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Posts posted by TomBustler1884

  1. Big issue with gigs is that the type of trucks they use to transport staging can't fit into the ground making set up/breakdown a logistical nightmare.

    The roof had been designed to a point, but I believe there were question marks around whether it would actually ever work in practice.

  2. 8 hours ago, Ram-Alf said:

    This is an opinion and not a dig at you.

    Professionals you say...hhhmmm, Altho Derby has City status it's still a small town, The huge block on Victoria street fronts onto the old Duckworth Square which leads onto Green lane which has a drug problem, I'll wager a good proportion will be buys to let, Take a look at the block on Gower Street a 5 minute walk from Victoria Street even the rats are moving out.

    Students, I was a caretaker for 3 apartment blocks at Flamstead Court on Derby University Campus on Kedleston road those students weren't the best when looking after these homes or surrounding area.

    Derby isn't a metropolis, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, London, Newcastle, Birmingham are some of the places where these blocks would fit in, Derby isn't...imo 


    The new apartments on Duckworth Square aren't available to buy. They are all owned by a single institutional landlord (Grainger) who let them out, manage the building, offer gym, rooftop garden, concierge etc. the building has outperformed their expectations in terms of getting people in.

  3. I'd say Derby is no worse than many other small cities. 

    The Museum of Making is an internationally award-winning museum.

    The Pickford collection is world-renowned for being hosted in the city.

    Our engineering past and present is awe-inspiring.

    Festivals like Format and Feste attract thousands to the city.

    Derbion, not to everyone's tastes, but is an excellent shopping destination.

    Darley, Markeaton and Allestree parks all in walking distance, Peaks and Dales a short drive.

    Yes, St Peters St had a drug problem, but has improved from 5-10yrs ago. It still needs help, lots of empty shops but no different to any other city.

    Huge numbers of homes are being built in the city centre, the Goods Yard is being rebuilt, a new performance venue is imminent, as is a new business school.

    It's not perfect, but efforts are being made to improve it and if you are linked to the city, it would be better served by not running it down all the time.

    Articles like the Which one are lazy, reductive and usually written by sneering journalists who haven't left London in a decade. So yes, Derby isn't as easy to get around as the capital, and it doesn't have the same level of cultural facilities, perhaps investment in our region that matches what other regions receive would help.

    And it's a far better place than Stoke at the very least!

  4. Derby 3 - Yeovil 2 2014

    2-0 down at half time and the concourses were so relaxed about it. We just all seemed to know we would come back to win. I'd never been more convinced of a promotion in my life. Bloody Zamora.

    All of the 1884 Group display games too. Incredible feeling to see the visual impact of what we did. I imagine the people behind Popside Fanatics experienced the same feeling on Saturday. They're doing a brilliant job.

  5. @David just wanted to check in. Sounds like you guys have been going through it. As someone who was lucky enough to see IVF eventually work for us, I know how difficult that particular rollercoaster, especially with early stage pregnancy loss.

    I saw your post on Instagram regarding foster parent approval - is that a light at the end of the tunnel for you all?

  6. Warsaw, Krakow, Vienna, Carcassonne, Berlin, Munich, Swiss cities.

    Alternatively, do Normandy. Tonnes of war-related places to visit, beaches, Honfleur, Caen, Pont Audemer.

    Or the Loire Valley - beautiful scenery, castles, abbeys, royal burial sites.

  7. On 12/02/2024 at 18:21, McArthur Park said:

    Sorry if I missed someone else asking, but did your lad enjoy the match day experience? And did you manage to stay til the end?😁

    He was having a good time, sweets and his tablet aided his attention span, especially during the abysmal first half.

    Second half, he was fine, but when we scored, the celebrations were so loud he got really upset! We tried staying a bit longer but the crowd was noisy and he just couldn't handle it, so we left after an hour.

    So lesson from me, bring ear defenders, but on the plus side, he left when we were winning so was happy with that and once we were outside said, "thank you for bringing me Daddy, I love it and next time I'll bring my headphones!"

  8. 21 minutes ago, IlsonDerby said:

    But we have other fringe players we could get rid of first? 

    Bird likely off in summer. Hourihane the same. New lad unproven really above league 2 level and is only a loan. We can’t just plan for the next 5 months. Smith clearly surplus to requirements. 

    Leaves Fornah, Thompson, Robinson? 

    Smith, Ward, Bradley are likely the players to try and loan out/move on to free up wages and get minutes. Perhaps not even Bradley as we’d be thin on the ground at CB. 


    Other teams have to want them. If Fornah is the only one attracting enough interest to allow us to complete a deal then it's him or nothing.

    As for the rest, you can't plan for next season until we know what league we're in. If we go up, Bird stays, for example.

  9. 36 minutes ago, IlsonDerby said:

    Lose a younger player with potential for an older player on loads of money who isn’t guaranteed to score outside of that posh side? 

