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  1. Like
    ossieram got a reaction from Carnero in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    Totally agree. By saving on tax, he can afford to put more into the charity pot.
    He could have put £5 million into the pot and gave the taxman more, but he didn't. 
  2. Haha
    ossieram reacted to TigerTedd in International Rams   
    Any guy who is confident enough to wear a hair band is confident enough to have the piss taken out of him for it. The guy is an alpha male captain of the football team, I don’t think anyone is questioning his masculinity. I’m as SJW as the next guy, really, but there’s got to be some wiggle room for a bit of bants left in this world.
    Probably should be careful calling him a Jessie though, Lingard might get offended.  
  3. Clap
    ossieram reacted to CBRammette in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    Exactly. Have worked with many high net worth individuals. Those just wanting to reduce tax bill choose to do so by many means other than donating to charity, especially such large sums.  Only those that actually want to donate do so. Having seen/prepared the tax returns of many HNWIs you would (or perhaps wouldnt!) be surprised at how few do give significant amounts to charity. For many its the sort of amounts we may give. So Mel's charitable giving is just that and he should be applauded for it
  4. Clap
    ossieram reacted to Carnero in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    I repeat, he hasn't saved anything, he may have reduced his tax burden by donating to charity but the net position is that he's given money away, not received money.
    Unless you think the charity then distributes money back into Mel's pocket of course?
    You're point is either disingenuous or completely lacking in understanding.
    End of conversation.
  5. Haha
    ossieram reacted to Foreveram in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    Stopped reading at should have appointed Warnock
  6. Clap
    ossieram reacted to G STAR RAM in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
    On the whole there isn't much to disagree with but there are a few things that I'd like to pick up on.
    The alarm bells started ringing for you when you saw players arriving in huge salaries...where did you find out the salaries they were on? 
    The drones spying on Pearson story was laughable, and if you honestly believe that, I feel for you.
    My favourite in all of this though is that you think the football played under Clememt and Rowett was dire, only to go on and say we should have appointed Warnock ???
  7. Haha
    ossieram got a reaction from GB SPORTS in And Kenny Davenport scores....   
    Try telling that to the treetard Forsyth trod on.
  8. Haha
    ossieram reacted to Comrade 86 in Embargo.   
    This thread...

  9. Like
    ossieram reacted to hintonsboots in Embargo.   
    But then you go on to say you do know and it’s all MM’s fault. It will be easier  to apportion blame, once we have all the facts, if that ever happens, due to the number of NDA’s floating around.
  10. Haha
    ossieram got a reaction from The Scarlet Pimpernel in And Kenny Davenport scores....   
    Try telling that to the treetard Forsyth trod on.
  11. Like
    ossieram reacted to falconram in Embargo.   
  12. Like
    ossieram got a reaction from QuitYourJibbaJivin in Embargo.   
    After reading the other post saying Mel is going to fight.
    Please feel free to ignore my post.
  13. Haha
    ossieram got a reaction from Premier ram in And Kenny Davenport scores....   
    Try telling that to the treetard Forsyth trod on.
  14. Haha
    ossieram got a reaction from uttoxram75 in And Kenny Davenport scores....   
    Try telling that to the treetard Forsyth trod on.
  15. Haha
    ossieram got a reaction from Tamworthram in Embargo.   
    I actually said " how the #### do you know" but he just said something something nda!
    He wouldn't tell me who told him.
  16. Haha
    ossieram got a reaction from Carl Sagan in Goal celebrations   
    I think Robbie Keane was a natural though.
  17. Like
    ossieram got a reaction from Quagga in Embargo.   
    After reading the other post saying Mel is going to fight.
    Please feel free to ignore my post.
  18. Like
    ossieram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Embargo.   
    I actually said " how the #### do you know" but he just said something something nda!
    He wouldn't tell me who told him.
  19. Like
    ossieram got a reaction from Rev in Embargo.   
    After reading the other post saying Mel is going to fight.
    Please feel free to ignore my post.
  20. Haha
    ossieram got a reaction from i-Ram in And Kenny Davenport scores....   
    Try telling that to the treetard Forsyth trod on.
  21. Haha
    ossieram got a reaction from Ellafella in And Kenny Davenport scores....   
    Try telling that to the treetard Forsyth trod on.
  22. Haha
    ossieram got a reaction from Ram-Alf in And Kenny Davenport scores....   
    Try telling that to the treetard Forsyth trod on.
  23. Haha
    ossieram got a reaction from GboroRam in Embargo.   
    Daily mail!!! Nah.
  24. Clap
    ossieram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Embargo.   
    Daily mail!!! Nah.
  25. Clap
    ossieram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Embargo.   
    Have you got a link to anywhere that shows he got £8 million. 
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