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  1. Haha
    jono reacted to Sufferingfool in South Stand...surely its time for proper stand names!   
    I think it’s fine as it is the area is very different to Inner city stadia where stands were named after the area adjacent. I don’t really fancy 
    The Arena End
    The Car Park stand
    The Padel stand
    The industrial estate End
  2. Haha
    jono got a reaction from Animal is a Ram in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    Wel they’re both regular church goers so it’s an easy mistake to make especially as we’ve got Vicars already. 
  3. Like
    jono got a reaction from NOTSA74 in Richard Keogh   
    So sad. I remember the peno shootout at old Trafford. A real gutsy player who seemed to have integrity. 
    The Joiners, his behavior, the gall to sue, the lack of humility ? Well may that’s life, survival or whatever we all have to do but he wrecked his name in my view. Pity. A courageous player on the field. 
  4. Clap
    jono got a reaction from Chester40 in Paul Warne   
    I don’t do it on purpose. Early days for me 8/10 years ago, I thought you were a balanced poster with much reason to offer in debates and a lot of Thoughtful comments. I just took exception to the bullying thing, the victim mentality, the seeming desire to avoid a back and forth discussion / weighing of the odds. This is a football forum, we all have views. Some pretty strong, some knee jerk passion; that we might either regret or be glad we voiced. There will inevitably in these circumstances be people who disagree with us and use firey language .. jees we are a bunch of folk arguing the toss in an open environment. No body is being threatening. When “new speak” starts to creep in and somehow you aren’t able to be forthright without someone sticking a name tag on you grates beyond measure. Sorry, I don’t mean to be personal or irksome but I have a point to make and believe I have been measured, reasonable and argued with logic. The moment ( and this isn’t aimed at you) I see certain language forms my hackles go up. “Gas light” “Straw man” .. there are plenty, that in isolation are useful but too often they speak of a corporate HR dept of a state institution.  Tick box, say the right thing, pass the course. It’s intellectually shrivelled. 
  5. Haha
    jono got a reaction from ariotofmyown in South Stand...surely its time for proper stand names!   
    Thank you for that. My wife will now complain endlessly about the wine that is splattered down my shirt. Please give me your address so I can send you the stain removal costs 🤪
  6. Like
    jono got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Richard Keogh   
    So sad. I remember the peno shootout at old Trafford. A real gutsy player who seemed to have integrity. 
    The Joiners, his behavior, the gall to sue, the lack of humility ? Well may that’s life, survival or whatever we all have to do but he wrecked his name in my view. Pity. A courageous player on the field. 
  7. Clap
    jono got a reaction from Foreveram in Richard Keogh   
    So sad. I remember the peno shootout at old Trafford. A real gutsy player who seemed to have integrity. 
    The Joiners, his behavior, the gall to sue, the lack of humility ? Well may that’s life, survival or whatever we all have to do but he wrecked his name in my view. Pity. A courageous player on the field. 
  8. Like
    jono got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Richard Keogh   
    So sad. I remember the peno shootout at old Trafford. A real gutsy player who seemed to have integrity. 
    The Joiners, his behavior, the gall to sue, the lack of humility ? Well may that’s life, survival or whatever we all have to do but he wrecked his name in my view. Pity. A courageous player on the field. 
  9. Haha
    jono reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Richard Keogh   
    They do it in the car park and it's always a sell out.
  10. Haha
    jono reacted to Steve How Hard? in Richard Keogh   
    Spotted in the Joiners Arms mumbling something about his career being a bit of a car crash atm. 
  11. Haha
    jono reacted to Boycie in Richard Keogh   
    Maybe he’s taking a back seat late into his career.
  12. Clap
    jono reacted to Rich84 in Retained List   
    Need to remember you have 9 subs, not 7 in the Championship,  so there should still be room in a 20 man matchday squad for the younger players, whilst keeping the good characters that will be able to so a job when required.
    Also, can everyone mentioning Hourihane just stop, he said ages ago he was hanging his boots up for a coaching role at Villa, and even if he wasn't, he's become very much a bit part player in the last 10 games!
  13. Clap
    jono reacted to Reggie Greenwood in Retained List   
    Pretty sure he will retire and do coaching at Villa . 
  14. Haha
    jono reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    No. Get the camo on and start staking out Warne's office from the nearest hedge. Chop chop.
  15. Cheers
    jono reacted to S8TY in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    Very good !! Really tickled me that one 👏🏻 😂
  16. Haha
    jono got a reaction from ariotofmyown in South Stand...surely its time for proper stand names!   
