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    Carnero got a reaction from Ken Tram in Wayne Rooney   
    Jim White's "sources" (normally Mel) have confirmed that Rooney has been reprimanded and warned as to his future conduct, but that despite what certain media outlets are saying this morning he won't be sacked over the incident.
  2. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Wayne Rooney   
    Jim White's "sources" (normally Mel) have confirmed that Rooney has been reprimanded and warned as to his future conduct, but that despite what certain media outlets are saying this morning he won't be sacked over the incident.
  3. Haha
    Carnero reacted to Day in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    ? East stand, get your jab, East stand East stand get your jab ?
    ? South stand, get your jab, South stand South stand get your jab ?
    ? North stand, get your jab, North stand North stand get your jab ?
  4. Haha
    Carnero reacted to RoyMac5 in What to do about Rooney?   
    This is all from one 'article' in last nights Sun. The Star report quoting the Sun. FFS.
    Then they have another 'damning' picture:

    How very dare he?!
  5. Haha
    Carnero got a reaction from Day in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    I just love the fact that it's "Jabba" that's posting this ?
  6. Clap
    Carnero reacted to loweman2 in The colours of 1884 (please read)   
    After years of work and research here it is !
    The Derby County shirt worn in the inaugural season of 1884 by the pioneers of our club, Cambridge Blue, Amber and Chocolate Brown the first colours of the Rams, it was thought that the early colours were blue but it was a shade of blue called Cambridge Blue which is actually more of a green. The badge was the badge of the Derbyshire FA that a player was permitted to wear if they had been selected to represent the Derbyshire FA.
    we have had two made by a local tailor after we sourced the correct colours and the materials, the embroidery was done separately, even down to mother of Pearl buttons, it is to add further integrity to the book but moreover to show where the club evolved from, the team that wore these colours set the precedent for all those that have followed, the shirts will be on display at our Rams Heritage roadshows later in the year.
    brought to life after 137 years by Phil Lowe & Jason Shardlow.

  7. Haha
    Carnero reacted to sage in Jason Knight   
    Do you drive a DeLorean?
  8. Like
    Carnero reacted to ilkleyram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    You appear to be making an argument just to do DCFC down @Tombo
    If you want to debate the wisdom of Derby not issuing STs as other clubs have done then fair enough.  They've explained their reasons and you apparently don't agree with them. What you have to do to go to a match at Pride Park is crystal clear.  As they've come to that decision against what might be their best financial interests (in the sense that they would be gaining short term income) that would give me confidence that Mel intends to continue to support the club financially - and Chris Coles confirms that.  How long that can go on and to what degree may be questions that the supporters charter group might want to ask him next week, though if I were him I wouldn't give any definite date because it then becomes a hostage to fortune to us fans and potential buyers.
    But, both you and Jim Wheeler made a very different statement.  You both said (Wheeler on Radio Derby last night, you in your post above) 'As things stand, no fans will be able to actually get through a turnstile'.  That's patent nonsense.  How did thousands of people get through the turnstiles at the Man U game?
    And the reason why I have 'no doubt' is because the club have operated a print at home/purchase online ticket system for many years now and it works very well.  There's no reason why it shouldn't work well again at the Huddersfield match as well as at the Real Betis game.  I also believe that the club will want all the income they can get from the Huddersfield match so they will get the information about how to buy tickets out when they're ready to do so, I would imagine fairly soon.
  9. Haha
    Carnero reacted to Rev in What On Earth Is Going On At Derby?   
    The horror of waking up in the morning, and the bell of shame showing a high number.
    Oh no, what did I post?
  10. Haha
    Carnero reacted to MaltRam in Bobby Duncan   
    Same amount as we had this morning.
  11. Like
    Carnero reacted to Rammy03 in Ravel Morrison - signed 1 year deal   
    I have my doubts that he is suddenly going to turn his career around now. 
    This is his very last chance. He'll be playing in a very good league. Much better than Mexico or Holland or wherever he's been. This is a great opportunity for him. If Rooney can't get him playing, I don't think anyone will. This is it. 
    From what I've seen he looks a good player. I don't know how to describe it, but he's got that thing that many footballers don't. That flair on the ball, that intelligence. From only 2 games I can see it in him.
    If he can just sort himself out and we can get him on the pitch, we'll have a top player in this league no doubt about it.
    I'm willing to give him a chance. 
  12. Haha
    Carnero reacted to Igor Igor Whats the Score? in Bobby Duncan   
    Unfortunately not as he only played in the Chorley debacle which the league scrubbed off. And by played…..I mean he was on the pitch but produced absolutely nothing
  13. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from Rammy03 in Bobby Duncan   
    He's was crap in the rare u23 appearances that he made last season. Good riddance.
  14. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from Igor Igor Whats the Score? in Bobby Duncan   
    He's was crap in the rare u23 appearances that he made last season. Good riddance.
  15. Haha
    Carnero got a reaction from jimbo jones in Derbyshire cricket 2021   
    It's a shame that he managed to get all the way to 9 without going on to get to the magical two figures.
    He's getting closer at least.
  16. Haha
    Carnero got a reaction from 1967Ram in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    I just love the fact that it's "Jabba" that's posting this ?
  17. Like
    Carnero reacted to Ramos in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    On the face of it, it does seem so odd that a club that needs money wouldn’t be trying to sell as many season tickets as possible. However as I mentioned on another thread, my two mates who are accountants believe it genuinely is being done so the club has a much clearer understanding game by game of our cash flow. Ie we sell 20,000 season tickets and then come October it’s lockdowns, reduced capacity or empty stadiums and then they have another whole load of admin to do and forecasting to understand what money is and isn’t available cash to the club. They did say I’m sure in the original announcement they will continue to monitor and introduce half season tickets I think pending how the situation pans out. I just think it’s a very cautious strategy and if they can still attract essentially a similar level of attendance as selling season tickets on a game by game basis then it will have paid off (obvs for example if I’d been able to buy my season ticket they would have my money for the Huddersfield and boro games which I can’t actually attend so that’s where they may lose out, although someone is going in my place, but that won’t be the case for everyone) - if stadiums do have to reduce again. Hopefully come October they will be selling second half of the season half season tickets and it will all worked out fine. 
  18. Like
    Carnero reacted to Raich Carter in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Mate, ya can't use terms like 'open and fair' and then in the same paragraph use terms like '********', 'want him challenged', 'bumbling', etc - that's not open and fair. To be open and fair requires both sides to be open minded and listen to what the other has to say. Would you respond well to being challenged as you suggest Mel should be? I imagine not so why should he. This needs to be a sensible discussion so we understand what's gone on, what the latest is, etc. I'm not defending him, etc - just saying that you can't have it all ways.
  19. Like
    Carnero reacted to SSD in Wayne Rooney   
    On a serious note, I wonder what the reaction would have been like if that was two young men taking inappropriate pictures in front of a woman who was asleep. The social media reaction would be quite different. Them girls knew who he was and sold the story to the paper. They might have been a couple of girls his mates were flirting with at the club and he wanted to just have a drink, relax and go home the following morning.
    The double standards is awful. We need to start treating this sort of behaviour equally.
  20. Like
    Carnero reacted to RoyMac5 in Ravel Morrison - signed 1 year deal   
    From the Athletic Article:
    "When speaking with The Athletic in September 2020, Ian Burchnall, former manager of Swedish side Ostersunds, where Morrison had moved following an unhappy spell at Lazio, said he had no problems with the attacking midfielder when he worked with him in 2019.

