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  1. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to alram in One year of Paul Warne   
    The club is losing it's soul, if we linger like we are we lose so much more than football matches. 
    Warne needs to go, he's turning us into a s*** version of Rotherham, thats not what derby is about.
    Clowes wasn't patient with LR and he shouldn't be giving Warne the leeway he should have given LR
  2. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Leeds Ram in Derby v Cambridge Match Thread   
    Just listening to Warne's post-match and he thinks we did well and enough to win the game. The analysis he gives really concerns me if he thinks that was good. 
  3. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Leeds Ram in Derby v Cambridge Match Thread   
    Genuinely at what point aren't we a work in progress? What points in this division would be unexpected? We've won 2 of the last 13 at home I believe with 11 goals scored. That's really not good enough. I think many fans are starting to have enough of the turgid Warne ball which is being served up. 
  4. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in Derby v Cambridge Match Thread   
    I’ve been a season ticket holder for 30+ years and never wanted to miss a match. 
    I’ve decided today that until Warne has gone I won’t be attending any more games. I left on 72 minutes today, something I’ve never done before. 
    It was awful, no direction and wasting my Saturday afternoon. 
    The football he plays and the way he treats the academy (something that is close to me and my family) I can’t give him any more support. 
    Call it mardy, but in all these years I’ve never felt like this about a manager. 
  5. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Srg in Derby v Cambridge Match Thread   
    I’ve supported Warne despite evidence to the contrary. He says a lot of good stuff, he seems like a good bloke. But that second half tactical and substitution decision-making was beyond Sunday league. I’m done. He can go. 
  6. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Derby v Cambridge Match Thread   
    That is genuinely dreadful. 
  7. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to strawhillram in Derby v Cambridge Match Thread   
    Solidified mid table obscurity in 3rd tier
    Warne out pronto
  8. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in Derby v Cambridge Match Thread   
  9. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Day in Ed Dawes   
    Whilst we bash away, mostly anonymously behind the keyboard, just go take a second to see what Josh Vickers is going through right now, Ed, just like us all is a real person. 
    Regardless of how you feel about him as a person or his commentary style there is absolutely no need for personal stuff towards a fellow Derby fan.
    Seriously, come on, have a word with yourselves.
  10. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in Ed Dawes   
    It's quite an unpleasant forum on here sometimes isn't it.
    The blokes doing his job,has some time off for unknown reasons and gets personally slagged off by fellow derby supporters whilst he does so.
  11. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Mucker1884 in Josh Vickers   
    I have been lucky enough to have had my soulmate for almost 38 years now... over 26 of them as man & wife.
    Literally nothing would fill me with more dread than having to spend just one solitarily minute without her as the biggest part of my life.  My soul, my heart, my every breath.

    I have known personal tragedy of course, as have many of us, and indeed have bore witness to my own father suffering precisely what you are now going through yourself, albeit many years ago now.

    But to imagine having to suffer a tragedy such as this myself, remains unthinkable.
    My heart goes out to you, Josh, and I truly wish you nothing but eventual peace, happiness, and everlasting memories.
    Stay strong, buddy, and may your beautiful wife sleep in eternal peace.
  12. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Big Trav in Derby v Carlisle (A) Match Thread   
    Tyrese Fornah is some player, roams like Veira did
  13. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Walkley Ram in Derby v Carlisle (A) Match Thread   
    I really, really like Fornah. There, I said it.
  14. Haha
    Wsm-ram reacted to eddielewis in Derby v Lincoln Match Thread   
    All I can think of is Paul Warne must have been visited by the Ghosts of Derby's past last night after watching that
  15. Haha
    Wsm-ram reacted to SSD in Derby v Lincoln Match Thread   
    A goal from open play???!!!

