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Jimbo Ram

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  1. Clap
    Jimbo Ram reacted to rammieib in Paul Warne   
    Sensible post - so I'll pick it apart a little.
    We are second because other teams are atrocious. We have the highest wage bill by a long way - of course that doesn't guarantee success but I do believe we have a number of very good player - its the way they are being told to execute their jobs which is the issue for me.
    5 at the back - we struggle to create. 3 Centre backs, two wing backs who often become full backs and two holding midfielders - this is a recipe for not creating - as we have seen multiple times now.
    So what/how has Wildsmith been coached by Andy Warrington. Surely after the debacle at Oxford, Wildsmith would have received coaching on what to do in that situation? So poor decision by Wildsmith especially as he delayed his coming out but not being coached very well is he.
    Second goal - the pass form Wilson was poor - he gunned it to Ebou Adams but it was not on the ground. why as a team do we seem to put so much focus on getting the direction of the pass correct that anything over 15 yards seems to be a few bounces. Watch Man City play, watch Arsenal, watch Brighton - when they pass to each other the ball stays on the deck. This means the receiving player can control it immediately or make a first time pass more successfully. Wilson hammered it to Adams off the deck. So poor coaching for me again - not to mention the fact that Wilson went backwards. However - I don't have such an issue with that. However - Can you tell me how many times our players actually move into space? They don't - we're static as anything. This is one of the big changes to NML's game - he wants the ball to feet every time - a defender isn't worried about him (or literally anyone) on our team making a run into space.
    I'm sorry - our football has been shambolic for most of the season. We win games IMO because we generally have better players who are able to pull bits of magic out and thus deliver - NML being a prime example. Worth noting that the top five contributing players offensively this year are all Rosenoir signings/Academy. (NML, CH, JC, MB and TB). Warne hasn't bought in, as yet, an offensive player able to make any impact in this team. I trust CBT will come good though.
    My final point on the coaching (away from the head tennis) - literally how dated and old school is the tactic of when we get a set piece anywhere from about 20 yards inside our half, the tactic is literally put everyone up to their box and just chip a high ball in. That's park football stuff. I cannot remember that being anywhere near successful in goals we have scored this season. I genuinely thought I'd seen a change after Stevenage away - next game goal kicks were being taken short, same with free kicks - CH, MB, NML, EC, CN - they were all allowed to 'play football' - and then we started winning - but now, this has gone out of the window again - and not once did I see Warne last night telling the team to keep the ball on the deck.
    if we scrape over the finish line, I'll be amazed but grateful - but with Warne there and his limited repertoire of coaching - we're screwed next season whichever league we are in.
  2. Like
    Jimbo Ram reacted to rammieib in Paul Warne   
    No - But our defenders were heading it as strong and far as they could instead of heading it to Bird/Smith who were very often just simple lay off headers.
    I guess its what you get when you sign players like Bradley.
    The amount of points lost form winning positions would suggest that looking comfortable is never comfortable. We should 100% be pushing for that second. By going on a proper offensive, in my opinion we have as much chance of conceding a goal from being offensive as we do from just 'looking comfortable' if you get my drift.
  3. Like
    Jimbo Ram reacted to Gerry Daly in Paul Warne   
    I'm not trying to speak for everyone and of course they are entitled to their opinions. I just think making out that there is some sort of 'adults in the room' perspective on this has worn very thin
  4. Clap
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in v Charlton Athletic (H) Match Day Thread   
    How about Gayle sits on Bradders shoulders….then he might just have a chance of heading them in…..might work 🤔
  5. Clap
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Paul Warne   
    A red card waiting to happen Macca 😉
  6. Haha
    Jimbo Ram reacted to Ellafella in v Charlton Athletic (H) Match Day Thread   
    Warney would switch it about so that it would be Sonny on Gayle’s shoulders to justify Warne’s requirement that Sonny becomes the ultimate threat at set-pieces which he knew he would be all along. That’s why he signed him. “Told you”. 
  7. Clap
    Jimbo Ram reacted to Ellafella in v Charlton Athletic (H) Match Day Thread   
    It feels to me that the momentum we had has been sacrificed all for keeping Sonney Bradley at CH in a starting position. It took a new level last night when our best player /prospect was played at left-back.
    The style of football is Sunday Morning Burton & District FA circa 1989 (picture of Terry Whyman pops into my mind’s eye) - smash the ball forward/wide quickly and then “lump it” into the box. 
    I am even considering not renewing my season ticket after over 10 consecutive seasons, it’s that dire. 
