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  1. Haha
    BPV reacted to Van der MoodHoover in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    Have you just got a line on your bulls*** bingo card with that sentence?
  2. Haha
    BPV reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    Now, now! You can't expect too much from a club with one of the biggest wage budgets, the biggest ground, the best facilities and a manager with a track record of promotion.
    It's your own fault for expecting too much!
  3. Like
    BPV reacted to Sparkle in Derby v Cheltenham Town - Match Day Thread   
    Unfortunately that day Northampton decided not to try to mark any of our players particularly Washington which made it a lot easier.
  4. Clap
    BPV reacted to DavesaRam in Does Warne deserve the vitriol aimed at him?   
    The issue isn’t that we want the prettiest football in the history of the game, it isn’t that we want to make Manchester City look like a bunch of crude lumpers. It is that we know that if our players were allowed to play to their strengths they could storm this league. The weaknesses and deficiencies are plain and obvious and are holding us back. So instead of cementing our position in the automatic places, we are preparing ourselves to be glad we scraped into the play-offs.
    Credit us due that we are up there despite having controlled virtually none of our matches, but ignore the possibility that we are only still up near the top because League One is so weak.
    Then we start slagging our midfield off for being powder-puff and easy for the opposition to go marauding through at will when Warne admits to setting midfield up to be powder-puff and easy to maraud through. And all the opposition have to do is play the tallest central defenders they’ve got and double up down the flanks and we are stuffed.
    The issues are addressable but ignored so we continue to stutter when we should be motoring forwards.
    But despite all this I will be there and I will be noisy, helping the South Standers make our support heard. And shouting at the ref!
  5. Like
    BPV reacted to RoyMac5 in Fatigue or poor mentality?   
    For @Jourdan 
    @JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta "I posted a version of this in the match thread but it belongs here I think. I'm Warne out, I have been all season really. Even in our run of form performance levels were frequently poor and we rarely look like a team in control of a football match.
    The simple fact is Warne thinks he can approach the Derby job with good vibes and percentage based kick and rush football down the flanks that offers little control. There's not really any nuance to it and any manager with half a brain can figure it out and counter it. 
    Despite the above, we have brute forced a number of wins by having better players and a bigger budget than the opposition. If we get promoted we won't have better players and a bigger budget than the opposition. What do we do then?
    I maintain that a manager with a more advanced approach to football and how to set a team up would extract better performances out of this team, and the deficiencies I see in Warne's approach will only become more of a problem as time goes on."
  6. Clap
    BPV reacted to CBRammette in Curtis   
    That final match of season where he signed the waiver. He totally got what fans were going through. The article is great and makes me proud that he feels like that about Derby after such a long and varied career
  7. Like
    BPV reacted to RoyMac5 in Curtis   
    "...It is how, even relatively late in a career, a club can come to mean so much to a player. It is how, for all the perceptions of the modern game and its money, a player can completely embrace what a club does for a community; what it means. Davies arrived at Derby when he was 32 but he willingly says it’s the club he most identifies with, and he speaks about them in the way a one-club man might. There’s authentic emotion...
    If the last few years of Derby’s history displayed many of the game’s modern issues, from competing amid the financial stretch to ownership and the very running of clubs, Davies’ part in that showed the good of the game: “the togetherness”, as he puts it.
    It was about much more than the football. And it’s why Derby fans love him for more than the performances. Davies stood up for the club and its people at a time of huge uncertainty...
    It’s revealing that Davies puts this memory, a time that was full of such “frustration” and uncertainty, above the fact he has done something that puts him in football’s record books. The centre-back scored a goal in football’s oldest showpiece, having struck for Hull City in the 2014 FA Cup final.
    They might have lost that game to Arsenal, but there was immense pride in it as well as tangible achievement. Every time someone even glances over the list of finals, there is Davies’ name.
    That still doesn’t mean as much to him as Derby.
    “It's because it was total emotion, and emotion for the club,” Davies explains. “It was a belonging. I will always look to Derby as a positive memory, regardless of football."

  8. Like
    BPV reacted to angieram in Curtis   
    If ever anyone deserved a round of applause,  it's Curtis. 33 minutes, anyone?
  9. Clap
    BPV got a reaction from Hector was the best in No midfield control again…   
    Exactly this!
    This thread feels like we’re placing blame on the midfield (admittedly I don’t think bird or Hourihane have been good enough this year) when in reality most of the problem is tactical. We flat out don’t use the midfield effectively.
    Warne outright said last night that they’d tried to bypass the midfield. Why after that clearly hadn’t worked all game we decided to throw on 2 more wide players and try it again baffles me.
    If it’s not getting the ball up the field outwide quickly, Warne doesn’t have any other ideas. 
    I don’t recall a single attack going through the centre of the pitch last night. 
  10. Clap
    BPV got a reaction from RoyMac5 in No midfield control again…   
    Exactly this!
    This thread feels like we’re placing blame on the midfield (admittedly I don’t think bird or Hourihane have been good enough this year) when in reality most of the problem is tactical. We flat out don’t use the midfield effectively.
    Warne outright said last night that they’d tried to bypass the midfield. Why after that clearly hadn’t worked all game we decided to throw on 2 more wide players and try it again baffles me.
    If it’s not getting the ball up the field outwide quickly, Warne doesn’t have any other ideas. 
    I don’t recall a single attack going through the centre of the pitch last night. 
  11. Clap
    BPV reacted to S8TY in Reading v Derby match day thread.   
