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  1. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from taffyram in To Roony never give up   
    Do you know what - I wonder if he maybe actually less frustrated.  He no longer has what must have been a huge frustration trying to get answers from Mel, for months, with no response.  I know how I'd feel if that had been me.  Imagine having an issue at work, and you constantly try to talk to your boss about it, but he ignores you completely. Won't answer the door, pick up the phone, respond to emails. That's what Rooney was working with.  I suspect he'll be far more informed now with Administrators in charge.  
  2. Clap
    BucksRam reacted to Woodypecker in A Reality Check: Best Wishes to David Brooks   
    With all the strife and aggro about DCFC's situation and the angst over our 'fate', with points deductions and relegation possibly on the horizon, it's as well to check back to reality, with a fine young footballer, Bournemouth's David Brooks, now diagnosed with lymph cancer.
    Here's wishing Brooks a successful outcome and with best wishes from Rams fans.
  3. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from hydraulic ram in To Roony never give up   
    Do you know what - I wonder if he maybe actually less frustrated.  He no longer has what must have been a huge frustration trying to get answers from Mel, for months, with no response.  I know how I'd feel if that had been me.  Imagine having an issue at work, and you constantly try to talk to your boss about it, but he ignores you completely. Won't answer the door, pick up the phone, respond to emails. That's what Rooney was working with.  I suspect he'll be far more informed now with Administrators in charge.  
  4. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from jono in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Exactly, and a positive here is it's not emotive - i.e. had Mel been appealing it could be seen as "here he goes again".  It's a completely impartial group who have clearly been looking into the books, sought advice and feel we have a solid case to appeal.  If not, they wouldn't have done it.  
  5. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Kathcairns in To Roony never give up   
    Do you know what - I wonder if he maybe actually less frustrated.  He no longer has what must have been a huge frustration trying to get answers from Mel, for months, with no response.  I know how I'd feel if that had been me.  Imagine having an issue at work, and you constantly try to talk to your boss about it, but he ignores you completely. Won't answer the door, pick up the phone, respond to emails. That's what Rooney was working with.  I suspect he'll be far more informed now with Administrators in charge.  
  6. Like
    BucksRam reacted to B4ev6is in To Roony never give up   
    Be also lost key members of his backroom staff now but that can not be easy.
  7. Clap
    BucksRam reacted to May Contain Nuts in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    The problem here is that most of the people who've formed an opinion of us know very little about what's actually gone on, and are basing their views on sensationalist headlines, untrue and/or misleading write-ups telling only half the story, and what they read on that poo stain of the internet known as Twitter.
    All they read is that we've broken some rule or other, that's enough to condemn us. Never mind that we've only broken a rule because the terms of engagement have changed, or that ultimately it's boiled down to one person's opinion overruling multiple others on a technicality.
    I think it's summed up by your line about us being viewed as seeking an unfair advantage, we simply haven't - we've sought a competitive advantage, which isn't the same thing at all.
    A lot of our actions have been an attempt to even out the genuinely unfair advantage gained by teams in receipt of parachute payments, that gained by those who've blatantly set out to make a mockery of spending limits - clubs like Villa who basically just bought every single sought-after midfielder in the division at one stage - or that gained by a club like Wolves signing Champions League quality players & managers from a closed market (and as such at well below market value) while deferring a massive chunk of their wages until such a point they achieve the inevitable promotion signing those players/that manager would bring. Throw in those with owners of two clubs in separate counties trading between themselves for good measure.
    We've doubtless gone too far with it, of course, hence ending up in this position. Nobody is saying we're blameless or that Mel Morris hasn't well and truly messed it up, but an unfair advantage, really? It's nonsense.
    In saying "The EFL and its constituent clubs currently view your club with so much suspicion" you make it sound like there are far more clubs who are emotionally / morally invested in our situation than there really are.
    The only people to really speak up are Boro, Wycombe & Rotherham. There's little evidence that there's a whole host of clubs baying for some sort of justice - plenty of evidence of fans of other clubs doing so, but they're mostly hypocrites who've forgotten their own club's past misdeeds.
    Nobody really seemed to have a problem with us until one chairman went running to them to complain about us after we pipped his team to a play-off spot (because our £4m striker gave us an advantage over them that their £15m striker didn't give them over us!).
    Without that and the Kieran Maguire writing letters to the EFL about our amortisation policy it's debatable whether or not the EFL would ever even have opened a case against us.
