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Ram a lamb a ding dong

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Posts posted by Ram a lamb a ding dong

  1. 1 minute ago, Premier ram said:

    i will be there tomorrow and my hope is that all Rams fans attending can rise above the inevitable goading from the home fans , i know it will be hard , and show once again our superb support for our team , the usual non stop backing that has earned us plaudits from clubs and individuals around the football map , lets show the EFL and Boro that we are the bigger person COYR

    Tbf I fear the worst. What goes on, on the pitch is secondry  

  2. 40 minutes ago, Woodypecker said:

    I hope the EFL & parasites realise the scale of disruption and economic loss that the loss of DCFC could inflict on the city.

    I am also thinking of the effect all of this drawn-out, destructive action but MFC, WW & The EFL of 2025 Derby's City of Culture Bid. The short list of candidate cities is being judged imminently.

    The organisers won't want a tarnished location with doubt over the facilities available. If Derby's bid fails, I would be looking closely at how to take action against EFL for creating the whole cycle of accusations, arbitrations, and bogus claims that led to the demise of DCFC. 

    I think that the ambiguity of the status and (potentially) even the access to Pride Park Stadium can negatively affect the bid.

    Imagine the gigs, forums, heritage, commercial and family 2025 events that may be displaced through the ultimate lack of a venue like PPS.

    I assume Team Derby / MPs are pointing out these dangers! 

    How do the Bid judges feel about the Stadium purpose & ownership? If DCFC are liquidated and a 'small' Phoenix club emerged with no finance muscle to operate PPS, the stadium site purpose might even change.

    EFL & the parasites will have nowhere to run if DCFC's status wrecks the Bid.

    Great post

  3. I fear that irrespective of the call for calm it will be carnage on Saturday.

    I am not for one second condoning it but passions are running high and as soon as B*** start goading our lot it will get messy.

    Worst possible time to play them. My only hope is that Mel sorts them out before Saturday to quell tensions.

    If we could rise above it I would say well done to all but as soon as the kids get on the shandy........oh dear me

  4. My take is pretty much the same as most on here. If I were watching that tonight not only would I want to keep the players but the coaching team as well.

    I would be going all out to get this over the line asap. 

    I'm sure Mel has had the advice and is willing to carry responsibility knowing full well both will drop the claims as they are likely to be counter sued due to their absolute trash claim.

    If they turn down the high court he knows he has them where he wants them.

    Cmon Mel. Go for the fuking kill. We are absolutely desperate and WR, the staff and players deserve an end to this complete baalocks

  5. 2 hours ago, BoroWill said:

    It's felt like that at times! 

    I really do appreciate those of you who have chosen to engage with me rather than just hurl abuse.

    Tbf mate and it's nothing personal, you are aligned to public enemy number 1 and due to his behaviour he is making life a living hell for thousands.

    I'm sure no-one has anything against you and you are a decent lad but you are poking the bear.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

    The reason Boro will not even go to arbitration, never mind the High Court, is that an LAP produces a report of its conclusions that goes into the public domain. The report is likely to be very damning of the Boro case and will raise questions about their motives and delays. This will be hard for the great Ego to take, looking like the "bad guy"

    He will eventually, after maximum damage to the admins and DCFC, drop the claim and say he didn't want to see a founder member of the Football League go to the wall........

    In the meantime we are powerless and so are the Admins......The EFL however, could do something if they grow a pair.

    Boro won't go to court as they know 100% they don't stand a chance.

    They are either completely deluded or downright parasites.

    I think the truth is somewhere in between

  7. 11 minutes ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    Short of literally banging people's heads together, holding them to ransom, locking Gibson in a torture chamber for 24 hours and peeling his nails off one by one until he agrees to drop the claims there's not really anything they can do.

    They can't go against their legal duties. The EFL refuse to play ball and follow legal procedure. Stalemate. Vendetta.

    The EFL could have sorted this all out by threatening to kick Boro out of the league if they go against the EFL's stated policy that clubs cannot take action against each other. That would have ended their claims against us there and then.

    They're happy to threaten us with expulsion because we want to commit the crime of... following the law!

    Where does it state that clubs can't go against each other? Has @Davethrown this at Parry?

  8. 3 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    In what way? capitulate and give in to threats, More statements of truth untruth, Go cap in hand to the EFL and say you were right all along, Put DCFC in the stocks and let Boro/WW fans urinate over us...what's your suggestion?

    Nope. If it were I, I would go for the jugular and not put up with all their crap.

  9. A lot of squabbling on here and general lack of clarity which is having such a negative effect on us all; me included.

    My take is as follows:

    EFL continue to slopey shoulders everything 

    MFC and WWFC to reject Mels offer as they know they stand zero chance in court

    Mel to come back in and take an indemnity to accept any potential financial loss.

    Appleby to take over

    All to be done this month

    Agree that once a resolution is reached EFL to change regs asap to ban any future claims between clubs incl retrospective

    MFC and WWFC to be chased up for compo by Q due to their farcical behaviour. EFL most likely to be also.

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