  8. Haha
    Jimbo Ram reacted to Ram-Alf in v Charlton Athletic (H) Match Day Thread   
    Are you sure Dave, The San Siro Stadium is in Milan in Italy 
  9. Cheers
    Jimbo Ram reacted to Archied in v Charlton Athletic (H) Match Day Thread   
    Good for you 🐏👍
  10. Cheers
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from Lokidoki in Paul Warne   
    My sons Sunday morning coach was quite decent. At least he went out and tried to win games…
  11. COYR
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in v Charlton Athletic (H) Match Day Thread   
    If I am not at a 🐏 game, I follow it religiously on the tv. I even had a radio to my ear on my wedding day 🤣 For the first time that I can remember, I didn’t follow yesterday’s game. Unprecedented. I just checked the HT and FT score. Instead. I watched the first couple of episodes of Love/Hate which has been recommended highly on the Jim Smith section of the forum. It didn’t disappoint. The acting was excellent, it was tense and exciting….really enjoyable and entertaining to watch. I would certainly have got my money’s worth if I hadn’t signed up to Brit Box on a free 7 day trial. Can’t wait to go back for more. Afterwards having got the 🐏 result, I spent a bit of time flicking channels and ended up with Mrs Brown’s Boys. I turned the 📺 off 😉
  12. Like
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from Premier ram in What are your Top 10 favourite all time series (not comedy)   
    Can’t hate it when Holiday Grainger is centre stage 😉
  13. Sad
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from Leeds Ram in v Charlton Athletic (H) Match Day Thread   
    If I am not at a 🐏 game, I follow it religiously on the tv. I even had a radio to my ear on my wedding day 🤣 For the first time that I can remember, I didn’t follow yesterday’s game. Unprecedented. I just checked the HT and FT score. Instead. I watched the first couple of episodes of Love/Hate which has been recommended highly on the Jim Smith section of the forum. It didn’t disappoint. The acting was excellent, it was tense and exciting….really enjoyable and entertaining to watch. I would certainly have got my money’s worth if I hadn’t signed up to Brit Box on a free 7 day trial. Can’t wait to go back for more. Afterwards having got the 🐏 result, I spent a bit of time flicking channels and ended up with Mrs Brown’s Boys. I turned the 📺 off 😉
  14. Clap
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in v Charlton Athletic (H) Match Day Thread   
    At least we are being entertained Archied 😉
  15. Clap
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Paul Warne   
    My sentiments EXACTLY 👏
  16. Clap
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from Lokidoki in Paul Warne   
    My sentiments EXACTLY 👏
  17. Cheers
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from RedSox in Paul Warne   
    My sentiments EXACTLY 👏
  18. Haha
    Jimbo Ram reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Paul Warne   
    Cheers up everyone, February is nearly over.
    Mr Hat has been securing some extra mercury to rub into PWs scalp.
    The cheeky chappy joke writers have been given additional incentives to improve moral.
    5 at the back is only temporary until Mr Hat can devise a 6 at the back formation.
    This week's video session is the John smiths advert where the bloke kicks the ball over the fence and says "have it" on repeat.
  19. Like
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from sage in What are your Top 10 favourite all time series (not comedy)   
    In no particular order:
    To serve them all my days
    Happy Valley
    Line of Duty
    Top Boy
    Peaky Blinders
    All creatures great and small (remake)
  20. Clap
    Jimbo Ram reacted to Lokidoki in v Charlton Athletic (H) Match Day Thread   
    Unfortunately, I am beginning to believe that on genuine evidence PW and his team are woefully inadequate. Tactically naive, they allow other managers and their coaching teams to take total advantage of any and every strategic tactical decision. I was never expecting Pep, but this is bettered on local playing fields by many a under 8's coach.
    Basically it lets us down. Even if by fluke we get promoted, I am sorry that we cannot sustain this. I have never been anti Warne and Co but did note my reservations and concerns quite a while ago (these were quite obvious, so everyone else noted them) but no-one in the coaching team appears to learn.
    I'm not a spring chicken having watched Derby For around 63 years and I 'm not saying I remember that much in my early years (but I have seen a lot of football, in my time)  but an older guy said to me tonight, after the match; that the manager is just a PE teacher and his only answer is to get quicker, unfortunately, the technicians have caught up. This is 2024, this I am afraid is a cul-de-sac.
  21. Clap
    Jimbo Ram reacted to Anag Ram in v Charlton Athletic (H) Match Day Thread   
    The ball control and passing are woeful at times. Do they just do set pieces in training?
    And throw ins? Lost count of the times we threw to an unopposed Charlton player. Ludicrous.
    I’m telling you, Sonny Bradley messes that team up. Take him out, let Cashin and Nelson do what they did so well. Play two proper full backs and have six players ahead of them who can create goals. It’s not rocket science.
  22. Clap
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from ketteringram in What are your Top 10 favourite all time series (not comedy)   
    Can’t hate it when Holiday Grainger is centre stage 😉
  23. Like
    Jimbo Ram reacted to Seth's left foot in Where do you think we'll finish this season?   
    It wasn’t exactly a game high on quality (mainly from us) but Barnsley looked bright in parts and were the better side in midfield. I’m certainly not ruling you out, I think Pompey will win the league so that leaves one from three and I’m not confident we’ll be that one tbh. 
  24. Haha
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from BaaLocks in Watchable telly   
    Funny, 2 reviews I have read says there is no chemistry between the 2 😊
  25. Cheers
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from TomTom92 in v Charlton Athletic (H) Match Day Thread   
    Same as me other than I went for Sibley at left back 😊
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