  8. Sad
    BucksRam got a reaction from Bob The Badger in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Daughter gets headache and sore throat Sunday.  Do home test, negative.  "Are you sure Dad?" - "Yes I reply, all your symptoms are also the same as for a cold and there's a lot going around so don't worry and assume it's COVID".  As of this morning, still suffering, so do another test - positive. Damn.  Turns out 4 others in her class have also tested positive today. Joy of joys. 
  9. Sad
    BucksRam got a reaction from ariotofmyown in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Daughter gets headache and sore throat Sunday.  Do home test, negative.  "Are you sure Dad?" - "Yes I reply, all your symptoms are also the same as for a cold and there's a lot going around so don't worry and assume it's COVID".  As of this morning, still suffering, so do another test - positive. Damn.  Turns out 4 others in her class have also tested positive today. Joy of joys. 
  10. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Betty Swollocks in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Exactly, and a positive here is it's not emotive - i.e. had Mel been appealing it could be seen as "here he goes again".  It's a completely impartial group who have clearly been looking into the books, sought advice and feel we have a solid case to appeal.  If not, they wouldn't have done it.  
  11. Like
  12. Haha
  13. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from therealhantsram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    This.  I've had flu twice in my lifetime, the last time probably 20 years ago now.  Both times I was laid up for nearly 2 weeks, with the first week being bed-ridden, horrible fevers, vomiting if I tried to eat, absolutely zero energy.  I get really peed off if someone alludes to having the flu but "I'll probably be in tomorrow...".  You've got a cold to dozy berk.  I now have the flu jab annually as, being over 50 and knowing how ill I've been with flu, I know how serious it can be.  And for this reason too, I had zero hesitation getting the jabs for COVID 19.
  14. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Stive Pesley in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    This.  I've had flu twice in my lifetime, the last time probably 20 years ago now.  Both times I was laid up for nearly 2 weeks, with the first week being bed-ridden, horrible fevers, vomiting if I tried to eat, absolutely zero energy.  I get really peed off if someone alludes to having the flu but "I'll probably be in tomorrow...".  You've got a cold to dozy berk.  I now have the flu jab annually as, being over 50 and knowing how ill I've been with flu, I know how serious it can be.  And for this reason too, I had zero hesitation getting the jabs for COVID 19.
  15. Haha
    BucksRam got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    Good post.  I thought the academy comment interesting.  I have a couple of Geordie mates and they both are of the opinion that Ashley has done little to invest in, or develop their academy over the years.  However if you read a number of press articles he seems to have invested some £50m in their academy, helping to keep them in profit and so mean the new owners apparently have some £200m to spend on players without breaching FFP.  Whether he actually invested £50m in the academy, or it's just a figure on paper for FFP purposes is another question I guess; maybe it's paper money only if the general feeling seems to be both the academy and ground are pretty run down and show evidence of little investment. 
    That would worry me for Derby, where our academy and ground represents some of the best in the country.  But that said, Ashley does seem to be a known quantity, not least making his businesses profitable which, let's face it, is what we need short to medium term. Love him, or hate him, if he provided financial stability for us then maybe we settle for that until we're back in the black, then we look to kick on from there, i.e. he'll sell for a profit to someone willing to take on and invest in an already profitable football club. 
    I'm sure we'll find out sooner rather than later....albeit not 48hrs. 
  16. Haha
    BucksRam got a reaction from QuitYourJibbaJivin in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    If we did win, pretty sure Twitter would blow up with the apoplexy from other fans. I can't wait!
  17. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Eddie in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    This.  I've had flu twice in my lifetime, the last time probably 20 years ago now.  Both times I was laid up for nearly 2 weeks, with the first week being bed-ridden, horrible fevers, vomiting if I tried to eat, absolutely zero energy.  I get really peed off if someone alludes to having the flu but "I'll probably be in tomorrow...".  You've got a cold to dozy berk.  I now have the flu jab annually as, being over 50 and knowing how ill I've been with flu, I know how serious it can be.  And for this reason too, I had zero hesitation getting the jabs for COVID 19.
  18. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from GboroRam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    This.  I've had flu twice in my lifetime, the last time probably 20 years ago now.  Both times I was laid up for nearly 2 weeks, with the first week being bed-ridden, horrible fevers, vomiting if I tried to eat, absolutely zero energy.  I get really peed off if someone alludes to having the flu but "I'll probably be in tomorrow...".  You've got a cold to dozy berk.  I now have the flu jab annually as, being over 50 and knowing how ill I've been with flu, I know how serious it can be.  And for this reason too, I had zero hesitation getting the jabs for COVID 19.
  19. Haha
    BucksRam reacted to QuitYourJibbaJivin in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    If we manage to win this appeal, the steam from the piss boiling will be visible from space!
