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Ram a lamb a ding dong

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Posts posted by Ram a lamb a ding dong

  1. 2 minutes ago, SBW said:

    As I have said before and was lambasted for, Q have acted entirely amateurish and it has all the hallmarks that Mel Morris still has his dirty little fingers involved in this particular pie. 


    People have buried their heads in the sand in hope and blind faith, and I understand why.  But from not cutting costs earlier, to not acknowledging issues and thinking they would just go away, to absolutely disgraceful levels of communication, led by either ignorance arrogance or maybe both.  



    My thoughts entirely. Well put

  2. A lot of chatter but no action.

    On the box tomorrow is a perfect time to highlight the plight. 

    Option A.

    Run on the pitch naked and tie wrap ourselves to the corner flags

    Option B.

    Throw plastic balls on the pitch after 14 minutes (years since we were last in Prem league)

    Option C

    Delay going in the ground by 5 mins until kick off has started

  3. Let's be fair, there was tremendous momentum and then when the Boro claim was dealt with we all felt that it was the beginning of the end.

    We are now countless weeks down the line and the incompetent Q are still no nearer the end point. Fans have simply had enough and there is zero enthusiasm, simply a resignation to the liklihood that the club will cease to exist very soon.

    Personally I'm at the point now where I simply don't care anymore and want rid of this whole shambles and start again.

    Everyone has had chance to sort this mess out and they have all failed miserably. Bigger issues going on in the world so this has very much taken a back seat. Everyday I've been hopeful that today may be the day but alas not.

    How we have ended up at this mess is down to one man and the demise lies at his door. I don't know the reasons why the sale hasnt happened but it is clear that everyone isn't doing their upmost to close the deal. 

    The potential buyers should not be seen as the bad guys. Something is only worth what folk are willing to pay. If they offer low you have to compromise.

    So very very sad but we have to draw a line and move on. It will take 20 years to get back but we need to start now...

  4. 2 hours ago, RAM1966 said:

    The club is weeks away from possible extintion and your defending the man who has been reckless?

    We've paid too much for players, Mel should of given the managers the brief, a mixture of experience while blooding the youth talent.

    Tell me, would you wife be annoyed if your continually splashed out on stuff you couldn't really afford, which ultimately led to you losing your home?  I suspect she would and it could mean a marriage break up, akin to liquidation when you think about it!

    Bang on

  5. If it was going to have been resolved it would have happened by now. I'm sick to the back teeth of the whole saga and can only commend the staff and players as they continually prove to be a credit to the community.

    Mel is 100% to blame for everything and Q completely incompetent. Thus shambles will not get resolved until we are mathematically relegated at the earliest. 


    ............and dont get me started on Parry and the EFL....

  6. 8 minutes ago, StrawHillRam said:

    Sad say it, and hard to admit it, but I'm reaching the point where I couldn't care less anymore.

    Tomorrow I might feel different.

    Always have a love for DCFC though

    With all that is going on in Ukraine all this poo is trivial. Not to say its not pulling me down but let's be fair it could be worse......couldn't it????

  7. 32 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    I don't think you understand this purchasing/investment lark. A buyer of a distressed asset will be quite keen to see the value driven down. A long term investor (Appleby group or Ashley) really won't worry too much being in League 1 for a season or two.

    Oh but I do. An investor wants the best deal.

    The seller (in this case MM and Q) need to get what they can. If a buyer will not go beyond a certain limit then the sellers need to go down plan b  which in this case is MM lowering his price.

    A buyer can walk away and tbf if it were I, that would have happened ages ago. EFL et al have had a massive hand in screwing us over but untimely Q are supposed to be a professional outfit who can cut through the noise. I use the word supposed as that is exactly how I see them.

    I have absolute zero confidence in them getting this whole process resolved to the satisfaction if us fans.

    I fully expect relegation, -15 pts next season, top youngsters leave for free.

    Rooney may stay but bloody hell if he does he will be reveered until the end of time


  8. Seriously though I find the incompetence throughout the whole process off the scale.

    The longer it drags on the club loses more value. None of it makes good business sense.

    I'm actually at the stage now that I simply don't know how I feel about it all.

    Frustrated. Infuriated. Astounded. 

    On the pitch the lads have been a credit to the City as have the coaching team. Everyone else in positions of power and influence....................

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