  16. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to RoyMac5 in How would you feel if Mac returned again?   
    Who is manager alongside Paul Warne coach? But I can't see why Mac would want to leave Man Utd unfinished business or not.
    Time for Colin, everyone would know he's here on a mission and needn't be thought of long term. He knows what he's doing and has been successful at more than League 1 and more than Rotherham. 
  17. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to Millenniumram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Ryan Nyambe, I’m told
  18. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Ghost of Clough in So who would we have then?   
    12 permanent managers...
    Davies: 2006-2007
    Jewell: 2007-2008
    Clough: 2009-2013
    Mac1: 2013-2015
    Clement: 2015-2016
    Pearson: 2016-2016
    Mac2: 2016-2017
    Rowett: 2017-2018
    Lampard: 2018-2019
    Cocu: 2019-2020
    Rooney: 2020-2022
    Warne: 2022-2023
    Since sacking managers has "got us where we are", it's a shame didn't give Jewell more time as we'd be playign in Europe by now... Or Pearson.. or even Cocu... sometimes you just need to get rid of managers who aren't taking you anywhere.
  19. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to oldtimeram in Who enjoys Warne's football poll?   
    Something has got to change.  Either Warne admits his style is not working and changes things, or we carry on into mediocrity with football that is better than any sleeping pill can achieve
  20. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to eddielewis in Who enjoys Warne's football poll?   
    Exactly I mentioned this a couple weeks ago. Before we hired Warne the first footballing thing Clowes should have done was figure out what style of football should this club adopt and what will fans enjoy and then hired a manager who fits that or a director of football to implement this from a wider club standpoint so therefore we are impenetrable from the manager merry go round. Currently we have a plan in which if Warne goes by sacking or if he gets snatched by being successful (if pig's fly!) then what? What direction do we go next?
    It's so counter-intuitive to not have every single age group playing the same formation because you have potentially a talent in the youth who could never make his breakthrough because the first teams tactic's are so alien to them. Max Bird is an early example. He's been moulded by playing 4-3-3 learning off Thorne/Huddlestone. From what i've seen of the Under 21 and 18's they both still playing 4-2-3-1. How are we ever going to find out if there is a wing back in the youth for Warne's 5-3-2 if that's the case.
    Arguably i think the majority of us enjoy a possession based 4-3-3/4-2-3-1 because that's what we've been used to over the last 10 years that's why Warne's football is so grating to a lot of us because we have not been used to this style of play. You could say patience and time could help it but I just see clear gaps in the future progression of the club on the pitch.
  21. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Barney1991 in Who enjoys Warne's football poll?   
    I will always go to games but this season is a struggle to get the motivation to go tbh. It’s like being invited to a relatives party you don’t like and you need to show your face for a bit. To not have a single shot on target since Peterborough apart from 2 penalties is criminal. 
    what the hell he has done in 2 weeks training is beyond me. In fact we might aswell scrap training because all we are doing is getting players injured and practicing kicking the ball 60 yards.
  22. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to oldtimeram in Who enjoys Warne's football poll?   
    I noted that yesterday.  Not a shot on target.  That is simply unacceptable, especially when playing at home.
    Something needs to change and fast!
  23. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to IlsonDerby in Who enjoys Warne's football poll?   
    Jesus wept - 250 minutes IN LEAGUE ONE without a shot on target from open play and still its ‘ooh look another criticism of Warne’ from some fans. 
    Tell us the positives - we all want to see sunny uplands and successful football. 
  24. Clap
    Wsm-ram reacted to Rev in Who enjoys Warne's football poll?   
    I won't renew next season, based on this. 
  25. Like
    Wsm-ram reacted to duncanjwitham in So who would we have then?   
    That's my take on it too.  The issue with applying it to Warne, is that do we really think the squad we have now is really a Warne squad?  If we went and put say Rosenior back in charge (not suggesting this, he's just a convenient recent name), would we need to make more or less signings to get the squad to how he wanted it than we think Warne is going to have to make?  I definitely think a decent manager could get this bunch playing a much better brand of football pretty quickly without any signings.
    And given the make-up of the squad (mostly free transfers, many out of contract in a year or 2), the actual cost of changing the squad to suit a manager is much less than when they were all £5m players on 5 year contracts.
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