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  1. Like
    KBB got a reaction from cosmic in My heart is breaking we about to lose our team   
    If anyone needs anything. A chat, a text, a beer at half time then pm me or people on here. I have never met anyone from here, nobody knows who I am, I might possible even sit next or around you at the games and we never know.
    Many people will have met up before. I like to "hide" behind my user name. Same as the old DET board keithsburgerbill. Some may even remember me from there.
    I try to be honest and supportive and positive about the fans and the club.
    Keep your head up, chest out and look people in the eye and say loud and proud "I am a Derby county fan"
    Much love
  2. Like
    KBB got a reaction from i-Ram in My heart is breaking we about to lose our team   
    If anyone needs anything. A chat, a text, a beer at half time then pm me or people on here. I have never met anyone from here, nobody knows who I am, I might possible even sit next or around you at the games and we never know.
    Many people will have met up before. I like to "hide" behind my user name. Same as the old DET board keithsburgerbill. Some may even remember me from there.
    I try to be honest and supportive and positive about the fans and the club.
    Keep your head up, chest out and look people in the eye and say loud and proud "I am a Derby county fan"
    Much love
  3. Clap
    KBB got a reaction from r_wilcockson in The Administration Thread   
    Thanks for sharing. Crossing everything for positive developments.
    Anything else PM me if you want.
  4. Like
    KBB got a reaction from LauraH in The Administration Thread   
    Nice info.
    Where has that come from? Obviously not expecting you to name your source but is it a trusted one?
  5. Like
    KBB reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    Thanks for all the nice reaction to me pouring my heart out a little at full-time. Very emotional at the mo. Not my intention but the number of likes has made me think is this one way to publicise this and make EFL, Gibson and the totally no-idea who he is American one look like poo to start some sort of recurring thread/twitter feed from one of the fans groups or radio Derby or telegraph highlighting the human stories going on behind this and what it means to people that non-club fans will relate to? I am sure there are lots around with memories of friend, family etc linked to Derby or difficulties meaning Derby gets them through life? Are such stories more likely to be picked up to spread the word? I dont mean people having to put photos real names etc and personal stuff to their name but just a stream of what Derby means to me type stuff? Or am I just a soppy female going through a bad time of it at the same time as this crap? Just think it may be different angle?
  6. Clap
    KBB got a reaction from Andicis in The Administration Thread   
    I'm past words now.
    I will simply say the same thing again.
    This will never, ever be forgotten.
  7. Like
    KBB got a reaction from Andicis in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    When the grass is cut the snakes will show.
    This series of events
    This situation
    The clubs involved
    Will never, ever be forgotten by the fans
    If and when we get out of this situation I hope we go for them. Not just a few little words here and there. I'm talking going for the face. Swinging until we have nothing left. Getting dragged off them.
    Public, strong and relentless.
    Never, ever let their fans, staff or players thunk they can come anywhere near our club and hold their heads high. "We would like to welcome the visiting players, staff and fans of blah blah blah" drop that, dont acknowledge their existence. Your fans are here? You won't get the steam off our piss.
    45 quid a ticket. Fuxk ya
    Cold showers
    No bog roll
    Fuxk ya
    Waters run deep.
  8. Clap
    KBB got a reaction from Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    I'm past words now.
    I will simply say the same thing again.
    This will never, ever be forgotten.
  9. Cheers
    KBB got a reaction from Philmycock in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    When the grass is cut the snakes will show.
    This series of events
    This situation
    The clubs involved
    Will never, ever be forgotten by the fans
    If and when we get out of this situation I hope we go for them. Not just a few little words here and there. I'm talking going for the face. Swinging until we have nothing left. Getting dragged off them.
    Public, strong and relentless.
    Never, ever let their fans, staff or players thunk they can come anywhere near our club and hold their heads high. "We would like to welcome the visiting players, staff and fans of blah blah blah" drop that, dont acknowledge their existence. Your fans are here? You won't get the steam off our piss.
    45 quid a ticket. Fuxk ya
    Cold showers
    No bog roll
    Fuxk ya
    Waters run deep.
  10. Cheers
    KBB reacted to Philmycock in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    If Gibson & Wycombe are so confident in their claims, let our take over go ahead then sue us.
    Only they won't will they, because everyone 100% knows they'd lose, so they do it now when we're on our knees, circling like vultures over a wounded animal, with the EFL complicit in their hideous actions.
    Karma will be a beautiful thing, I can't wait for that day to come.
  11. Clap
    KBB got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in The Administration Thread   
    I'm past words now.
    I will simply say the same thing again.
    This will never, ever be forgotten.
  12. Clap
    KBB got a reaction from Ramarena in The Administration Thread   
    I'm past words now.
    I will simply say the same thing again.
    This will never, ever be forgotten.
  13. COYR
    KBB got a reaction from Gritstone Ram in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    When the grass is cut the snakes will show.
    This series of events
    This situation
    The clubs involved
    Will never, ever be forgotten by the fans
    If and when we get out of this situation I hope we go for them. Not just a few little words here and there. I'm talking going for the face. Swinging until we have nothing left. Getting dragged off them.
    Public, strong and relentless.
    Never, ever let their fans, staff or players thunk they can come anywhere near our club and hold their heads high. "We would like to welcome the visiting players, staff and fans of blah blah blah" drop that, dont acknowledge their existence. Your fans are here? You won't get the steam off our piss.
