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  1. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to duncanjwitham in EFL Verdict   
    The only real incentive for us to appeal is to reduce the fine. In theory we could ask them to strike off the requirement to resubmit the accounts, but given that it's clearly the most logical response to the hearing, and not even a punishment in and of itself, I think there's zero chance of that getting changed.  Us appealing won't delay anything.
    Personally, I'd just take the fine on the chin and walk away from this one.
  2. Haha
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Woodley Ram in EFL Verdict   
    My current contract end on 30th June so, I’m available and promise to be completely impartial ?
  3. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Carnero in Wycombe threaten to sue and send us into admin. if we stay up!   
    Oh don't get me wrong, over the season i agree that we were lucky to stay up on such a low points total.
    But to say we couldn't do the job ourselves I still disagree with, we did do the job by drawing when we knew the Rotherham result.
    Who's to say we wouldn't have won in the last 10-15 mins had we known Rotherham had won? For a start we wouldn't have put Davies on for Waghorn would we! Mind with this manager maybe we would have... 
  4. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Patrick Rams in Wycombe threaten to sue and send us into admin. if we stay up!   
    They weren't... Wycombe were...they finished above Rotherham.
  5. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Wycombe threaten to sue and send us into admin. if we stay up!   
    Sorry, I don’t get that at all.
    It’s irrelevant how many points they took off us and you do have to wonder why Rotherham suffered so much from Covid. Also, favouring a club over another that gained more points, simply because they had to play a lot of games in a short period of time, wouldn’t do anything for the integrity of the competition either.
    I really don’t think it will happen (I said several days ago that I don’t even think the EFL will appeal) but, if points were deducted retroactively, there is no team other than Wycombe that should replace us.
  6. Haha
    Tamworthram reacted to Ted McMinn Football Genius in EFL Verdict   
    If they knew of COVID 19 impact in 2018/19 I’m calling it now, they are responsible and not the Chinese wet market in Wuhan.
    Bet the dirty beggars injected it into the Chips ?????
  7. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Dimmu in Fixtures out tomorrow…   
    What were you expecting (apart from possibly league 1? Man Utd, Liverpool, Chelsea?
  8. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to BucksRam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I think if anyone wants to go away, go - so long as you accept any risk, and stick to the rules applying to wherever you're going, and also when you return.  What annoys me is people going away to countries that are borderline, then moan like hell when the rules change whilst they're away - travel abroad is very much risk based at the moment so you have to accept whatever happens as part of your decision to go.  Not moan if our, or a foreign Government decides you need a test or now need to quarantine. 
    On a personal level, we've chosen not to go abroad - our choice, but I don't judge others for doing so.  The only thing I do judge is if they then blatantly ignore guidelines, and put others at risk, but that's more general anyway and not confined to travel abroad.  I've just spent a couple of days working in London - first time in 15 months.  Was weird, but great to see some of my colleagues face to face however, in consideration of my family, and others, I've done a flow test just to make sure I'm still negative, in acknowledgement I had increased my risk of exposure by a commute into London. 
  9. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Eddie in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Just how it should be. 
  10. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to ThePrisoner in EFL Verdict   
    Things like this gain ground because you post them. Best not give them the attention or time of day really. 
  11. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Spanish in EFL Verdict   
    True but it’s not really an “article” as such is it? Isn’t Planetswans a football forum similar to this one which means I doubt anyone in any sort of authority would take any notice of it assuming they even stumbled across it.
    If we ever reach the stage where online fans forums have any sort of serious influence, especially on matters not directly impacting their club, then football is in serious trouble.
  12. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Comrade 86 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Phew, what a relief. It seems that a senior politician failing to follow his own advice/rules, to add to the handful of other politicians etc, outweighs what appears to be overwhelming scientific and medical opinion and it’s not a global health crisis after all. All this time (was it last May he got caught?) I could have burned my mask and hugged strangers at will (normal rules on sexual harassment apply).
    Forget about emails to MP’s about Derby’s battle with the EFL, we should all rise and share this breakthrough with the rest of the world.
  13. Haha
    Tamworthram got a reaction from Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Phew, what a relief. It seems that a senior politician failing to follow his own advice/rules, to add to the handful of other politicians etc, outweighs what appears to be overwhelming scientific and medical opinion and it’s not a global health crisis after all. All this time (was it last May he got caught?) I could have burned my mask and hugged strangers at will (normal rules on sexual harassment apply).
    Forget about emails to MP’s about Derby’s battle with the EFL, we should all rise and share this breakthrough with the rest of the world.
  14. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Igor_111 in World of crypto   
    That's fair enough. I get the scepticism. I was also in that boat. Time will tell I guess. 
  15. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from angieram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I agree. I only know of one person who refuses. I respect his views but strongly disagree with him. On a recent Teams call he said two things “carry on injecting chemicals into yourself” (I resisted the urge to enquire about what medication he takes or food he eat) and, being Welsh, he quoted the Manic street preachers and said “if you tolerate this your children will be next”. I did respond though by pointing out that both of my daughters, due to health reasons, had had their jabs long before I did.
