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  1. Haha
    Tamworthram reacted to Jimbo Ram in Summer 2021 Transfer Window - Suggestion Thread   
    Could Wazza put in a cheeky bid for Harry Kane ?
  2. Haha
    Tamworthram reacted to Mostyn6 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Hang on! How have 99% of the dead been vaccinated? 
  3. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Mucker1884 in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    Oh indeed.  Totally agree.
    My gripe... if indeed that's what it is... isn't with the club, or with any perceived delay. I'm neither panicking nor concerned myself.
    With everything going on at the club at present, I expect there's more than a dozen realistic possible causes for the delay, over and above the highly unlikely suggestion that they are "Waiting to see how many we are likely to be allowed in".
  4. COYR
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Mucker1884 in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    Fair enough but I don’t think the delay warrants being called pitiful and I’m not sure why it’s worth some getting upset.
    Cause for concern? Probably
    More reasonable for us than for most other clubs given what we’re going through? I’d say so
    Causing a problem for any of us? I very much doubt it
    Pitiful? Of course not
    Best to wait a little bit longer before getting our underwear in a twist? Absolutely 
  5. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from rammieib in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    In respect of season ticket sales I think most of us are just waiting patiently rather than over reacting (IMO) by describing the situation as pitiful. 
  6. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from derbydaz22 in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    Why is it pitiful?
    As others have mentioned they’re probably having to wait for more clarity/clearer indication on likely maximum attendances next season not to mention the outcome of the EFL appeal (although, based on previous experiences, it could be several weeks before we hear anything).
    Also, I browsed a few other Championship club sites the other day and I don’t think we’re alone in delaying.
  7. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Carnero in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    In respect of season ticket sales I think most of us are just waiting patiently rather than over reacting (IMO) by describing the situation as pitiful. 
  8. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Topram in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Under the radar because he has no clue?
  9. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to BaaLocks in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    That's journo code for 'dunno what's going on but not going to admit it'
  10. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Ilkestonian in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    In respect of season ticket sales I think most of us are just waiting patiently rather than over reacting (IMO) by describing the situation as pitiful. 
  11. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to SunnyRam in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    Not sure what else you want them to say really until they know exactly what they are aloud to do. 
  12. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from SunnyRam in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    Why is it pitiful?
    As others have mentioned they’re probably having to wait for more clarity/clearer indication on likely maximum attendances next season not to mention the outcome of the EFL appeal (although, based on previous experiences, it could be several weeks before we hear anything).
    Also, I browsed a few other Championship club sites the other day and I don’t think we’re alone in delaying.
  13. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to VulcanRam in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    I put this in another thread but I was told recently by someone in the tickets office that they are waiting until the FA directs them as to how many are allowed in before deciding their policy. They had sold around 11k for the season just ended and I guess have to work out whether to honour those this season and therefore not sell any more if only one third capacity is allowed, or refund and start from scratch if more are etc etc 
    But until they know what they are dealing with they are holding out. It makes sense to be fair.
  14. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Sparkle in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    EFL just wanted a win of any kind to avoid all the legal fees in my most humble opinion 
  15. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Spanish in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    The rest of the league are holding their feet to the flames, they expect the EFL to hand down the correct punishment not come up with some mates deal.  The EFL are under some pressure here to do the right thing whatever that is.
  16. Haha
    Tamworthram reacted to RoyMac5 in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Yeah. Afterall a new owner might dislike the EFL even more! ?
  17. Cheers
    Tamworthram reacted to kevinhectoring in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Ah ok I see your point. I think the journalists  who have said change of ownership could reduce sanction assume MM’s relationship w the regulator has broken down. I agree that MM can also improve the position. If he rolls over, shows his tummy submissively to Mr Parry and agrees to pay all EFL costs, I guess he may be able to stop them arguing for a points deduction. But easier for a new owner to do - ‘Clean sweep of the brush’  etc
  18. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from MickD in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    It would be if it’s true but, is more likely that the press are just speculating again or making things up? 
    I can’t believe anyone in authority has told them that if xxxxx takes over then we’ll reduce/consider reducing any penalty on appeal.
  19. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Curtains in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    I don’t understand how a successful appeal against a points deduction, that hasn’t been imposed yet, could be contingent on a new owner. 
    If we’ve broken the rules with a past misdemeanour what difference does it make, in terms of our punishment, who the owner will be going forward?
  20. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Curtains in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    It would be if it’s true but, is more likely that the press are just speculating again or making things up? 
    I can’t believe anyone in authority has told them that if xxxxx takes over then we’ll reduce/consider reducing any penalty on appeal.
  21. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    I don’t understand how a successful appeal against a points deduction, that hasn’t been imposed yet, could be contingent on a new owner. 
    If we’ve broken the rules with a past misdemeanour what difference does it make, in terms of our punishment, who the owner will be going forward?
  22. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    I don’t understand how a successful appeal against a points deduction, that hasn’t been imposed yet, could be contingent on a new owner. 
    If we’ve broken the rules with a past misdemeanour what difference does it make, in terms of our punishment, who the owner will be going forward?
  23. Like
  24. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Gaspode in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    That's he crux of the issue - both the Sheikh and Alonso were almost certainly fronting up other parties - as such they would potentially both appear credible if they came to Mel with letters of intent and evidence of wealth from the real backers. The fact that the backers have subsequently got cold feet and walked away in the interim (not surprising given our precarious league position and issues with the EFL) has resulted in both deals falling through.
    The Sheikh simply melted away whereas Alonso had made such a big deal of the takeover that he kept on 'giving it large' until Mel pulled the plug when no money appeared. I don't think either of them were necessaarily the chancers they're being made out to be - it's certainly possible that they both started out with good intentions and had the rug pulled from under them when their wealthy backers walked away...
    Those people attacking Mel for not doing his due diligence would do well to remember that hindsight is indeed a wonderful thing.....
  25. Cheers
    Tamworthram reacted to therams69 in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Yes. Mel said himself that these checks needed to be carried out before anyone could look at accounts. Said he turned down many others prior to this as were jokers..
    The whole house thing - in fairness if my house was worth 20m I would only want credible buyers through the door with money otherwise you would have nosey people looking at your house all day long - queue Alonso!
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