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Posts posted by IlsonDerby

  1. 2 minutes ago, TINMANTED said:

    Can anyone actually understand what Warne is trying to do here?

    Leave him alone! Our squad was put together in the space of 45 minutes and consists of non league journeymen and the west Hallam under 12s. Who could possibly be getting a better performance out of them?! 👀

  2. 8 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    You said people are being gaslit, I don’t think they are. The dictionary definition of that terms is “To manipulate (a person) by psychological means into questioning his or her own sanity.”

    People stating opinions that oppose your own doesn’t meet that definition as I see it. Would you feel gaslighting an appropriate term to use for your own anti-Warne stance? You feel he’s the wrong manager and express it as you are entitled to, it doesn’t match the views of others, that doesn’t mean you are gaslighting them. It’s the use of that term I felt was inappropriate. Some people genuinely feel the situation the club found itself in last year and the make up of the squad means Warne is doing an ok job, it’s evidenced by the poll thread about Warne.
    Others feel he isn’t doing an ok job and have concerns. That’s evidenced by the poll also.
    It doesn’t have to be such a divisive conversation that terms like gaslighting/happy clapper/wrist slasher etc get thrown around. 

    See I do believe there’s psychological manipulation going on when people are constantly playing the ‘we almost didn’t have a club’ card. This has nothing to do with the argument over whether Warne should be doing better with the group of players at his disposal. It’s purely a guilt trip for daring to question which is manipulative. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    All valid concerns Roy, I’m not saying otherwise.

    I don’t agree with the suggestion that people are being “gaslit” and was pointing out that a discussion of opposing opinions doesn’t equate to the malicious manipulation that gaslighting is associated with. 

    It does seem apparent Warne is intent on playing a 3-5-2 system in the future from a number of comments and the recent use of tactics in games. Recruiting for and implementing that tactic could well prove to be a masterstroke or a disaster so I can’t judge it until it happens.
    I do agree with the frustration of using it now when it seemingly doesn’t suit the players we have, or more specifically I subscribe to the view shared in other threads by other posters that if Warne is intent on using this tactic now he should at least be using the more rounded square pegs in those round holes, for example put Knight and Sibley as the wingbacks rather than NML and Barkhuizen. 

    My own preference would be for him to go back to a 4 at the back system, again using Knight as the right back as he did well there earlier this season and isn’t having the required impact on games in midfield that I’d want to see. Get the likes of NML, Barkhuizen, Sibley, and Dobbin alongside McGoldrick at the sharp end of the pitch to do some damage. He probably won’t, but that would be my preferred approach these last few games. 

    But it is exactly what I said. My opinion is that his football is absolutely rank and it shouldn’t be this rank with the quality of player available. I’m told constantly that my expectations are too high based on the rag tag team we put together despite our wage budget being higher than most in the division. Honestly the amount of times we are told ‘should be lucky we still have a club’ - yeah we are lucky to have a club and I’ll never forget that Clowes saved us at the last moment but that shouldn’t prevent discourse on what this squad is capable of. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Premier ram said:

    please tell me who in your opinion would of got more out of this squad and come here under the restrictions we are tied to

    Rosenior was one off the top of my head but this is a s**** argument. I’m not a club owner, I’m not a CEO, how should I know who is available within the game?? 

    What I will say is we built a squad of good technical players and then decided to bring in a football terrorist to manage them… 

  5. On 16/04/2023 at 11:42, Premier ram said:

    Reading a lot of this , in which way did Warne get it horribly wrong ? we were seconds from an admittedly smash and grab away victory

    He got it wrong by allowing a team 10 places below us to play us off the park for 85 minutes. 👍🏻

    22 hours ago, Andicis said:

    People who are calling for Warne to go aren't using their heads. We're under a business plan. We cannot afford to get rid of the manager and won't be able to for the duration of the business plan, so get used to it. 

    Further, I don't see how you can judge a manager based on a mixed up squad of people near retirement age and young players without much experience. He hasn't been able to bring anyone in. Judge him when he has his own team. 

    Do you honestly, honestly, believe what we’re currently being served up is the best we could hope for with the current players? 

    I think there are plenty who would get more out of this team. We are in exactly the same position as when he took over but with the benefit of the team having an extra 6 months training and playing together. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    So you thought we would get better as the season went on despite the thinness of the squad?

    I thought that the management team would improve the squad/implement their ideas more robustly as the season went on. 

    let’s not kid ourselves. He’s chosen not to play Thompson, Sibley, barely any minutes for Dobbin/Springett. He brags about wanting a small squad to work with. 

    Granted you couldn’t switch all those players in at the same time but there have been opportunities to rest legs and freshen up that he just hasn’t taken. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    Remind us again, what were your expectations for this season 🤔

    To be in and around play offs - check

    To be able to see the ideas of the manager being developed and becoming second nature on the pitch meaning the performances improve with time - big fat no for me. 

  8. 1 minute ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Why would you expect a team made up of youngsters and players approaching retirement to be getting stronger towards the end of the season?

    Because I’d expect a manager - a professional no less - to not try and shoe horn a style onto the squad that they’re not capable of. If Pep took over at Rotherham and started demanding tiki taka you’d raise some eyebrows right? You play to the strengths of what is available and as you spend longer with the team on the training ground the patterns of play you’re drilling in to them should become automated hence getting stronger as the season progresses.

  9. 48 minutes ago, deanoakaram4life said:

    McLaren had a team that was already built, this outfit has been thrown together in one summer with free’s from other clubs. 

    Stupid to compare the situations! 

    I’m not comparing the situation I’m comparing the impact. A midtable squad elevated to play offs was what McClaren managed. We’re playing worse now than before Warne took over. 

  10. 48 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Then your expectations have been partly met, we are still challenging (limply) for a top 6 spot. 
    I get you don’t like Warne’s style, he was getting a tune out of the players earlier in the season and a combination of factors (injury/suspension/form/poor decision making from staff and officials) has seen that falter, so he is capable.
    I just think it’s fair to give him time to build his own side to play that style before fully judging him, as frustrating as that may be at times. 

    The biggest part of my expectation though was that we’d be improving as the season went on encouraging excitement about next season even if we just fell short. 

  11. Just now, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Thank you. I don’t agree of course, but that’s the beauty of opinions is we all have them and they differ. 

    My expectations were ‘challenging for top six with a slow start but getting stronger as the season went on and the players got to learn the managers ideas’. 

    The football we’re seeing is vile and it was palatable whilst we were picking up results but now the results have dried up the performances are exposed for what they are. Turgid. 

  12. 1 minute ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Where did I say you are not a proper supporter? The definition of supporter, is included within the name, all I see is constant negativity and bilge for about the last 4 or 5 years, I expect nothing less from you.

    I’m nothing but negative about Warne. Don’t think he’ll take us to success. I’d love to be wrong but can’t see it - on here and Twitter. 

    I sing my heart out every home match and give the team my full support. 

    This is the place to vent frustrations at the tripe we’re serving up so it’s crap to see people being berated for being negative when that performance deserves it. Yet again. 

  13. 3 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    Am assuming your alluding to the normal knee jerk reactionary crap from the usual suspects on here after we don't win a game?

    How can it be knee jerk reactionary when it was all being said whilst we were still 1-0 up? Would have taken an absolute idiot to watch that and think we were gonna win it. Out coached by yet another gaffer with lesser players at their disposal.

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