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  1. COYR
    BriggRam got a reaction from sage in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    This has absolutely gone mad, it's a shame Reading will only bring about 14 fans, if it was a team with a bigger fan base and on a Saturday I reckon we would have PP packed to the rafters
  2. Haha
    BriggRam got a reaction from atherstoneram in Earnshaw   
  3. Like
    BriggRam reacted to Chester40 in Wayne Rooney press conference   
    Did you watch his press conference? 
    I usually agree with you and have been pretty anti-Rooney until 7 days ago. But this gets top points for trolling and has put me in the invidious position of liking @MuespachRamposts!
    Rooney can have lots of things levelled against him but if that press conference was the result of PR advice and he was posturing to the camera then I would be astounded. His PR team would surely have said 'be statesmanlike and rise above it' anyway. 
    You could feel his change of tone when Mel was discussed. He obviously feels incredibly angry that he is now steering the ship but wasn't been given the common courtesy of the facts. He clearly has had staff coming to him and asking about their livelihoods and he has been in the dark. Some fans were speculating it was all a plan that Mel had made Rooney part of, but obviously that wasn't the case. Staggers me Mel has basically left him front and centre without giving him the heads up.
    Nothing about paying for equipment and leading the team through an almost impossible situation seemed contrived to me. He made a comment about the players finding his 5min talk being more useful and heartfelt than Mel's 45mins, I don't see him pushing that idea as something that promotes him as a football manager, it's a personal thing that shows him as a decent bloke only.  It's also easily checked by asking the players. Clearly that comment was made to him by several players. 
    As an aside, Mel's leadership has finished now.  No avoiding the conclusion it's been a shockingly bad period in retrospect. Like a drunk in Vegas constantly chasing his losses it's now come to its logical outcome. What remains to be seen is whether he wakes up with a banging head and realises he can show responsibility and good faith by slowly nursing the situation to its best possible conclusion (I still believe he will) or whether he is more akin to a Maxwell Mk 2 and having bleed his company dry he walks away from the situation with no self awareness or contrition. 
  4. Clap
    BriggRam got a reaction from MickD in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    I will be paying for 4 of us and be travelling from Lincolnshire.......not a million miles away but still a long and expensive day......but after Saturday the players deserve the acknowledgement and what better way than a full house v Reading COYR
  5. Like
    BriggRam reacted to Meowduck in My apologies to Mr Wayne Rooney   
    Top bloke....... Extract from BBC Sport
    Derby County boss Wayne Rooney has reiterated he will not walk away despite the Championship club being placed in administration.
    "I will fight for the club. I wouldn't leave the staff in the lurch. They need someone to lead them."
    Rooney has been helping the club financially, buying equipment to film training sessions among other things.
  6. Clap
    BriggRam reacted to DanS1992 in My apologies to Mr Wayne Rooney   
    I wanted to start this thread to formally apologise to Wayne Rooney. I have been one of those who has criticised Rooney heavily and wanted him gone before all this mess came out, mainly during the horrible winless run last season. I now hold my hands up and admit I was wrong and badly so. Over the past few months, and particularly so during the last week, I am increadibly proud to have this man as manager of DCFC, even more so after today's press conference and that the dire state of the club is now revealed to us all. I now honestly think there is no better man to lead us through these dire times brought on by the IDIOT Mel. 
    Once again, my apologies to Wayne, and thank you for staying on during this mess. Thanks for your honesty towards the fans. Thanks for your commitment. You made me proud to be a DCFC fan today. 
    If you were a Rooney "out-er" and now wish to atone for your sins, let it all out!
  7. Like
    BriggRam got a reaction from Betty Swollocks in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    I will be paying for 4 of us and be travelling from Lincolnshire.......not a million miles away but still a long and expensive day......but after Saturday the players deserve the acknowledgement and what better way than a full house v Reading COYR
  8. Haha
    BriggRam got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Another 140 page thread of this dodgy Bamford coming up

  9. Haha
    BriggRam got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Another 140 page thread of this dodgy Bamford coming up

  10. Haha
    BriggRam got a reaction from Colm in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Another 140 page thread of this dodgy Bamford coming up

  11. Like
    BriggRam got a reaction from Abu Derby in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Another 140 page thread of this dodgy Bamford coming up

  12. Haha
    BriggRam got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Another 140 page thread of this dodgy Bamford coming up

  13. Haha
    BriggRam got a reaction from alexxxxx in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Another 140 page thread of this dodgy Bamford coming up

  14. Clap
    BriggRam reacted to strawhillram in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    He makes me despise Boro, which is sad as it’s lovely part of the UK with jolly people
  15. Like
    BriggRam got a reaction from joooools in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    I will be paying for 4 of us and be travelling from Lincolnshire.......not a million miles away but still a long and expensive day......but after Saturday the players deserve the acknowledgement and what better way than a full house v Reading COYR
  16. Haha
    BriggRam got a reaction from Premier ram in Earnshaw   
  17. Like
    BriggRam reacted to Miggins in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    I knew that some people who Derby owe money to have to be paid in full whilst others don't, but until this morning I didn't realise that people who are directly associated with football, such as Football agents have to be paid in full, whereas those not directly associated such as bakers or butchers only need to be paid in part. That is scandalous. What a dreadful rule.?
  18. Like
    BriggRam got a reaction from BrudeRAM in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    I will be paying for 4 of us and be travelling from Lincolnshire.......not a million miles away but still a long and expensive day......but after Saturday the players deserve the acknowledgement and what better way than a full house v Reading COYR
  19. COYR
    BriggRam reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    So, tomorrow we are 6 points behind Forest.
    By sunday we'll be 3 points behind them, and level the match after. Small goals and steps along the way.
  20. Clap
    BriggRam got a reaction from GboroRam in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    I will be paying for 4 of us and be travelling from Lincolnshire.......not a million miles away but still a long and expensive day......but after Saturday the players deserve the acknowledgement and what better way than a full house v Reading COYR
  21. Haha
    BriggRam got a reaction from Mick Brolly in Earnshaw   
  22. Haha
    BriggRam got a reaction from Kathcairns in Earnshaw   
  23. Like
    BriggRam got a reaction from TigerTedd in Earnshaw   
  24. Haha
    BriggRam got a reaction from Ramarena in Earnshaw   
  25. Like
    BriggRam got a reaction from Miggins in Operation Fill the Ground v Swansea   
    I will be paying for 4 of us and be travelling from Lincolnshire.......not a million miles away but still a long and expensive day......but after Saturday the players deserve the acknowledgement and what better way than a full house v Reading COYR
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