    45 quid a ticket. Fuxk ya
    Cold showers
    No bog roll
    Fuxk ya
    Waters run deep.
  14. Like
    KBB got a reaction from S8TY in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    When the grass is cut the snakes will show.
    This series of events
    This situation
    The clubs involved
    Will never, ever be forgotten by the fans
    If and when we get out of this situation I hope we go for them. Not just a few little words here and there. I'm talking going for the face. Swinging until we have nothing left. Getting dragged off them.
    Public, strong and relentless.
    Never, ever let their fans, staff or players thunk they can come anywhere near our club and hold their heads high. "We would like to welcome the visiting players, staff and fans of blah blah blah" drop that, dont acknowledge their existence. Your fans are here? You won't get the steam off our piss.
    45 quid a ticket. Fuxk ya
    Cold showers
    No bog roll
    Fuxk ya
    Waters run deep.
  15. Clap
    KBB got a reaction from Gisby in The Administration Thread   
    I'm past words now.
    I will simply say the same thing again.
    This will never, ever be forgotten.
  16. COYR
    KBB got a reaction from Seth's left foot in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    When the grass is cut the snakes will show.
    This series of events
    This situation
    The clubs involved
    Will never, ever be forgotten by the fans
    If and when we get out of this situation I hope we go for them. Not just a few little words here and there. I'm talking going for the face. Swinging until we have nothing left. Getting dragged off them.
    Public, strong and relentless.
    Never, ever let their fans, staff or players thunk they can come anywhere near our club and hold their heads high. "We would like to welcome the visiting players, staff and fans of blah blah blah" drop that, dont acknowledge their existence. Your fans are here? You won't get the steam off our piss.
    45 quid a ticket. Fuxk ya
    Cold showers
    No bog roll
    Fuxk ya
    Waters run deep.
  17. Clap
    KBB got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    I'm past words now.
    I will simply say the same thing again.
    This will never, ever be forgotten.
  18. Like
    KBB got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    I'm past words now.
    I will simply say the same thing again.
    This will never, ever be forgotten.
  19. Like
    KBB got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    When the grass is cut the snakes will show.
    This series of events
    This situation
    The clubs involved
    Will never, ever be forgotten by the fans
    If and when we get out of this situation I hope we go for them. Not just a few little words here and there. I'm talking going for the face. Swinging until we have nothing left. Getting dragged off them.
    Public, strong and relentless.
    Never, ever let their fans, staff or players thunk they can come anywhere near our club and hold their heads high. "We would like to welcome the visiting players, staff and fans of blah blah blah" drop that, dont acknowledge their existence. Your fans are here? You won't get the steam off our piss.
    45 quid a ticket. Fuxk ya
    Cold showers
    No bog roll
    Fuxk ya
    Waters run deep.
  20. Clap
    KBB got a reaction from r_wilcockson in The Administration Thread   
    I'm past words now.
    I will simply say the same thing again.
    This will never, ever be forgotten.
  21. Like
    KBB got a reaction from Rev in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    When the grass is cut the snakes will show.
    This series of events
    This situation
    The clubs involved
    Will never, ever be forgotten by the fans
    If and when we get out of this situation I hope we go for them. Not just a few little words here and there. I'm talking going for the face. Swinging until we have nothing left. Getting dragged off them.
    Public, strong and relentless.
    Never, ever let their fans, staff or players thunk they can come anywhere near our club and hold their heads high. "We would like to welcome the visiting players, staff and fans of blah blah blah" drop that, dont acknowledge their existence. Your fans are here? You won't get the steam off our piss.
    45 quid a ticket. Fuxk ya
    Cold showers
    No bog roll
    Fuxk ya
    Waters run deep.
  22. Clap
    KBB got a reaction from 66DegreesNorth in The Administration Thread   
    I'm past words now.
    I will simply say the same thing again.
    This will never, ever be forgotten.
  23. Clap
    KBB reacted to MK-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Putting Derby aside for one moment, putting MM aside from one moment, this is a moment all football fans should take notice of.
    This sets a precedent that if you fancy players at a troubled club, you can just stick a claim in against them.
    Forget tribal loyalty, this is truly horrifying.
  24. Clap
    KBB got a reaction from strawhillram in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    When the grass is cut the snakes will show.
    This series of events
    This situation
    The clubs involved
    Will never, ever be forgotten by the fans
    If and when we get out of this situation I hope we go for them. Not just a few little words here and there. I'm talking going for the face. Swinging until we have nothing left. Getting dragged off them.
    Public, strong and relentless.
    Never, ever let their fans, staff or players thunk they can come anywhere near our club and hold their heads high. "We would like to welcome the visiting players, staff and fans of blah blah blah" drop that, dont acknowledge their existence. Your fans are here? You won't get the steam off our piss.
    45 quid a ticket. Fuxk ya
    Cold showers
    No bog roll
    Fuxk ya
    Waters run deep.
  25. Like
    KBB got a reaction from Dean (hick) Saunders in Amad Diallo - Joined Rangers on loan   
    There is no rule in place that says a club must pay a loan fee and wages for loan players. Its a deal between the 2 clubs and doesn't involve anyone else. If Liverpool wanted to loan us salah for free and pay his whole wages then its their choice.
    Look at the deal fulham got harry wilson for.
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