    “I had a good experience with him — I liked him,” Burchnall said. “He never missed a training session, never arrived late, never went AWOL. He was polite, he was grateful for everything, he was gracious. There was humbleness.

    “I talked a lot to Ravel individually. We’d talk about life, his background, his brothers, his nan. He’s unbelievably misunderstood. It’s so flippant and easy to say he has thrown his talent away and wasted everything when, I tell you what, he hasn’t had it easy throughout his life.”

    The same could be said for Morrison’s time at Sheffield United during the 2019-20 season. Though not a terrific timekeeper at first, manager Chris Wilder paired him with more established members of the team to ensure he got to training and meetings on time. Morrison would even stay over in the club hotel to ensure he did not have to make the drive from Manchester and risk lateness.

    That he did not feature much at all was less to do with application and attitude and more a tactical decision. With Wilder opting to play a flat 3-5-2, Morrison looked like a square peg in a round hole as it was determined his best position was as a No 10 rather than being deployed deeper in midfield.

    That assessment of his character has followed him to Derby where, even though he has only been with the group a short while, people have described him as a “lovely lad” and “a breath of fresh air”.
    It's not like we can offer him a long contract anyway. So if it's not worked then in January we can replace him, but if it has worked then we'll both have benefitted.
  21. Like
    Carnero reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in Jason Knight   
    I'm no fan of Rooney, but I do think this is being blown out of proportion, I bet the young lads absolutely love having Englands all time top goalscorer joining in training. 
    One thing you have to ask though, how has this story made it to the press? His agent? Or has someone within the club let it slip, at such a key and critical time, why?
    His character has taken an absolute beating since his comments on Saturday.
  22. Haha
    Carnero reacted to JfR in Wayne Rooney   
  23. Like
    Carnero reacted to May Contain Nuts in Wayne Rooney   
    As much as I'm not a fan of quite a few aspects of the job Rooney has done so far, stangely this doesn't bother me and I don't think it should be blown up into anything more than it is.
    It's the sort of poo that happens but goes unreported more often than anyone would think.
    Imagine if N Clough throwing cricket balls at players had made the headlines. We were none the wiser about that until last year, but nobody is outraged by it now.
  24. Like
    Carnero reacted to May Contain Nuts in Ravel Morrison - signed 1 year deal   
    People can make the argument if they haven't closed their mind, which you clearly have.
    I'm basing it off on what I've seenand without any preconceptions, which technically and physically albeit in a small number of minutes has given me no cause for concern that he still has the ability and isn't lagging behind any of our players physically either.
    Age means duck all for some players, for others it means everything, it isn't an arbitrary measure.
  25. Like
    Carnero reacted to RoyMac5 in Jason Knight   
    Do you read any of the threads or posts?
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