    How about a list of names that won’t be used ?
    The MM Stand ?
    The Docherty Arena ? 
    The new bar with a Mexican theme .. The 3 Amigos bar 
    The Kirchner Stand 
  17. Haha
    jono got a reaction from S8TY in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    Wel they’re both regular church goers so it’s an easy mistake to make especially as we’ve got Vicars already. 
  18. Haha
    jono got a reaction from Comrade 86 in South Stand...surely its time for proper stand names!   
    Thank you for that. My wife will now complain endlessly about the wine that is splattered down my shirt. Please give me your address so I can send you the stain removal costs 🤪
  19. Haha
    jono got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    Wel they’re both regular church goers so it’s an easy mistake to make especially as we’ve got Vicars already. 
  20. Clap
    jono reacted to TomTom92 in Paul Warne   
    Glad to see that Warne has got the necessary praise for the job he's done.
    My own personal journey with him is as follows;
    Delighted he got the job because I found LR ball boring. Gutted we stuttered out the play offs last season but still fully behind him. Wanted him gone after Stevenage. Accepted DC stance and our improved form softened me to him again. Delighted he's taken us up and believe he deserves a crack at keeping us there. My expectations of next season is for us to finish bottom 8 so unless we're doing a Wednesday from earlier on this season or Rotherham throughout the entirety of this season then i'll be content with whats going on. Whether PW can take us to the next level (PL) is debatable but i think we're at least 3/4 seasons away from entering that picture so plenty of ups and downs to digest before then.
    Hopefully we can see a wave of positivity behind him and the team now and over the summer. Although i can't help but think if we lose our opening couple of matches a few posters toys will be thrown out their pram, hopefully i'm wrong. 
    Congrats Paul, keep up the good work.
  21. Clap
    jono reacted to angieram in Paul Warne   
    I'm sure it was. But my point is that even four weeks' away from automatic promotion, and folks still acting like idiots.
    Well, no acting involved, really.
  22. Clap
    jono reacted to MadAmster in Paul Warne   
    I've said it before and I'll say it again. PWs first two promotions, did indeed, see them straight back down. How much of that is more down to the spending and pulling power (or the lack thereof) of RUFC and not down to PW. Following his 3rd promotion with them, after 9 games they were 8th with a game in hand on all the sides above them. Win that game and they'd have been 5th. He left to come to us and they plummeted to 19th that season 22/23. This season they are back down. Millers fans were saying, lasts season that the football they played in those 9 games was "proper football" not Warneball. I'm going to stick my neck on the line and predict we'll see better footbal next season PROVIDED we can get the right type of player in to replace the 10 or so who won't be getting a new contract offer.
    Warne has completed his 1st task, getting us back in the Championship, by hook or by crook. Now on to what I perceive to be the 2nd task, consolidation in and eventual promotion from the Championship playing "proper football". By that I mean not being one dimensional as we have been a lot of this season. By all means have your wide men go down the outside and cross the ball but it shouldn't be your only game. Have them cut inside and have a shot as well. Use the channels as well, play through the middle as well... all valid ways of playing the game and, IMO, teams should use a combination of them all. Sometimes at speed, sometimes in a patient build up. Don't make life easy for the opposition, keep them guessing.
  23. Clap
    jono reacted to On the Ram Page in Paul Warne   
    Agree with much you say. My dim distant memory of the Cox years was that Division 3, as it was in those days, was not as competitive as it is today. May be wrong! The other point I would make is once Cox’s teams got promoted e splashed the cash and it was obvious certain players disliked each other e.g. Gabiadini / Kitson. You do not find that in Warner’s team. Never seen a team spirit like it.
  24. Clap
    jono reacted to On the Ram Page in Paul Warne   
    I’ve no problem with critics provided they have some evidence/justification to back up their arguments. It the speculative ones who say things like “Warne won’t be able to manage in the Championship” I cannot really tolerate. 
  25. Like
    jono reacted to Crewton in Paul Warne   
    I remember someone starting a chant of "Paul Warne, your football is sh*t" at Blackpool at 0-0, which got some purchase, before we took the lead.
    The most ridiculous criticism of Warne I heard was from a youth sat a couple of rows behind me when we were losing at home to Charlton telling anyone within earshot that Warne "is obnoxious". I wouldn't mind betting he was on the pitch on Saturday proclaiming his love for Warne 😂 
    You only had to listen to the moan-in after a defeat, draw or scrappy win to realise that the critics were persistent and numerous. I've little doubt that they'll be back the minute we sign an ex-Rotherham player.
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