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  1. Like
    BucksRam reacted to LeedsCityRam in Wayne Rooney   
    Just never seems fazed or defeatist about the situation, so impressive given the horrendous circumstances. I really hope he gets the chance to manage us in a stable state....he absolutely deserves it.
    Lesser men would have walked from this nonsense months ago. You find out a lot about people in adversity.
  2. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Zag zig in Wayne Rooney   
    Agree 100%.  He. Never. Gives. Up.
    Spoke so positively and honestly about the team.  It's no wonder he has such respect. 
  3. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Miggins in Wayne Rooney   
    Agree 100%.  He. Never. Gives. Up.
    Spoke so positively and honestly about the team.  It's no wonder he has such respect. 
  4. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Wayne Rooney   
    Agree 100%.  He. Never. Gives. Up.
    Spoke so positively and honestly about the team.  It's no wonder he has such respect. 
  5. COYR
    BucksRam got a reaction from uttoxram75 in Wayne Rooney   
    Agree 100%.  He. Never. Gives. Up.
    Spoke so positively and honestly about the team.  It's no wonder he has such respect. 
  6. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from angieram in Wayne Rooney   
    Agree 100%.  He. Never. Gives. Up.
    Spoke so positively and honestly about the team.  It's no wonder he has such respect. 
  7. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Wayne Rooney   
    Agree 100%.  He. Never. Gives. Up.
    Spoke so positively and honestly about the team.  It's no wonder he has such respect. 
  8. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Rammy03 in Wayne Rooney   
    Agree 100%.  He. Never. Gives. Up.
    Spoke so positively and honestly about the team.  It's no wonder he has such respect. 
  9. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Bournemouth (H) Matchday Thread   
    With all the hullabaloo today I almost forgot we had a game coming up!  
  10. Like
    BucksRam reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    EFL commitment - as safe as washing your baalocks with a cheese grater.
  11. Clap
    BucksRam reacted to angieram in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    So, the EFL can be flexible when it suits them?  Interesting.
    Not so keen on upholding the principles of the regulations here!
  12. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Fla Ram in From fighting -12 point deduction to acceptance of -21   
    There's a few things I want (for Christmas), among which:
    I want to see us continue to fight with the amazing spirit shown so far - I don't want to see capitulation and if we do go down, as is sadly likely, we do so head held high, proud and fighting I want a new buyer in, without an ego, who is ready to bring real stability to this great club, and one ready to commit to at least the next decade, rebuilding a sustainable, successful club even if that happens to be in League 1 (for now).  I want our academy to continue to go from strength to strength, maintaining its status as one of the best in the country and for our U23s, U18s et al continue to be a success I want our Women's team to continue the excellent progress shown to date such that, with support and development it can establish itself as the one of the contending women's teams nationally (I won't say in the WSL specifically as we don't want the same issues as we're now in for the men!).  Oh, and I want a publicly available independent review of everything the EFL has done to so many great clubs, not just us, covering: their complete and utter inability to consistently protect and represent the members they claim to hold in such esteem whilst only seemingly looking after their own self-interests. operating a framework and infrastructure that enables, promotes and allows financial suicide to attain PL status and the financial rewards attached, their complete inability to consistently apply and understand their own rules, their inability to act in a timely fashion on key decisions, whilst at the same time imposing penalties on members for not acting in a timely fashion according to the EFL (allegedly) allowing external parties to influence decisions,  their penchant for showing hidden agendas on what they want (use of such phrases as "disappointing....") creating an environment that allows clubs to sue each other where the basis of the claims is as a result of the EFL's decisions, not the club being sued their seeming ability to ignore and not hold to account the many clubs blatantly ignoring the rules, gaining promotion and not being held to account not fighting for their members by allowing and accepting horrendous TV deals / parachute payments that by their nature create a massively disproportionate financial tier system in the leagues (one of the reasons they hated MM from the get go). I'm sure there's more but I've run out of puff
  13. Haha
    BucksRam reacted to Comrade 86 in Middlesbrough lodge £45m compensation claim   
    Dear Mr Gibsonface,
    Quantuma Ltd, in their role as officially appointed administrators working on behalf of Derby County Ltd.'s creditors, has received and assessed your claim for £45,000,000.00 to cover the financial damage incurred as a result of your failure to sign Martin 'Waggy' Waghorn. Given Waggy's prolific goal output and after careful consideration of the merit of your claim that his absence effectively deprived Middlesboro FC of a place in the Premiership, we are pleased to confirm that we accept and confirm your claim's validity.
