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Carl Sagan

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Posts posted by Carl Sagan

  1. 1 hour ago, 1of4 said:

    It's an ok shirt. Whatever the shirt design we get from Puma, I don't want to see the Ram inside a circle.

    Very much agree. So do we have the Ram squaring up to the puma, or are they heading off in different directions? I say they should be facing each other...

  2. 4 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    I genuinely think there's a chance City get the book thrown at them and their legacy is viewed like Lance Armstrong's. There's only so long they can kick the can down the road.

    I'm a great admirer of Armstrong. Seven successive Tours after recovering from testicular cancer! The rules on doping aren't fit for purpose. Similarly, I think clubs should be allowed to spend what they want. Otherwise it's very hard to get the churn that keeps football healthy. Financial rules seem designed to keep current elites at the top and not allow any pesky upstarts coming through to win a Champions League place.

  3. On 13/06/2024 at 11:56, Wolfie said:

    Personally I think Musk is worth more than his £43.8 bn pay deal.

    Can he afford SKY now?.

    For those who don't know, Musk negotiated a deal with Tesla many years ago where he would work as CEO completely unpaid, but would be incentivized by the value he added to the then small EV company. And if certain impossible-sounding targets were met in terms of how Tesla became valued, he would be rewarded by a slice of that gain. As it transpired, over the years, Tesla (incorporated in the state of Delaware) became the world's most valuable car company and under the terms in the agreement, Musk was due about $50bn. One shareholder, Richard Tornetta, with only nine Tesla shares objected and engaged three firms of lawyers to stop Musk getting paid. In court, the judge asked Musk what he would possible do with the money, and he said he would spend it on Starship and building the first human city on Mars, hence this is very relevant to this thread.

    The judge decided Musk shouldn't be paid the agreed sum. And now the lawyers want paying $5.6 billion for winning the case! However, the Tesla board decided this was wrong and asked shareholders to vote on moving the company from Delaware to Texas and whether the shareholders (who have benefited massively from Musk's leadership) would reinstate Musk's package (now worth a little less). The vote just happened and it was a massive, resounding yes on both counts.

    The Starship development programme is incredibly risky and expensive, but this extra money gives Humanity a chance of becoming a space-faring civilization - a chance that would be much reduced had Tornetta got his way.

  4. A post from Archie about his goal. I find it interesting how many young footballers appear to be religious. Maybe it keeps them on the straight and narrow through the academies? 


  5. 57 minutes ago, Jubbs said:

    Watched it in the cinema when it came out, was favourite film of 2023. Incredible. Did you watch it in Japanese?


    43 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    I did, yes. Really don't fancy watching a dubbed movie.

    Hollywood's got to get with the programme in the next couple of years. Now you can have AI allow you to speak in whatever language you want, without needing an actor to dub the voice. So the Japanese actors in this film could simply speak in English.

    Here's an AI teacher who can't speak Hindi, speaking Hindi! https://www.linkedin.com/posts/emollick_hows-my-hindi-following-up-on-the-fake-activity-7149084946807062528-ktWP/ [In fact the whole vid is a deep fake but it doesn't need to be]

    Meanwhile, I feel I have to watch the film (with subtitles for now, obvs).

  6. 4 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    I'd make the argument for Stones having been world class for several years. He's been key for a team that's absolutely dominated the Premier League and won the treble last year. 

    He only appeared in 16 Premier League games last season (according to Wiki) which is hardly key - I saw him as a bit part player. His average appearances over their 4 title-winning seasons is 18.75. I think he has the potential to be a great defender and what we need, but at club level he doesn't play enough - even though it's normally been more than Maguire!

  7. One of Southgate's failings has been not upgrading the defence, and that's coming home to roost here. England might be saved by our wealth of attacking talent, but it's hard to break down well-drilled international teams, except us - we're disappointingly frail. As a Ram, but with how he has performed since leaving us, it remains bizarre Tomori has never been given the chance to prove himself the player England needs in the heart of the defence.

  8. 8 hours ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    Think Sibbo gives us as much as Osborne would….

    Osborn is more like Liam Thompson in that he's a utility player who does OK, a water carrier for a team, but doesn't offer any great heights - solid and spectacular. Sibbo gives a lot more as a game-changer. Our opinions of Osborn are likely coloured by his one freak goal against us.

  9. Timi played the full game for Slovenia's final warmup match against Bulgaria - a 1-1 draw. Look forward to watching him on the Euros stage.

  10. Went to Barry Manilow at the Palladium the other night. An excellent Vegas-style set. Apologies to @richinspainbut sold next weekend's James tickets as too busy to go. Never seen Barry - have seen James loads, who are excellent live. And weirdly Tim Booth and Gordon Strachan are big mates!

    Next up it's The Killers on independence day, which is now also general election day! 

  11. 1 hour ago, Eoghan1884 said:

    Didn’t get that far, we mostly talked about Thailand and how I was a derby fan coming from Ireland. He just said he’ll have to see what happens or something like that. But as I said he could know exactly what he’s doing and just not want to reveal anything to a random rams fan he met.

    I think it reflects well on him to chat but not give anything away. But (seriously) thanks for the forum info. And interesting he was with Foulkes. I only want Sibs to re-sign if he has a commitment to be played as an attacking midfielder. Don't want to see such a talent squander his career as a bit part left back. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Fife Ram said:

    Chat in Scotland is Johnny Yfeko is Derby County bound for a fee around half a million from Rangers. Decent prospect who seems to have stalled with not playing regularly in the last year.

    no idea how true it is but person who told me has told me other transfer stuff before that had come through before the media got a sniff of it

    Great info. Suspect no initial fee for something like this but maybe appearances/promotion-based, and a sell on. If we're getting amazing money for Cashin and want to sell, then we'd want a left-sided defender lined up to come in. 

  13. 27 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    Sorry but he's never going to kiss you, Carl.

    Just trying to share my excitement, which isn't only mine. Was at a huge Cambridge Uni AI event last night, and every single young researcher turned out to have been watching during the day and was gripped by this future we're building. It's a wonderful thing that Humanity is attempting something so extraordinary and ambitious, and there are many with the drive and skill to start seeing this vision realized. People in the future will look back on this as our species' finest hour, when we broke the gravitational chains binding us to Earth, and started to spread beyond. Despite what seemed near insurmountable difficulties.

  14. What a day! What a flight test, with so much SpaceX knowhow coming together here. The catchphrase was "The payload is the data" and it's only possible for SpaceX to get so much data because of their global satellite constellation Starlink - for the first time we are seeing rocket descent through the plasma buildup from the heat of reentry into Earth's atmosphere. It's a sight to behold.

    This is the biggest, most powerful rocket ever launched into space - and these are very early test flights - yet SpaceX almost always takes off on time and today was no exception. The bottom SuperHeavy booster has 33 Raptor engines. Last test, all 33 lit and performed, but this time one failed for some reason. However, there is a lot of redundancy in the system, so the launch was unaffected, all objectives met flying on 32.

    Stage separation when SuperHeavy split from Starship was flawless. The SuperHeavy booster then relit the designated number of engines to send it back towards the launch site. In the future it will land back at Starbase in Texas, but for this test it "soft-landed" in the Gulf of Mexico, practising reducing its speed to zero with a final landing burn at the end. Incredible.


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