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    Anon reacted to Alty_Ram in Boro debts written off   
    I don't have an issue with wealthy owners being able to invest in a club's future (how that is administered is a whole other issue of course..) but I think what has always bugged me about this whole mechanism is the 'whiter-than-white', 'holier-than-thou', 'butter wouldn't melt' attitude of quite a lot of the fans of these clubs (it's not just this lot) who were quick to call us cheats because of the money that was being chucked around under Morris, but that somehow these teams are the good guys, some saintly protectors of the game who are always 'playing by the rules' and 'just want a level playing field' or whatever other justification they want kid themselves with. The idea that they are living within their means as clubs is just utter nonsense. They are totally gaming the system but are just better at it and better resourced than Morris was.
    The only real difference between these teams and us under Morris is that their owners haven't run out patience or money yet. They are one chairman's hissy fit away from being left high and dry though. Maybe, just maybe they'll walk away and leave these clubs with draw-down funds to shield them against the worst... or maybe they'll wind the window of their Bentley down and stick a middle finger in the air and drive into the sunset. These teams are literally doing the same thing as us but their chairmen haven't found something more interesting to do yet. You are all of you potentially 'Nasty Cheaty Derby 2.0' but the planets haven't quite aligned yet.

    "But the owners are local and the care about the club so it's all fine.." maybe.. The Oystons were local business folk when they bought Blackpool..
  2. Clap
    Anon got a reaction from stejawh in Wayne Rooney   
    Clough's struggles? The struggle of consistently finishing mid-table? It's laughable that you'd even try to make the comparison. I appreciate they walked into very different situations at Derby, but all I've heard about Rooney since he usurped Cocu is excuses. You can't criticise him because we were bottom of the league when he took over. You can't criticise him because the players aren't being paid on time. You can't criticise him because of the points deduction. So now he's had a chance to prove what he can do at a club without all those issues, and he proved to be even worse than he was here. And the excuse now, he's not been afforded the ability to waste loads of money. Will Rooney's shockingly poor managerial record ever be his fault?
  3. Like
    Anon got a reaction from AndyinLiverpool in Wayne Rooney   
    Clough's struggles? The struggle of consistently finishing mid-table? It's laughable that you'd even try to make the comparison. I appreciate they walked into very different situations at Derby, but all I've heard about Rooney since he usurped Cocu is excuses. You can't criticise him because we were bottom of the league when he took over. You can't criticise him because the players aren't being paid on time. You can't criticise him because of the points deduction. So now he's had a chance to prove what he can do at a club without all those issues, and he proved to be even worse than he was here. And the excuse now, he's not been afforded the ability to waste loads of money. Will Rooney's shockingly poor managerial record ever be his fault?
  4. Like
    Anon got a reaction from TigerTedd in Wayne Rooney   
    It's not that simple though. If he'd done that those players would be left wondering why the guy that had got them playing that way had been binned. Rooney was in a tough situation because I think 6th was a false position and there's no way Brum could've maintained that, but he only has himself to blame. No one forced him to take the job. No one forced him to elbow Eustace out of the way and take on unrealistic expectations. He's been deservedly punished for his hubris.
  5. Like
    Anon got a reaction from Grimbeard in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Personally I like Steve Bloomer's Watching. I agree with many of the problems you've highlighted with the song, but I like that we have our own song about club legend rather than recycling other clubs' chants or crap pop songs. The idea that a f****** U2 guitar riff of all things would inspire or intimidate anyone is unbelievably quaint.
  6. Like
    Anon got a reaction from Nishfan in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Personally I like Steve Bloomer's Watching. I agree with many of the problems you've highlighted with the song, but I like that we have our own song about club legend rather than recycling other clubs' chants or crap pop songs. The idea that a f****** U2 guitar riff of all things would inspire or intimidate anyone is unbelievably quaint.
  7. Like
    Anon got a reaction from 61GT in Wayne Rooney   
    By sacking him they only highlight how clueless and deluded they were to appoint him in the first place. Anyone with a functioning brain could look at his first season here to see what Rooney was capable of with an average championship team, a relegation battle.
  8. Clap
    Anon got a reaction from Kathcairns in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Personally I like Steve Bloomer's Watching. I agree with many of the problems you've highlighted with the song, but I like that we have our own song about club legend rather than recycling other clubs' chants or crap pop songs. The idea that a f****** U2 guitar riff of all things would inspire or intimidate anyone is unbelievably quaint.
  9. Like
    Anon got a reaction from CBRammette in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Personally I like Steve Bloomer's Watching. I agree with many of the problems you've highlighted with the song, but I like that we have our own song about club legend rather than recycling other clubs' chants or crap pop songs. The idea that a f****** U2 guitar riff of all things would inspire or intimidate anyone is unbelievably quaint.
