God better than i do and therefor in a position to preach.  The nerve of these folks.  i try to stay polite, but they always end up poking me repeatedly the wrong way and soon after that, they make their excuses and leave

    Actually, i do enjoy teasing them with difficult questions and ideas that make their closed minds pop


    I can’t stand religion in any form.

  3. On 17/06/2015 at 22:49, i-Ram said:

    The genius that is Foals. New single What Went Down is just brilliant and can't wait for new album in August.

    4 years late, I know, but no matter how much I try, I just can’t get into them. I find them pretty boring.

    Hopefully something clicks before I see them at Ynot a festival in July.

  4. 11 minutes ago, David said:

    Which page, just had a look at the last few and couldn't see any which should be loading, also checked the what are you eating thread and all images are showing fine in there

    A post by 86Points saying 'we told you to mind the gap lads'. I don't think it's a forum issue, more of a combination of my laptop being slow and the new loading system for attachments. 

  5. Pictures not showing up in the O'Notts Forest thread (I assume it will be the case across all threads). I think it may be something to do with my laptop being slow today, but I'm not sure if the change to the way in which the pictures load has sped up the process.

  6. 17 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

    Sesame chicken, served with mangetout and chilli noodles.


    Sprinkled with the compulsory chopped nuts!

    To be fair, they bought nothing to the party, should have saved them for dessert.

    Yet again, food I love. I don’t want you serving me nuts though. 

  7. 45 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

    That’s bollx mate. Typical victim attitude. 

    1) Every generation says the same, your generation is not special in any way shape or form.

    2) What are you doing at Uni if you don’t mind me asking?

    3) Not having a dig at you directly but jeez millennials are a weird lot, so is whatever the next lot are called. 

    4) You have so much more opportunity than us old guys. Uni is not always the answer, neither is dark fruits. 


    1) Perhaps, but just because it’s always been that way doesn’t make it right. I’d also suggest that it is currently worse than it ever has been due to people reading a headline on social media and using that to form their view on a matter. This is exacerbated by media sites wanting ‘clicks’, which leads to misleading headlines (this isn’t a recent phenomenon but it has increased in prominence as a result of social media). If someone of your generation keeps seeing ridiculous headlines about the latest millennial fad, it doesn’t take long before you form a pretty firm view on us.

    2) I’m studying law. I’ve always intended to go to uni and my degree is necessary to pursue my current career path. It’s people that I know who are pushed into uni when it won’t necessarily benefit them. 

    3) I agree with you in the sense that you hear some utterly bizarre things about my generation (technically, I’m a few years too young to be classed as a millennial but there isn’t much of a difference). However, this links to my first point because much of what you hear comes from misleading headlines and articles which make out that the strange behaviour is far more ubiquitous than it really is. Do you really think that, for example, most people of my age agree with the ‘clapping ban’ that has been proposed for the Students’ Union building in Manchester? Or that all millennials want to be gender fluid?

    I believe that millennials have done a lot of good (whilst admittedly going too far on occasion), such as making mental health issues less of a stigma. We’ve also made a lot of progress when it comes to homophobia, environmental awareness, etc in recent years. Surely you can’t argue that these are bad things?

    4) In some ways, we have more opportunities. In others, it’s a lot harder than it was for you lot e.g. relative house prices, retirement age, etc. I know uni isn’t always the answer, as demonstrated by my previous posts. Far too many people go to uni and it’s ridiculous that people of my generation are essentially told that it’s the only way to have a good career.

    I feel that I’m quite rational when it comes to ‘millennial things’. I don’t jump on trends; rather I look at what is happening, why it is happening and consider both sides of the argument before forming a view. I think that this is quite rare in a world in which people of all ages are far too quick to take sides without looking at issues in enough depth.

    Again, apologies for ruining the joke thread.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Who’s to blame for that though?

    The universities (collectively) for offering a place to everyone. 

    The schools/colleges/6th forms for shoe horning everyone down that route

    The student for following the herd. 

    The student for not realising that they don’t need to go to uni for ‘Golf course mamangement’ or ‘Harry Potter studies’, etc...

    The [insert something political]...

    All valid points. Nobody is blameless.

    I just get annoyed when so much is attributed to being the fault of my generation, when much of it is the work of the generations before us.

  9. 23 hours ago, Bwash_Ram said:


    Typical middle-aged, humourless Facebook fare.

    I see young people who have been told that the only possible path is to go to university. Blame the people who are of the age that this type of page is aimed at for perpetuating this myth.

    P.S. Apologies for posting something serious in the joke thread.

  10. On 28/01/2019 at 11:56, ThePrisoner said:

    This page has turned into things that @coneheadjohn does that annoy people! 

    Add his job to the list.

    When I met him at Wednesday away, the topic turned onto nightclub bouncers. I ended up launching into a tirade about how bouncers are my least favourite people in the world. Can't stand the bar stewards.

    Anyway, he started the next sentence off:

    'I used to work in security...'

    I hope he didn't notice me blushing.

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