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Ram a lamb a ding dong

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Posts posted by Ram a lamb a ding dong

  1. 2 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    We need a new owner first then we need a budget - then we need someone who has made their money if it a big name with the contacts we will need and then we will need the fans patience with what will be served up in the third division. 

    Fanbase wont expect anything this season. We are realistic enough to know that stopping up/ mid table will be an achievement

  2. I'll be hobest that if we start with a points deduction the liklihood of relegation is high. We are starting from ground zero and will face battle hardened, no nonsense, hackers.

    This is why we need experienced pro's. A sprinkling of youth but you need players who know their beans in this league. If he stays Knighty might be ok and I really hope we can keep Cashin but the rest of the young kids will struggle. TL would be top notch but obviously he has bigger fish to fry.

    Curtis, Stuart and Forsyth are priorities. Gutted Alsopp left.

  3. 5 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    I havent bothered to check, but if hes employed by any other club then we have zero chance of getting him. With our tight restrictions financially and debts to creditors we’re not going to start paying compensation to anybody for anyone.

    people need to start realising quickly this 

    He could resign

  4. Don't underestimate the draw of DCFC. We have constantly been able to draw big name managers for decades:







    Even the ex England manager

    Yes, all had a varied amount of success. Look at BD he had a good thing going on at Preston. He jumped ship to join a team that wasn't going anywhere. Why? Because the draw of a bigger club even if they are struggling is hard to turn down. I for one wouldn't be surprised to see Dyche. He has local links and would see the potential in the club if not its current plight. Only sticking point would be wages but he's already minted so probably won't want too much.

  5. 6 hours ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    I don't think think anyone should get their hopes up about Evatt.

    He wasn't interested in the Blackpool job, and whilst he did start his career with us, he had a much longer (as a pro player, not including time spent in our academy) and far more successful association with them then he had for us.

    He'd have to show himself to be a massive hypocrite to leave Bolton and come here given his recent comments about being linked to them...


    Only thing I would add to this is that Derby are a big club. Blackpool aren't. Why are players still drawn to Man U over most teams? Because they hold status even though they are now a middle ranking team.

    He would be a decent appt and if I were him I would snap your hand off. He may show loyalty to Bolton which is commendable but anyone who wants a challenge at a sleeping giant then why not.

  6. 4 hours ago, SethJohnson said:

    If we take away all of the outside stuff has he really done that well as a manager? The football has at times been awful and the tactics nonexistent. If he wasn’t called Rooney we would all be calling him out (as we did a couple of years ago). Yes, he managed to ‘foster’ a siege mentality last year but his actual in game management was, lets be honest, s****. 

    I completely disagree. Yes, he was tactically naive against those teams that were battlers but against Fulham, Bournemouth and WBA we played some tremendous football.

    Tbf he may have been caught out in Div1 against those teams that are a bunch of hackers so in hindsight it may be a good thing. This is why for me it's imperative we go for experience.

    It's not v often a rookie does the business from the get-go. Added to this the need to sign a new squad. You need someone who knows their way around the lower leagues and can get out their little black book. I like Liam and think he will do well in the future but the short term need is someone who has been there and got the T-Shirt.

    Massive devision for the new owners. Just hope they get sound advice on this one.

  7. I fear the inevitable. 9 months on absolutely no closer to a resolution. I alone cannot believe how this whole mess has been managed from top to toe.

    Everyone has to carry a portion of blame wrt the process. MM 100% for getting us in to this mess but Q, EFL, MM have made a digs dinner of things since Sept.

    Imo Q now know they have completely ballsed up and are looking for the quickest roure out. All the time lost dealing with CK and racking up more debt during that time has knocked even more value off the club and bidders are rightly offering even less.

    MM won't budge to lower his ask so we reach impasse. There will be a final deadline sometime around October and we will miss it and that will be that.

    In the meantime the club will lose every match heavily as they won't be able to bring players in. Rooney will already have walked.

    Grim grim grim


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