  20. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from BBG83 in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    Good post.  I thought the academy comment interesting.  I have a couple of Geordie mates and they both are of the opinion that Ashley has done little to invest in, or develop their academy over the years.  However if you read a number of press articles he seems to have invested some £50m in their academy, helping to keep them in profit and so mean the new owners apparently have some £200m to spend on players without breaching FFP.  Whether he actually invested £50m in the academy, or it's just a figure on paper for FFP purposes is another question I guess; maybe it's paper money only if the general feeling seems to be both the academy and ground are pretty run down and show evidence of little investment. 
    That would worry me for Derby, where our academy and ground represents some of the best in the country.  But that said, Ashley does seem to be a known quantity, not least making his businesses profitable which, let's face it, is what we need short to medium term. Love him, or hate him, if he provided financial stability for us then maybe we settle for that until we're back in the black, then we look to kick on from there, i.e. he'll sell for a profit to someone willing to take on and invest in an already profitable football club. 
    I'm sure we'll find out sooner rather than later....albeit not 48hrs. 
  21. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from ramsbottom in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    The juvenile in me started sniggering, sorry.  Wow, fair play.  That's a few to crack on with then for the rest of the year to hit your target.  Look forward to seeing the updated list at year end.  
  22. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from StockholmRam in Do you know the connection?   
    Watched her the other day funnily enough - took 4 wickets against NZ. Didn't know the connection though.  Actually, to be brutally honest I wasn't sure at first who Sam Longson was and had to Google him to remind myself ?

  23. Like
    BucksRam reacted to Carnero in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Derby County will not fold as a liquidation scenario is in no-ones interest, certainly not HMRC.
    The stadium being held outside the club actually helps us at the moment as without that the club has little in the way of assets to liquidate.
    Most of the senior players only have contracts running to the end of the season, so there is little value there if any, maybe £1m tops for Lawrence.
    The only players of value with contracts going beyond this season (Buchanan, Bird, Knight, Sibley, Bielik, Jowiak, Ebosele & Stretton) might fetch £15m or so in a liquidation scenario.
    What other assets are there to sell other than 2nd hand gym equipment, computers, etc?
    Absolute max of assets held by DCFC would be £20m to £25m all of which would go to MSD as the secured creditor, the new loan to see us through the next few months (probably also from MSD) and the administrator to cover their fees.
    HMRC would likely get nothing in a liquidation so they will ultimately cut a deal with the administrators, it's almost guaranteed.
  24. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from San Fran Van Rams in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Just on this point, there have been so many inconsistencies, changes of tact, miss-information, delays and any number of other issues from the EFL, aptly called out by so many on this forum, that such a statement ought to include a history of the EFL's treatment of us.  The EFL constantly dodge the issues with politically spun responses, and just fall back to quoting their (inconsistently applied) rules.
    Don't get me wrong, Mel massively messed up in lots of ways (arrogance, naivete, poor decisions) but the EFL's treatment of us has gone beyond acceptable and there must surely be a strong argument to say they have in fact massively contributed to our current demise and have, for the past 24 months, through embargoes, ridiculous appeals and unexplained delays played a key role in leading us to where we are today. I find it incredibly frustrating that they seem to be able to don huge Teflon coats, avoid all accountability and that someone (I honestly don't know who though) isn't holding them to real account on this, if not for our benefits, then those of all other EFL members. 
    It would be great to see a single document listing all the issues over this time, the EFL's responses and the counter-arguments on behalf of Derby pointing out impacts / inconsistencies / rationale etc. 
  25. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from jono in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Just on this point, there have been so many inconsistencies, changes of tact, miss-information, delays and any number of other issues from the EFL, aptly called out by so many on this forum, that such a statement ought to include a history of the EFL's treatment of us.  The EFL constantly dodge the issues with politically spun responses, and just fall back to quoting their (inconsistently applied) rules.
    Don't get me wrong, Mel massively messed up in lots of ways (arrogance, naivete, poor decisions) but the EFL's treatment of us has gone beyond acceptable and there must surely be a strong argument to say they have in fact massively contributed to our current demise and have, for the past 24 months, through embargoes, ridiculous appeals and unexplained delays played a key role in leading us to where we are today. I find it incredibly frustrating that they seem to be able to don huge Teflon coats, avoid all accountability and that someone (I honestly don't know who though) isn't holding them to real account on this, if not for our benefits, then those of all other EFL members. 
    It would be great to see a single document listing all the issues over this time, the EFL's responses and the counter-arguments on behalf of Derby pointing out impacts / inconsistencies / rationale etc. 
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