    I guess 90%ish might be the best we’re going to get especially, as you say, there are very valid reasons why some can’t or won’t have it. I’m not saying I agree but perhaps those that refuse to have the vaccination might just have to accept different restrictions even if this is just regular tests and evidence of being negative. I know having the vaccine doesn’t prevent you catching the virus or guarantee you can’t pass it on but I think medical opinion suggests there is lower risk of passing it on.
  16. Haha
    Tamworthram reacted to ariotofmyown in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    What the Manics lyric a glib reference, or had he thought about it deeper and was suggesting that taking the vaccine was akin to not standing up to the Spanish Fascists in the 30s?
  17. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Carnero in EFL Verdict   
    Wrong. The auditors job is to check that the accounts show a true and fair view and that they comply with the requirements of The Companies Act. The auditors signed off that they do.
    To say that our accounts do not comply with the Companies Act is plainly false, they may not comply with P&S rules but it seems that there is a difference between complying with Companies House/HMRC rules and complying with the EFL P&S rules. Stop confusing the two.
  18. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from JoetheRam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Phew, what a relief. It seems that a senior politician failing to follow his own advice/rules, to add to the handful of other politicians etc, outweighs what appears to be overwhelming scientific and medical opinion and it’s not a global health crisis after all. All this time (was it last May he got caught?) I could have burned my mask and hugged strangers at will (normal rules on sexual harassment apply).
    Forget about emails to MP’s about Derby’s battle with the EFL, we should all rise and share this breakthrough with the rest of the world.
  19. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from ariotofmyown in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Because Boris is an idiot and should have sacked him. Doesn’t mean the whole crisis and lockdown restrictions are a con.
    If you’re accepting Johnson’s judgement as a barometer of what is good v bad or right v wrong (which I don’t think you are) then I believe you are mistaken.
  20. Haha
    Tamworthram reacted to Comrade 86 in EFL Verdict   
    Mate, this lot couldn't find the hole in a doughnut ?‍♂️
  21. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Abu Derby in Please don’t blame Morris and Pearce.   
    I blame the recruitment team (and whoever sanctioned them) for identifying players who would cost a lot of money in transfer fees and wages, who weren’t anywhere near as good as they thought, and whose value diminished like water going down a drain. A succession of atrocious purchases - in which we continued to carry out for a long time. 
    There wouldn’t have been any need to muck about with players amortisation rubbish if they’d have identified players who would improve and who would grow in value. 
    Why the same lot are still here is beyond my comprehension. 
  22. Like
    Tamworthram reacted to Pearl Ram in EFL Verdict   
    Apologies for the delay in replying, I was gardening. 
    I don’t disagree with anything in your post in fact I found myself nodding in agreement the more I read. My post was merely putting out there such a rule existed and my surprise on discovery.
    The person who posted the original on OTIB neglected to add the very important bit about consultation with both clubs, and the others whose games would be impacted by such a move. I would hope any consultation with us would be met with a very brief response of two words, the second being “off”.
    I do wonder though how to get out there that this vendetta against Morris by the EFL and Gibson is affecting a lot of innocent people, be it those concerned for future employment or the fans concerned where this is going to end, the EFL don’t appear to care about these people so long as Morris is taught a lesson and that’s not right with me.
    By all means ban Morris and Pearce from working in football (when he’s sold up) for a pre determined period of time if they have to but why should people who have done no wrong suffer so Parry & Gibson can save face.
    They are a disgrace to the game and the fact that Parry earns a very nice living out of it makes my blood boil.
  23. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from r_wilcockson in EFL Verdict   
    Depends, if they come out next week (or whenever the full findings are published) and say they’re not going to appeal, then we can all move on. This is what I think (and hope) will happen.
    Until the report is published, I guess they didn’t have a lot of choice. To not call out the fact that are fixtures are interchangeable would either imply they’re not going to appeal regardless of what the full report says or, lead to uncertainty if people were to ask “what if the EFL appeal and the penalty is changed to a retrospective points deduction?”
  24. Clap
    Tamworthram got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Holiday Plans 2021   
    Rhondda valley is more likely for most of us

  25. Like
    Tamworthram got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in EFL Verdict   
    I think it’s very unlikely they’d postpone the start of the season for us and Wycombe especially given how long any subsequent appeal(s) would take. Also, rule 28.2 says they can after “consultation with and consideration for the clubs involved”. So, not only would they need to “consult” with Derby (that could be fun) and Wycombe but also our respective opponents in those games. It wouldn’t take many games before a load of other teams get impacted by the mess. That’s another reason why I don’t think the EFL will appeal.
    Let’s imagine the EFL take another week to make their mind up to appeal. Then the DC pull out all the stops and make a judgement after just four weeks. I imagine Derby would have at least a week to appeal the new penalty and the DC take another 3 weeks to hear our counter appeal. We’re now getting towards the end of August by which time we should have played 5 league games.
    I don’t know what rights of appeal Derby would have but, if an EFL went against us, I can’t imagine that would be the end of the matter.
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