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  1. Haha
    YouRams got a reaction from Ambitious in Realistically ,New transfers in January????   
    He’s got links to the gaffer and about all we can afford.

  2. Haha
    YouRams got a reaction from Jourdan in Realistically ,New transfers in January????   
    He’s got links to the gaffer and about all we can afford.

  3. Haha
    YouRams got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Realistically ,New transfers in January????   
    He’s got links to the gaffer and about all we can afford.

  4. Haha
    YouRams got a reaction from SKRam in Realistically ,New transfers in January????   
    He’s got links to the gaffer and about all we can afford.

  5. Haha
    YouRams reacted to Olton Ram in Keogh   
    Sounds like a case for Wagatha Christie. Get on to it Coleen!
  6. Like
    YouRams reacted to Olton Ram in Keogh   
    It'll be interesting to hear the reasonings of the judgement if/when they're published. Whilst Keogh wasn't driving he also wasn't wearing a seat belt, which was something entirely in his control. The club could argue that although he wasn't responsible for being injured by someone else's driving (although he did get into a car being driven by someone who he knew had been drinking), the extent and severity of his injuries were linked to his own actions (not putting his seat belt on).
    I can see both sides of the argument, but ultimately, although the drivers involved were idiots they didn't render themselves valueless to the club, i.e. they could still play and/or be transferred. They would have been sacked if they were imprisoned. Keogh however rendered himself valueless to the club by his own actions (allowing himself to be a passenger of a drink driver and not doing his seat belt up). The other two could still fulfil their contracts; Keogh couldn't. 
    I think it would have been better if all three had been sacked, but if the other two had won appeals as well we'd now be facing a massive bill for back payments with nothing to show for it. What a mess.
  7. Like
    YouRams reacted to therealhantsram in Keogh   
    A couple of interesting things in this.
    1. Keogh lost his first appeal with the EFL. I don't think that has been reported anywhere else before.
    2. Keogh has won this appeal but the Employment Tribunal verdict is that club and Keogh should reach a settlement.
    As I understand it, the Tribunal only have powers to award the plaintiff up to £25k. Hence the win for Keogh is kinda hollow. They are just telling both parties to have some common sense and make your own agreement.
  8. Like
    YouRams reacted to rynny in Kaide Gordon - signed for Liverpool   
  9. Like
    YouRams got a reaction from Uptherams in Kaide Gordon - signed for Liverpool   
    If he’s that highly thought of, and we’re due to be taken over surely you need to keep hold of these players? If him Knight and Sibley do go who pockets the money, MM making some back or does it go to club/ new owners? 
  10. Like
    YouRams reacted to GenBr in Kaide Gordon - signed for Liverpool   
    The players and whoever else we desperately need to pay will pocket the cash. We won't be getting mega bucks for Gordon, but if we get anything significant for Knight or Sibley I'd like to think that money would be in Derby Countys accounts ready to cover our bills until the end of the season.
    One day we might have a bumper payday at Derby County when the likes of Delap and Gordon get sold on for tens of millions and if we still exist on that day we might finally get our promotion (you can choose which league we are getting promoted to)
  11. Like
    YouRams got a reaction from Norman in Kaide Gordon - signed for Liverpool   
    If he’s that highly thought of, and we’re due to be taken over surely you need to keep hold of these players? If him Knight and Sibley do go who pockets the money, MM making some back or does it go to club/ new owners? 
  12. Like
    YouRams reacted to Sean in Running 10k each time Derby don't win in 2021   
    Admins/mods, apologies if this is inappropriate or in the wrong place!
    As part of a personal mission to make a difference both to myself and others next year, and hopefully to also provide a boost to our local healthcare services, I am committing myself to running 10k each time Derby County fail to win a game (i.e. draw or lose) during 2021. If current form is anything to go by, I'll be stick thin by March!
    I have started a GoFundMe page to hopefully do a bit of good while also having a bit of fun following our beloved Rams next year. I struggled to settle on a particular charity to support but have gone with the Derby and Burton Hospital Charity in light of the fantastic work they have done in tough circumstances in 2020. If you would wish to donate and provide me some much-needed motivation I'd appreciate literally anything!
    My other thought was for the Derby City Mission who I know we had done some fundraising for on this forum earlier in the year, please also consider helping their cause if you would prefer;
    Long and the short of it is...
    We're going to make it a good year in 2021. Quote me, screenshot me, @ me.
  13. Haha
    YouRams reacted to Anag Ram in Harry Wilson   
    I tell you now, Bielik’s gonna be back and he’s going to fold Wilson into an origami swan!
  14. Haha
    YouRams reacted to Rev in Random stuff that cheers me up thread   
    GEMMA Collins suffered a shock when she fell into a massive hole on stage at the Radio 1 Teen Awards.
    Well she's not going to fall in a small hole, is she?
  15. Haha
    YouRams reacted to Norman in Boxing Thread   
    Anyone else enjoying watching Kalle pretend hes not off his face on coke?
  16. Like
    YouRams got a reaction from Alph in Boxing Thread   
    I find it completely outdated, in boxing you still have judges sat at ringside with all the video tech available these days. Anyone who's been to a boxing event will tell you dependent on where you're sitting you can see a completely different fight to someone else the opposite side of a ring, shots you think have connected have hit gloves or arms. An aggressor will look like they're walking the fight but you watch it back on tape and see it completely different. Not making excuses for some of the cards we've seen in boxing lately. The 118-110 Canelo card is scandalous however you look at it.
    But get 5 judges sat in a room in separate booths with an adjudicator watching it on a screen and judge fights properly, easy fix.
  17. Like
    YouRams reacted to GboroRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    I'd say if you can turn the list into a narrative. Focus on what the business benefited from (turn it into a story how you worked with the company, your understanding of the business drivers, working to deliver the solutions they rely on). For example I'd change the "attended h&s meetings" to "worked with site h&s team to ensure safety protocols are followed" or "have a good understanding of site health and safety procedures and attended regular meetings to ensure blah blah blah". Just reshape it a bit. Also avoid jargon that doesn't translate away from your employer - the Leicester Leads report might be really important but you need to describe the end result and what you did to ensure it happened.
    Hope that helps. Drop me a PM if you want my thoughts. I'm an IT manager and I've read loads of CVs and I would give you my honest thoughts, positive and "areas for improvement"
    And don't get despondent after 2 goes. It takes time to get a good match, both as an employer and an employee. 
  18. Like
    YouRams got a reaction from Norman in Boxing Thread   
    The last one they did with Ward, Froch etc was brilliant, surprised its taken this long for another one. Looking forward to it.
    Hope Eubank gets the win then revenge against BJS, gets a lot of stick mainly because of Sr but he's a classy fighter.
  19. Like
    YouRams reacted to Norman in Boxing Thread   
    Chris Eubank Jr. What do we think? 
    I think he'll stop him in round 8-9. 
    I'm more looking forward to this Super-Middleweight competition that's been set up. We could have Smith v Groves, Groves vs Eubank. I can't believe they've all agreed to do it.
    But then the purses are huge, the dates are set, the British fighters may not even have to leave this country and belts are there to be collected. You can see why they've all entered. 
  20. Like
    YouRams reacted to Coneheadjohn in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Well done for posting mate.
    My eldest was on 3 different ones,Fluoxetine been one,we can't remember the others.
    I can honestly say they didn't do him any favours.
    After he had majory surgery in 2016 which went wrong,he decided to take matters into his own hands and had a serious attempt at taking his life because he couldn't face being ill anymore.Fortunately I found him and after a week in hospital he was ok.
    I sat him down and explained to him that if he did it he would take us all with him because we loved him so much.
    Mental illness is a terrible thing and I don't have any answers mate,but I do know that coming on here and talking about stuff helps.
    Caring bunch on here.
    Keep us posted mate and good luck.
    You're not on your own.
  21. Like
    YouRams reacted to Kinder in How GOOD is your Rams' Mug?   
    I haven't posted pics on here before so I hope this works.
    i inherited this mug from my dear old dad, who inherited it from his parents. It's probably the best thing I own!

