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Gritstone Ram

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Posts posted by Gritstone Ram

  1. Auto correct is it my spelling or sausage fingers or something on here that changes some words. I am not talking about swear words. Every time I post I always find words have changed also in other people’s post I have to guess what some words are meant to be.

  2. I am not sure if this really goes here but the EFL have released some figures for the streaming. Very popular abroad by the looks of it. Derby must be one of the 11 doing their own show. Will Derby ever show any figures for this? and is it is a revenue stream? I suppose it doesn’t help having quite a few games live on sky. 


    I can’t believe the most popular game attracted 2500 people.

  3. I am glad this has popped up because I have recently changed  from a Samsung S5 to an iPhone 7. 

    I wondered if anyone knew if there was a way of keeping the numbers up on your key pad when you input a number followed by a space it always returns to the qwerty key board. It that the way it is?

  4. 20 minutes ago, David said:

    Should be sorted now. When the server crashed it borked the cache files, as a quick fix I rebuilt the theme but forgot to disable the old one which was full of errors. Sorry about that!

    Thanks it is better now.

  5. 27 minutes ago, David said:

    What are the error messages and do you mean the homepage?

    I think it is the home page I have screen shot the error message in my post above. It seems to happen regularly but the last few times it has been ok.

  6. 39 minutes ago, loweman2 said:

    The great Toddy !! He was awesome, funny, honest and very genuine, I still keep in regular contact with him and he rings me up for a bit of advice every now and again, you can imagine the stories that he has to tell about football and footballers, an amazing man who love Derby County but felt bitter to how he was treated as a manager.

    a really down to earth man, proper Dcfc hero !


    I couldn't believe it when Andy Todds son played in my lads team a few years back and Colin came to watch. It was like Royalty was there.

  7. 42 minutes ago, eddie said:

    Today, we went to Brugge, and had a couple at the Halve Mann brewery. The Memsahib had Brugse Zot, I had Straffe Hendrik Wild and Quad.

    Yum. Off out in Oostende again tonight - Brugge tomorrow again, may go to the Bourgogne Des Flandres brewery.


    It sounds like you're going around in circles. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Pearl Ram said:

    I would have said “Yeah, so it won’t cost you much to have it removed, do you want to go through your insurance or pay cash” ?

    Then if he still got in his motor and drove off I would have taken his number and asked the police when I stood on the leaving the scene of an accident situation, albeit minor, he’s still damaged your car, arrogant tw*t.

    Too right there was a car coming and I thought he was moving his car out of the way. He just got in and drove off.

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