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Ram a lamb a ding dong

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Posts posted by Ram a lamb a ding dong

  1. 17 minutes ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    I'd got over the Bobby Zamora defeat by the time I got on the tube because I'd mentally braced myself for the possibility in the last 10 minutes but I've still not got over the Leicester defeat to this day. Paul Williams ducked on the line instead of heading the first goal by Walsh away and the clown of a referee, Roger Milford and his linesman failed to see that Ewan Roberts had punched Martin Taylor to stop him collecting the ball before it fell to Walsh. Then as you say Harkes missed the sitter. To cap it all our coach driver instead of following the police direction for Derby to use the M40, went back on the Leicester route up the M1 and we had to endure the Leicester fans gloating as they overtook us and the stay at home fans celebrating on the bridges as we passed through Leicestershire. Disaster of a day.

    Snap. I've never watched it back. We would have done well in the Prem as we had a decent team

  2. 1 hour ago, Inverurie Ram said:

    and I still haven't got over Paul Kitson missing a sitter at Wembley in the Play Off final game against Leicester or am I confusing him with somebody else? The following day as I awaited a train back up to Aberdeen as I moaned about the chances we missed, some Cockney dweeb whilst I was playing my mate on some arcade game in the station pub, told me to get over it, well I never have and never will, blooming over paid, frustrating footbal players!

    It was Harkes

  3. 5 minutes ago, Archie said:

    Could it be that the administrators are already pushing for the high court and steps are being taken/in process and thus the nasties - EFL and Boro are rushing out statements in a last ditch desperate attempt to get somewhere/save face as they know soon it's all going to come crashing down and be chucked out? Parasite Gibson's statement shifting the focus again back on to the stadium argument suggests their original claim is dead and their clinging on to anything by their grubby fingertips.

    I think they know its over for them all. 

    Take them to the high court, get it laughed out and then counter sue the hell out of them all guns blazing. 

    We will win this. We will survive and thrive.

    I did think this but negativity has swamped me today

  4. If we hear nothing from Q today, as far as I am concerned they can get lost as they clearly lack the balls to do anything.

    If it means we go to the wall then so be it. We are paralysed at the moment. I hope those that have put us in this mess get what us coming to them.

    Consider me completely done in.

  5. 31 minutes ago, I am Ram said:

    I've had enough, i felt if we could keep our kids, we had a fighting chance, whatever league we ended up in. Now that they are leaving one by one, it's hard to keep positive. The admins are useless, continue to keep Wayne in the dark and lie, they are just self-serving, dragging it out for more money. The efl are cowards, Gibson will not relent until we are buried, Wycombe do not have a case. Duck em all, Phoenix club it is. We will fight to the end, but all we have left is a fight.

    Agree with every point made

  6. I must say that out of everything I have seen posted on all media, @Brailsford Ramhas been by far the most considered in terms of law protocol. I feel sure that Q will now go all guns blazing to get arbitration out of the way and then crack on. 

    If it were I, now EFL have made it abundantly clear on their stance I would go straight to the law men and get the matter resolved. There is no way on earth I would give 1 dime to the parasites so I am in full agreement with them there.


  7. 1 hour ago, i-Ram said:

    It has always been like that, and it always will be. Tribalism. No need for us to get too upset or pious about away fans singing scummy songs or vandalising and throwing seats either. We have a minority who are happy to do exactly the same.

    Defo. I've said this for years. Part of the reason why I no longer go to away games. 

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