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  1. Clap
    jono reacted to RoyMac5 in Bristol Street Motors Trophy   
    I'm in favour of keeping Brown and see how he plays in the first half of the season at least. Plenty of our youngsters swam rather than sank in the Championship. It's not like we're Prem loaning out to lower clubs.
  2. Haha
    jono reacted to StaffsRam in Wycombe bought by Kazak billionaire   
    In a statement of intent of his ambitions he’s already outlined plans to expand the club car park to 200 hundred spaces.
  3. Haha
    jono reacted to Reggie Greenwood in Conor Washington - signed on a two-year-deal   
    No they will be looking at Mbappe with all their dosh 😉 according to the fans 
  4. Clap
    jono got a reaction from BaianoPOTY98 in Conor Washington - signed on a two-year-deal   
    I don’t think for a minute he’s the future but how many of those 19 “appearances” were Cameos, last five mins, post injury etc etc. ? I am no stato but he’s always looked dangerous when on the pitch what little we saw of him. Hustle bustle pass with first touch, pass and move. Yes, Maybe league one, maybe over the hill ? Quite possibly, but the easy critiques with tweaked stats aren’t really valid are they. 
  5. Clap
    jono got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in Congrats from a Wanderer   
    I don’t mind the play offs it gives being in the chasing pack a worthy aim for more contenders. What has to go are parachute payments. If clubs can’t write players contracts to allow for relegation then they need new lawyers. It’s dumb, it unbalances the championship. Just not on, a handful of clubs getting a vast income advantage year on year. 
  6. Like
    jono got a reaction from Grimbeard in Conor Washington - signed on a two-year-deal   
    I don’t think for a minute he’s the future but how many of those 19 “appearances” were Cameos, last five mins, post injury etc etc. ? I am no stato but he’s always looked dangerous when on the pitch what little we saw of him. Hustle bustle pass with first touch, pass and move. Yes, Maybe league one, maybe over the hill ? Quite possibly, but the easy critiques with tweaked stats aren’t really valid are they. 
  7. Like
    jono reacted to CapeTownRams in Josh Windass   
    We seem to have become obsessed with signing players in the 22-28 age group and with good sell-on credentials…
    All well and good, but to me the priority is getting players in who can keep us up/make us competitive and maybe in the second season make a run for promotion…
    30 year olds will work just fine- if we go up we build again….
    Jim Smith took us up and competitive with some older players…
    Champo emphasizes more skill/composure than outright athleticism for 90 mins unlike L1….
  8. Like
    jono got a reaction from Crewton in Dirty Derby…??   
    There’s dirty. Then there is robust, combative and gutsy
    I can’t remember any Derby player being serially dirty and that pleases me hugely 
    Sir Jake never shirked and put himself about, Same with Curtis, Bradly is hard as nails as is Adams. Genuinely strong players can be enjoyable to watch. More recently, further up the pitch I remember a game where Cameron Jerome bullied 2CH’s in to submission. It was an masterclass, and then, which match was it that  Festy charged through midfield leaving dead and dieing players in his wake. ? Love that sort of thing but not the cynical. 
  9. Like
    jono got a reaction from Carnero in Congrats from a Wanderer   
    I don’t mind the play offs it gives being in the chasing pack a worthy aim for more contenders. What has to go are parachute payments. If clubs can’t write players contracts to allow for relegation then they need new lawyers. It’s dumb, it unbalances the championship. Just not on, a handful of clubs getting a vast income advantage year on year. 
  10. Clap
    jono reacted to OoooMarkWright in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    I think people are going a bit OTT over John Jules. 
    He didn’t show that much for us when fit. He’s got a decent touch but is lacking in a lot of areas. Ignoring his injuries I was yet to be convinced by his quality.  I think we can and will do better. 
  11. Like
    jono got a reaction from Tamworthram in Congrats from a Wanderer   
    I don’t mind the play offs it gives being in the chasing pack a worthy aim for more contenders. What has to go are parachute payments. If clubs can’t write players contracts to allow for relegation then they need new lawyers. It’s dumb, it unbalances the championship. Just not on, a handful of clubs getting a vast income advantage year on year. 
  12. Clap
    jono got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Congrats from a Wanderer   
    I don’t mind the play offs it gives being in the chasing pack a worthy aim for more contenders. What has to go are parachute payments. If clubs can’t write players contracts to allow for relegation then they need new lawyers. It’s dumb, it unbalances the championship. Just not on, a handful of clubs getting a vast income advantage year on year. 