    As you are doubtless aware, Derby County Ltd is currently in administration and as such, our claim assessors have structured a compensation package that we feel both accounts for and fully addresses the the financial hardship Middlesboro FC has experienced as a result of Derby County's lack of fiduciary care. It is our stance that this offer is both fair and fitting and wholly in keeping with the validity of your claim.
    For full details of our offer, please refer to Appendix A, which fully outlines the aforementioned compensation package. We are pleased to make this offer which whilst not fully meeting the value of your claim, does partially satisfy your personal losses, as well as those of your club and should also bring long overdue closure to both Middlesboro FC and it's vibrant, fair-minded and loyal fanbase.
    Yours sincerely.
    Andy Hoskins (on behalf of Quantuma Ltd)
    Appendix A: Compensation Awarded (see below)

    Please note, in the unlikely event that you feel our offer does not adequately reflect the value of your claim, may we kindly suggest that you remove your blouse and do one you perma-permed, window-licking meat trumpet.
  14. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from jono in Middlesbrough lodge £45m compensation claim   
    I would genuinely hope these would both get laughed out of court - if this forum can present a huge list of counter arguments then I would expect professionals would do so too, and more.  Hopefully the likes of the trust and supporter groups will already be having a word in the shell-likes of the Administrators. That said my confidence in the system is shot to pieces by everything that's happened to date so worryingly anything's possible where the EFL are concerned. 
    Gibson and Couhig are no doubt doing what they can to create uncertainty for a buyer, instigate further delays, extend sanctions and reduce any chance of our recruiting, thereby, through submitting completely ridiculous cases, get their goal of seeing us completely destroyed.  I see it as a means to that end by what at face value appears to be two very vindictive and malicious individuals.  
  15. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Kathcairns in Middlesbrough lodge £45m compensation claim   
    I would genuinely hope these would both get laughed out of court - if this forum can present a huge list of counter arguments then I would expect professionals would do so too, and more.  Hopefully the likes of the trust and supporter groups will already be having a word in the shell-likes of the Administrators. That said my confidence in the system is shot to pieces by everything that's happened to date so worryingly anything's possible where the EFL are concerned. 
    Gibson and Couhig are no doubt doing what they can to create uncertainty for a buyer, instigate further delays, extend sanctions and reduce any chance of our recruiting, thereby, through submitting completely ridiculous cases, get their goal of seeing us completely destroyed.  I see it as a means to that end by what at face value appears to be two very vindictive and malicious individuals.  
  16. Like
    BucksRam reacted to derby8 in Derby County on this day   
    29 games to go, 18 points behind 21st, that's 6 wins behind, we could pace ourselves and do it, but a tall order. Club will want to show fight to avoid 29 dead rubbers...
  17. COYR
    BucksRam got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Derby County on this day   
    07 May 2022 Derby 4 - Cardiff 0
    Derby, against all odds, make history and avoid relegation.......
  18. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from GB SPORTS in League 1 now...   
    My thoughts exactly.  The likelihood is, yeah we're going down, but until there's a big red R next to our name, never, ever give up. 
  19. Haha
    BucksRam got a reaction from WystonRam in League 1 now...   
    Can't see what we're stressing about then.  
  20. COYR
    BucksRam got a reaction from Shipley Ram in League 1 now...   
    My thoughts exactly.  The likelihood is, yeah we're going down, but until there's a big red R next to our name, never, ever give up. 
  21. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from CBRammette in League 1 now...   
    My thoughts exactly.  The likelihood is, yeah we're going down, but until there's a big red R next to our name, never, ever give up. 
  22. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Kathcairns in League 1 now...   
    My thoughts exactly.  The likelihood is, yeah we're going down, but until there's a big red R next to our name, never, ever give up. 
  23. Like
    BucksRam got a reaction from Premier ram in League 1 now...   
    My thoughts exactly.  The likelihood is, yeah we're going down, but until there's a big red R next to our name, never, ever give up. 
  24. Like
    BucksRam reacted to NottsRam77 in League 1 now...   
    Just read this … 
    Very inspiring .. well played sir
    i take back my if comment above this post 
  25. Clap
    BucksRam got a reaction from Foreveram in League 1 now...   
    My thoughts exactly.  The likelihood is, yeah we're going down, but until there's a big red R next to our name, never, ever give up. 
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