    Lose a fringe player in an area of the pitch with lots of options, and gain a proven goalscorer to add to our threadbare forwards?

    Yes, 100% if we have to move out to bring in. Our focus right now has to be on getting out of this league 

  10. A few bits from today, no questions from the floor due to time.

    West Stand front imagery changing this week.

    We have the 61st highest average attendance in Europe 

    Wages are now at 45% of turnover which speaks to the club's commitment to be run sustainably

    Stephen Pearce knows how admin looked from outside the club but everyone at the club knows how important it is to the city and refused to give up. The work done by fans, businesses, employees was inspirational. Club has made vast strides in the last 18 months to be run responsibly, humbly and with integrity.

    Paul Warne spoke about how he works, his realisation how much of a big club this is after seeing the work DCCT do to embed it onto the community.

    Spoke a lot about fostering group unity, only recruiting talented, strong-minded players who can handle the pressure of playing here. He said everyone wants to play here and he almost has to try and put them off to see if they are just here for the money or genuinely desire to be here.

    Made a comment about a player might be brilliant for a Port Vale but might struggle in front of 30,000, or not have the right mentality to succeed here. Could be Arblaster, or could have just pulled Port Vale from nowhere.

    Hinted that Cashin and Elder may have picked up knocks but didn't say for definite, John-Jules is absolutely devastated by hamstring injury, hoping they can get him back before end of season. Senior players have all offered support to him.

    Team were extremely disappointed with themselves on Tuesday.

    Not much else really. All I will say is that Pearce in my opinion is doing a good job and seems very determined to help DCFC to succeed.

    It was my first time hearing Warne in person and he comes across so much better. Very personable and interesting.

  11. I'm heading to PP tomorrow for an event hosted by Marketing Derby.

    Primarily an opportunity for DCFC to promote hospitality and conferencing to businesses in Derby but apparently time for a little Q&A with Stephen Pearce and Paul Warne.

    What sensible questions would you ask if you got chance to ask something?

  12. I've been sucked into the alien wormhole a little since the Congressional hearings. 

    Personally, I think it's highly likely we have UFO craft and have been contacted. I think it's likely those craft are bio engineered - no propulsion or fuel, but powered by the pilot.

    I think contact has been happening for millennia and is intertwined with all religions, whether as a way for humans to comprehend those interactions, or as a form of control who knows.

    The last bit I think is the question of why. There are some really bizarre explanations out there, but whether aliens are extra terrestrial, extra dimensional or extra temporal, I like the theory that we are souls and consciousness, reincarnated after death. Does that make Earth a prison/simulation to keep us here from malevolent beings? Or our home that we can ascend from that would tie into beliefs like Buddhism - reach enlightenment and transcend Earthly being into enlightenment.

    All probably absolute nonsense but fascinating nonetheless.

    Main point is this - if we have UFOs, that is the least interesting part of the story.

  13. 46 minutes ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    So in your opinion, it seems that he absolved his responsibilities as a CEO to follow every direction given by Mel Morris, regardless of whether the directives given were right or wrong because Morris ruled everything. If what you are saying is right, Pearce was a mere puppet who acted upon Morris' demands regardless of the lawfulness of those demands; he aided and abetted Morris in any wrongdoings, if there were any, perpetrated by Morris. So as a CEO of DCFC, he was effectively a cardboard cutout? If that is your position it merely fuels the burning question of why he is still the CEO of our club. A CEO of due integrity would have blown the whistle when things were obviously out of control. There would have been many willing listeners in the EFL, HMRC and the fanbase if he had done the right thing and walked away. Then he'd have been our hero.

    And please don't try to plead omertà on his behalf because that defence is not available to a CEO trusted with running a company with a multi-million pounds turnover.

    No, I said that in his time working for Mel Morris he has undoubtedly made mistakes and will have regrets.

    But in administration he is credited by many who were involved in the process with going above and beyond to keep the club going.

    And since David Clowes came in, he has been trusted to continue in the role.

    So, in my opinion, I will park my personal feelings, and accept that he might not be the AntiChrist he is painted as by some.

    And for those infuriated by him not speaking about the admin or past performance, I would assume he is legally prevented from speaking publically.

    But who knows, maybe I'm wrong! That's the joy of having an opinion that very few people actually have inside knowledge on.

  14. I've said it before, I'll say it again.

    Stephen Pearce was CEO in name. But his employer, Mel Morris, ran the show. I highly doubt Pearce had any option but to follow what Morris wanted. That's not to say he didn't make mistakes, of course, but we all know Morris was too hands on and ruled EVERYTHING.

    Since then, I have no doubt he is under NDA. He will not be allowed to discuss any aspect of his employment by Mel Morris, even if he wanted to.

    Instead, take note of people still in the club, who seem to have possibly even more respect for him through and following administration than they did before, and our new owner, a lifelong fan, who if he felt wasnt right for the job, could and can get rid at any point.

    Time to move on imo.

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