  22. Like
    YouRams reacted to Bris Vegas in Boxing Thread   
    Brook vs Spence and Groves vs Chudinov. Hope the Brits win as there is potential for some massive fights after.
    That super middleweight division is dominated by British fighters.
  23. Like
    YouRams reacted to Inverurie Ram in Derby County Flags   
  24. Like
    YouRams got a reaction from AmericanRam in Gaming   
    Last of us 2 for me, if it's ready for 2017 that is. 
  25. Like
    YouRams reacted to Bris Vegas in Boxing Thread   
    I think he must take some of the blame. I can understand why he wants to hold on to the IBF, and thus has to face his mandatory challengers or potentially lose the belt. His injury set him back a year.
    But he doesn't want to take any risks. He wants big fights in the UK, and so far is unwilling to go to America again and face the big names. He only wants belt holders, which limits his options.
    There are so many belts in boxing these days that a decent resume is far more impressive than holding on to your belt for so long. Brook surely must understand this.
    So many good names out there such as Maidana, Alexander, Broner, Thurman, Garcia, Porter, Bradley, Errol Spence, Matthysse, Guerrero, Lamont Peterson, Khan... Fighting them and beating them, regardless of the belts, would give him a far better legacy than just holding onto his belt for 10 years fighting mandatory challengers.
    Thurman will seek every big fight out there. That's why he IMO is number one.
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