  13. Clap
    jono got a reaction from angieram in Congrats from a Wanderer   
    I don’t mind the play offs it gives being in the chasing pack a worthy aim for more contenders. What has to go are parachute payments. If clubs can’t write players contracts to allow for relegation then they need new lawyers. It’s dumb, it unbalances the championship. Just not on, a handful of clubs getting a vast income advantage year on year. 
  14. Clap
    jono reacted to Foreveram in Congrats from a Wanderer   
    The top two teams are promoted, the next four get a chance, why is that not fair. 
    Just because you don’t agree with it doesn’t make it wrong.
    Lots of rules have changed over the last hundred years.
  15. Clap
    jono reacted to Ellafella in Congrats from a Wanderer   
    Championship is going to be cracking next year if Bolton win the P-offs as I suspect they will. Far better than the Prem in my view. 
  16. Clap
    jono reacted to Alty_Ram in Congrats from a Wanderer   
    I'll bet. That sort of stuff can age you 10 years ! 😨 In terms of the performance, yeah, in these situations its always nice to win it at a canter, but sometimes getting the job done when your backs are against the wall can be better prep for difficult tasks and situations ahead.

    That QPR game was horrific. We should have won that so the late horror show was absolutely sickening ☹️ Then again, we rather mugged WBA a few years earlier so..
    Anyway, objective one achieved, a trip to Wembley. Oxford await. I guess you'll probably be fairly strong favourites and that can bring its own pressures and they only hopped into the playoffs on the last day so there is probably still a bit of a feeling of it being a free swing for them. Ultimately you were 10 points better over the season though and you need to bring that belief. Easier said than done though of course. As they say, 'the playoffs are a lottery'. Best of luck.
  17. Like
    jono reacted to BWFCNick in Congrats from a Wanderer   
    Honestly guys, that last 20 mins was horrendous, my poor heart haha
    One positive I can take from it is that we got the job done despite never really playing well in either playoff game (partly because barnsley arent great) and also that I think Oxford suits us better than Posh (and tbh as much as I'm desperate to win, if we do lose, I'd rather lose to Oxford than Darren Ferguson).
    Fingers crossed we turn up and get it done. Our last 2 trips to Wembley are Bolton 4-0 Plymouth last season and Bolton 0-5 Stoke in the FA Cup semis about a decade ago so could literally be anything based on our history.
    Got some Rams fan mates who were at your QPR Wembley trip that I sympathised with and was gutted for at the time so I hope more than anything we don't experience that kind of pain and we get a good day out, the boys give it their all and make us proud
  18. Haha
    jono reacted to Andrew3000 in Thierry Small   
    I've heard that Thierry Ennui is more likely. 
  19. Haha
    jono reacted to Anag Ram in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    We love a Tyreese don’t we? 😊
  20. Clap
    jono reacted to Van der MoodHoover in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    If it's accurate, I'd like to think we could compete reasonably well against most of that list.
  21. COYR
    jono reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    Only a one year extension so he can sign for us when Warne takes us up as champions next season 👀 🤥 
  22. COYR
    jono reacted to falconram in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    I think we're in a really good position with players being out of contract, cherry pick who is good enough from those out of contract, don't let sentiment get in the way and get the recruitment right with around 7/8 signings and we could be in for a good season. 
    Last season Warne wanted signings who were good enough for championship who would take a gamble on league 1, will new recruits Premier standard take a chance on championship hoping to get back to the promised land, exciting times. 
  23. Clap
    jono reacted to Carl Sagan in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    My understanding is we will be "mid-table" in terms of Championship budgets. If we believe in our manager and recruitment team, we should finish above there. If they're below par we'll end up bottom half. Or if there is no better indicator of final position than player salaries (quite possibly true) then we'll likely finish mid-table. 
    But from mid-table upwards I think it's right to think of us as an upper Championship club. Yes half a dozen teams will have *much* bigger budgets - but some of those will be destabilized by Premier League relegation. Take the fight to the division! Sell the Derby County dream to some players - as Rosenior managed with his League One signings. 
  24. Clap
    jono reacted to Carl Sagan in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    I don't get comments like this. There's no reason to think we shouldn't be considered an upper Championship club.
    We're not here to feed off scraps and be a Rotherham, trying to stave off relegation. We will be up with Leeds and Sunderland as the best supported club, with some of the best facilities. 
  25. Clap
    jono reacted to Ram1988 in Summer transfer suggestion thread   
    I think we can risk having one talented foward with a injury record. However I wouldn't want want Gayle, Campbell and TJJ who all have a bad record on the side lines.
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