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    Ramslad1992 reacted to dog in New parents   
    Help your missus to stay sane. Lot of pressure on women to do the'right' thing
    Both mine were caesarian section due to complications. My missus couldn't express milk but that didn't stop the leche mafia from being extremely judgemental, including bringing round a pumping system to 'encourage' her
    Now, my missus is a lot brighter than me but found this so intimidating that she strapped herself in despite there being nothing there
    Luckily my mother in law (Polish, don't mess) said that the situation was ridiculous and the baby went straight on to the bottle .....(after 48 hours of tears and self recriminations, not to mention a very hungry baby)
    One happy baby resulted (now at Manchester doing Physics), one relieved wife and one group of hacked off leche Mafiosi who gave me a right rollicking when I returned their wretched milking kit
    You know what, I didn't care. I should have done it earlier
    Lesson learned. Keep balance. Don't go faddy. Look after the ones who need you by keeping the faddistas away
  2. Like
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Comrade 86 in New parents   
    Yep, the sleep deprivation thing should only last about 2 years so nothing to worry about there.
    Congrats in any case! 
  3. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to TigerTedd in New parents   
    I keep threatening to write a book about my parenting technique, it seems to have worked brilliantly. 
    ignore them. 
    when our oldest was little, my wife would be at work, and I’d be working from home. She’d be in the living room watching CBeebies, and id be working next door in the office. She’d call for a drink, I’d say sure, just a minute. But a minute would turn into half an hour, and by the time I got up to make her a drink she’d given up waiting and just made her own. 
    A few more years like that and now she’s 10 and totally independent. She can come home from school and make her own dinner. She’s way more responsible than I am. 
  4. Cheers
    Ramslad1992 reacted to AndyinLiverpool in New parents   
    Breastfeeding. Then you won’t be the one that gets up in the middle of the night. 
  5. Like
    Ramslad1992 reacted to dcfcfan1 in New parents   
    Im in no place to give advice as Im not a parent or ever will be one for that matter. But Being a parent is a priviledge not a right. I trust you to do your best and be there for the kid, and thats all that matters!
  6. Cheers
    Ramslad1992 reacted to EtoileSportiveDeDerby in New parents   
    When baby is crying, make sure mum is within earshot....
  7. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Mucker1884 in New parents   
    If baby won't drink cold milk, put it in the microwave for 30 seconds.
  8. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Angry Ram in New parents   
    Don’t read online forums. 
  9. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Day in New parents   
    Both. Any more tips will cost you a tena.
  10. Cheers
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from LittleEatonRam in New parents   
    So whilst I have my lovely step daughter who I met when she was 2, me and my fiancé have recently found out we are expecting. Whilst I’ve learnt on the job per say and feel I’ve mastered toddlers I was wondering if anyone has any hints/tips when it comes to Babies that they’d be willing to share? The baby book says to look for ‘online dad forums’ but as they’re going to be a future ram I’d rather trust you lot! ?
    thanks in advance! 
  11. Like
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from Alph in New parents   
    So whilst I have my lovely step daughter who I met when she was 2, me and my fiancé have recently found out we are expecting. Whilst I’ve learnt on the job per say and feel I’ve mastered toddlers I was wondering if anyone has any hints/tips when it comes to Babies that they’d be willing to share? The baby book says to look for ‘online dad forums’ but as they’re going to be a future ram I’d rather trust you lot! ?
    thanks in advance! 
  12. Cheers
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from i-Ram in New parents   
    So whilst I have my lovely step daughter who I met when she was 2, me and my fiancé have recently found out we are expecting. Whilst I’ve learnt on the job per say and feel I’ve mastered toddlers I was wondering if anyone has any hints/tips when it comes to Babies that they’d be willing to share? The baby book says to look for ‘online dad forums’ but as they’re going to be a future ram I’d rather trust you lot! ?
    thanks in advance! 
  13. Like
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from Mostyn6 in New parents   
    So whilst I have my lovely step daughter who I met when she was 2, me and my fiancé have recently found out we are expecting. Whilst I’ve learnt on the job per say and feel I’ve mastered toddlers I was wondering if anyone has any hints/tips when it comes to Babies that they’d be willing to share? The baby book says to look for ‘online dad forums’ but as they’re going to be a future ram I’d rather trust you lot! ?
    thanks in advance! 
  14. Clap
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from ariotofmyown in New parents   
    So whilst I have my lovely step daughter who I met when she was 2, me and my fiancé have recently found out we are expecting. Whilst I’ve learnt on the job per say and feel I’ve mastered toddlers I was wondering if anyone has any hints/tips when it comes to Babies that they’d be willing to share? The baby book says to look for ‘online dad forums’ but as they’re going to be a future ram I’d rather trust you lot! ?
    thanks in advance! 
  15. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Day in New parents   
    When it smells, change the nappy.
  16. Like
    Ramslad1992 reacted to MaltRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Doggo update....he's fully mended.
    First time at the beach yesterday, wonderful.

  17. Cheers
    Ramslad1992 reacted to MaltRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Doggo update: He's on the mend. Very relieved. Thanks for your best wishes all.
    Just to got to go through 2 weeks of keeping him out of mischief now!
  18. Like
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from Alph in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    I’m having the exact issue with my nearly 3 year old girl... we’ve been told it could be coeliac disease so have been feeding her gluten free for about 3 weeks now whilst we wait for an appointment but no change so far. Hope your little lad gets better ?
  19. Like
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Kinder in Pets   
    Ziggy when we got home tonight - always delighted to see us!

  20. Clap
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Parsnip in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    So I was mid poo this morning when there's a knock at the door. Normally I'd ignore it but I'm expecting some stuff from Amazon so I cut it off like a sausage machine, performed an express wipe and stumble downstairs like a ballbag, buttoning as I run.
    Jehovah's bloody witnesses. 
    If I was ever on the fence about God then I'm not any more. They've blown it. I'm 100% atheist now.
  21. Cheers
    Ramslad1992 reacted to sage in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Please dont stop being a nob, we've all got used to it now.
  22. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Comrade 86 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Get *****ed old man
  23. Like
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Can’t think what I’d do without these two... they really are the best, as much as I’ve rescued them they’ve rescued me! Anyone struggling I can not recommend a pet enough, gives you responsibility and something to get up for, gives you unconditional love and accepts you for who you are, they really are the best.

  24. Clap
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from froggg in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    The drinking never helps... but it will get better mate, always here for a chat if you need it ?.
  25. Like
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from Rev in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    The drinking never helps... but it will get better mate, always here for a chat if you need it ?.
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