    We will make the play offs but if we don’t hopefully it means Warne will be gone even if we somehow managed to get up I don’t want Warne leading us into a championship campaign 
    wrong choice of manager and  easier to say when we play badly of course but even some of the victories haven’t been great 
    This group of players are good enough to control games but we don’t and that’s because of how we try to play that comes from our management team 
    Lincoln was like a basketball match with no goals was way too open we could easily had won 2-0 and equally had lost 3-0 
    yes we will win a few but can anyone honestly say the football we are seeing will carry us very far 
    when we used to lose games under Mac1 we still often looked the better side the play off final being a massive reminder of that ….we go again Saturday  COYR
  12. Clap
    BPV reacted to Jayram in Reading v Derby match day thread.   
    Or maybe get a manager/coach in that understands that a functioning balanced midfield is an alternative to endlessly lumping the ball out wide and into the box in the hope that someone will get on the end of it. Bird isn’t a bad player but is being made to look so by a coach who has no interest in playing football in any way other than his own prehistoric way.
  13. Clap
    BPV reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Reading v Derby match day thread.   
    The simple fact is Warne thinks he can approach the Derby job with vibes and percentage based kick and rush football down the flanks that offers little control. There's not really any nuance to it and any manager with half a brain can figure it out and counter it. 
    We have brute forced a number of wins by having better players and a bigger budget than the opposition. If we get promoted we won't have better players and a bigger budget than the opposition. What do we do then?
  14. Clap
    BPV reacted to IlsonDerby in Reading v Derby match day thread.   
    Perfect is stretching it. I think they just expect us to have 1 shot on target in a league 1 match and not put in such abject performances when the players we have are better than the players most in the division have… 
  15. Like
    BPV reacted to Comrade 86 in Reading v Derby match day thread.   
    For balance, my biggest bugbear is that we don't seem to be trying to address the midfield issues and yes, it is frustrating, even for the so-called happy clappers like me. While I'm pleased to see Blackett-Taylor join, I really think we need to be moving heaven and earth to get a dominant midfielder in, but if PW refuses to let the midfield play their game, then would another player even fix the issue? It's a worry, for sure.
    Anyway, I'm not going to climb on his back as there's more than enough doing that already, but I honestly don't see how anything changes unless we address this issue. If we do, I think we'll make the autos comfortably. If we don't, then I'm afraid it'll be the lottery of the play-offs with a team that doesn't always prosper under pressure.
  16. Clap
    BPV reacted to Ambitious in Reading v Derby match day thread.   
    Dreadful performance. I don’t even know where to start, so won’t bother, but I will say I feel for the fans that went tonight. 
    The last few weeks have been rotten to watch, performances have been really bad. Too much emphasis on results, rather than performances have seemingly led us down the wrong path. Standards need to be so much better than they currently are.
    I’m still very much concerned that the people currently employed by the club don’t have the necessary skillset to achieve long-term. The recruitment and coaching is miles off where it needs to be, for me. I have no doubt that even if we did get promoted this season, we would be in for a long season next year which is a niggling thought that I can’t shake. 
    Obviously nothing I can do to change the decisions the club make so I’ll continue to support (and moan) as it plays out. I hope I’m wrong, honestly, because I want success for Clowes and I’d like Derby to be seen as a relevant football team on the national stage again. 
  17. Clap
    BPV reacted to RoyMac5 in No midfield control again…   
    We signed another winger what more do you want? Play the players to their strengths not the formation you want to play - I see we went 3 at the back again to get Bradley on the pitch and Ward as a wingback. Why? There had been plenty of wide players on the pitch. The manager is limited and tactically poor. Stop blaming players who are told to take 'two touches' in midfield and get it wide! 
  18. Like
    BPV reacted to RoyMac5 in No midfield control again…   
    We've had good wins and scored good goals, but I'm not sure we've ever looked a 'good side'? It's not like we've stormed up the league. I think the players are dispirited because (like it or not) when Hourihane came over to the fans and said 'we are trying' he was being truthful. The problem is it's not working.
  19. Like
    BPV got a reaction from therealhantsram in Reading v Derby match day thread.   
    Yep. My biggest concern about going up.
    His Rotherham teams were absolutely shambolic in the championship and had nothing to do with their budget. 
    I think he’d had done alright 15/20 years ago, but football has dramatically changed since then. Sadly for us, Paul Warne hasn’t 
  20. Like
    BPV got a reaction from Kinder in Reading v Derby match day thread.   
    Warne for not the first time this season stating that they actively chose to bypass the midfield. In a game that we were looking to go top of the league against a team 4th from bottom.
    Tactically clueless and utterly no faith in your central midfield players
  21. Clap
    BPV got a reaction from NOTSA74 in Reading v Derby match day thread.   
    Warne for not the first time this season stating that they actively chose to bypass the midfield. In a game that we were looking to go top of the league against a team 4th from bottom.
    Tactically clueless and utterly no faith in your central midfield players
  22. Clap
    BPV got a reaction from angieram in Reading v Derby match day thread.   
    Have we played a single ball through the middle all night? 
    Hasn’t worked at all down the wings yet again and yet we’ve tried nothing different 
  23. Clap
    BPV reacted to nottingram in No midfield control again…   
    Bird has been part of a midfield who control games at a higher level than this. Hourihane too but I grant his legs may not move as his brain wants them to anymore. 
    We’re into our third Warne window. There has been ample time to address it. We are not scratching squads together anymore. We are buying (loaning) players for fees that plenty of clubs we play against week by week couldn’t dream of.
  24. Clap
    BPV reacted to TINMANTED in Reading v Derby match day thread.   
    other than a top wage for the rest of the season,stupid gamble given that he hasn't shown any reason on the pitch to warrant keeping him
  25. Clap
    BPV got a reaction from HorsforthRam in Reading v Derby match day thread.   
    Warne for not the first time this season stating that they actively chose to bypass the midfield. In a game that we were looking to go top of the league against a team 4th from bottom.
    Tactically clueless and utterly no faith in your central midfield players
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