  10. Clap
    Anon got a reaction from sheeponacid in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Personally I like Steve Bloomer's Watching. I agree with many of the problems you've highlighted with the song, but I like that we have our own song about club legend rather than recycling other clubs' chants or crap pop songs. The idea that a f****** U2 guitar riff of all things would inspire or intimidate anyone is unbelievably quaint.
  11. Clap
    Anon got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Personally I like Steve Bloomer's Watching. I agree with many of the problems you've highlighted with the song, but I like that we have our own song about club legend rather than recycling other clubs' chants or crap pop songs. The idea that a f****** U2 guitar riff of all things would inspire or intimidate anyone is unbelievably quaint.
  12. Like
    Anon got a reaction from Andicis in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Personally I like Steve Bloomer's Watching. I agree with many of the problems you've highlighted with the song, but I like that we have our own song about club legend rather than recycling other clubs' chants or crap pop songs. The idea that a f****** U2 guitar riff of all things would inspire or intimidate anyone is unbelievably quaint.
  13. Clap
    Anon got a reaction from Derby4Me in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Personally I like Steve Bloomer's Watching. I agree with many of the problems you've highlighted with the song, but I like that we have our own song about club legend rather than recycling other clubs' chants or crap pop songs. The idea that a f****** U2 guitar riff of all things would inspire or intimidate anyone is unbelievably quaint.
  14. Clap
    Anon got a reaction from ColonelBlimp in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Personally I like Steve Bloomer's Watching. I agree with many of the problems you've highlighted with the song, but I like that we have our own song about club legend rather than recycling other clubs' chants or crap pop songs. The idea that a f****** U2 guitar riff of all things would inspire or intimidate anyone is unbelievably quaint.
  15. Like
    Anon got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Personally I like Steve Bloomer's Watching. I agree with many of the problems you've highlighted with the song, but I like that we have our own song about club legend rather than recycling other clubs' chants or crap pop songs. The idea that a f****** U2 guitar riff of all things would inspire or intimidate anyone is unbelievably quaint.
  16. Clap
    Anon got a reaction from Bessie1 in Wayne Rooney   
    By sacking him they only highlight how clueless and deluded they were to appoint him in the first place. Anyone with a functioning brain could look at his first season here to see what Rooney was capable of with an average championship team, a relegation battle.
  17. Like
    Anon got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Wayne Rooney   
    Cheers. I'd had this comment saved from earlier. It's edited now.
  18. Clap
    Anon got a reaction from YorkshireRam in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Personally I like Steve Bloomer's Watching. I agree with many of the problems you've highlighted with the song, but I like that we have our own song about club legend rather than recycling other clubs' chants or crap pop songs. The idea that a f****** U2 guitar riff of all things would inspire or intimidate anyone is unbelievably quaint.
  19. Clap
    Anon got a reaction from angieram in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Personally I like Steve Bloomer's Watching. I agree with many of the problems you've highlighted with the song, but I like that we have our own song about club legend rather than recycling other clubs' chants or crap pop songs. The idea that a f****** U2 guitar riff of all things would inspire or intimidate anyone is unbelievably quaint.
  20. Like
    Anon reacted to KnowledgeisPorridge in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Just no need to overthink it.
    Queen - We Will Rock You (BBG style). Done.
    And for the love of god, I'd rather have silence than Mr Brightside. 
  21. Clap
    Anon got a reaction from Rammy03 in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Personally I like Steve Bloomer's Watching. I agree with many of the problems you've highlighted with the song, but I like that we have our own song about club legend rather than recycling other clubs' chants or crap pop songs. The idea that a f****** U2 guitar riff of all things would inspire or intimidate anyone is unbelievably quaint.
  22. Clap
    Anon got a reaction from LazloW in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Personally I like Steve Bloomer's Watching. I agree with many of the problems you've highlighted with the song, but I like that we have our own song about club legend rather than recycling other clubs' chants or crap pop songs. The idea that a f****** U2 guitar riff of all things would inspire or intimidate anyone is unbelievably quaint.
  23. Clap
    Anon got a reaction from Ellafella in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Personally I like Steve Bloomer's Watching. I agree with many of the problems you've highlighted with the song, but I like that we have our own song about club legend rather than recycling other clubs' chants or crap pop songs. The idea that a f****** U2 guitar riff of all things would inspire or intimidate anyone is unbelievably quaint.
  24. Clap
    Anon got a reaction from Adslegend in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Personally I like Steve Bloomer's Watching. I agree with many of the problems you've highlighted with the song, but I like that we have our own song about club legend rather than recycling other clubs' chants or crap pop songs. The idea that a f****** U2 guitar riff of all things would inspire or intimidate anyone is unbelievably quaint.
  25. Clap
    Anon got a reaction from darren22 in Steve bloomers washing errrrr I mean watching   
    Personally I like Steve Bloomer's Watching. I agree with many of the problems you've highlighted with the song, but I like that we have our own song about club legend rather than recycling other clubs' chants or crap pop songs. The idea that a f****** U2 guitar riff of all things would inspire or intimidate anyone is unbelievably quaint.
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