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  1. Like
    sheeponacid reacted to ariotofmyown in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    My 96 year old Nan started having symptoms on Xmas Eve and tested positive on Xmas day. Didn't sound good when I spoke to her on Xmas Day, but she sounds almost fully recovered now. Hopefully milder variant, plus 2 jabs and a booster, means we might be on our way home.
  2. Like
    sheeponacid got a reaction from Carnero in Non-League Football   
    Cracking crowd of 2,155 at Causeway Lane yesterday to witness the top of the table A6 Derby
    A belting atmosphere & a cracking game, with the Gladiators beating the Bucks 2-1, to top the table at the end of 2021.
    Ilsen v Nailers on New Year’s Day should be another cracking local Derby game played in front of another good crowd, for those interested in attending….cmon the Nailers
  3. Sad
    sheeponacid reacted to Day in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Can't wait to see the back of this year. Will say now I'm ok, but it's been a challenging year, starting out with Derby going into admin.
    Broken foot makes you realise how much you need both your feet
    Next up both sisters and partners testing positive for Covid, little sister has been hit pretty hard.
    Out of isolation period but still having breathing issues.
    Next up Mum has also tested positive, home alone for Christmas, not a lot I can do other than FaceTime. Luckily she's not been hit hard by it, first couple of days were rough but quickly recovered.
    Was due down for the first family Christmas my side for years, that was cancelled with my mum still isolating until next weekend.
    Now the hammer blow, Leanne's sister in law found out this week she has 5 months to live, been having tests for pains, was suspected kidney stones, came back she has kidney cancer which has spread to her lungs.
    Tomorrow is now billed as the "last time Christmas" for her whilst her other brother was sectioned again at the weekend. Believes Adele is in there with him. 
    Football has become secondary at the minute, but not lost on me that the clubs future is in serious doubt.
    Roll on 2022
  4. Sad
    sheeponacid reacted to Gritstone Ram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Merry Christmas just tested positive so that’s my Christmas over just hope I’m negative for the Stoke game. 
  5. Like
    sheeponacid reacted to Miggins in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I think that many of us at the moment are trying hard to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe and healthy and we are trying not to spread the virus more than we can help. After all, none of us would deliberately walk into someone's house whilst suffering from a snorting cold. It's just bad manners and inconsiderate.
    I think I manage my own risk as best I can as do many. I take lateral flow tests before I go over and see my mum who I care for. I wear a mask in crowded places, wash hands regularly, social distance and don't take any unecessary risks. However, when I go into the local co-op there are often teenagers around me, straight from school, not wearing masks and not socially distancing. I am trying my best to protect myself and my vulnerable family (lung cancer, cerebral palsy, asthma, old age) and I can't help but notice and be concerned about how the careless behaviour of others might impact on those I love and want to protect. The use of the word 'obsession' implies irrational behaviour which is far from true. Concern is probably more to the point. Also the word 'incapable' is loaded with judgement which I don't think you intended. We are all just trying to do our best to keep people from being ill and to keep death rates as low as we can whilst trying to live as normally as we can. 
    Please don't take this as an antagonistic post, it's really not. ? Just my take on things.
  6. Clap
    sheeponacid reacted to glyn1957 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I did not ask for a refund last time and i would not ask for any if it happened again .
  7. Like
    sheeponacid reacted to Eddie in Tom Lawrence - Joined Rangers   
    Challenge accepted.
    I looked at every player who made at least one start in season 2020-21 (I ignored appearances from the bench, but if people are desperately interested, I might take this analysis a stage further and include substitute appearances, look at minutes played etc) with a view to examining how the team performed overall when each player made an appearance.
    It's a bit quick and dirty at the moment (it took me a couple of hours to build the data table, but only a few minutes to write a couple of scripts to give me the figures below)
    A grand total of 30 players were in the respective starting lineups. We accumulated a staggering total of 44 points from the 46 games. The highest number of starts made by a player was made by Clarke (42) followed by Shinnie and Knight (both 41) Points per game (Best 6 - minimum qualification, 5 games) Evans 2.000000 (10 points from 5 starts) Gregory 1.666667 (10 points from 6 starts) Bielik 1.615385 (21 points from 13 starts) Holmes 1.285714 (9 points from 7 starts) Jozwiak 1.133333 (34 points from 30 starts) Kazim-Richards 1.103448 (32 points from 29 starts) 4 players failed to get either a win or draw bonus - these were Marriott 0 points from 3 starts Whittaker, Baningime and MacDonald, 0 points from a single start Points per game (Worst 6 - minimum qualification, 5 games) Roberts 0.142857 (1 point from 7 starts) Rooney 0.444444 (4 points from 9 starts Lawrence 0.526316 (10 points from 19 starts Mengi 0.571429 (4 points from 7 starts) Bird 0.619048 (13 points from 21 starts) Edmundson 0.625000 (5 points from 8 starts Shinnie and Clarke were the only two to appear in all 11 wins
  8. Clap
    sheeponacid reacted to rammieib in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Or we could decide not to fire 60,000 health workers who have made a decision not to take the vaccine which I completely respect is their right.
    Or we could say to NHS staff they don’t need to isolate/not go to work if a close contact is positive, instead ask them to conduct a daily test before their shift?
    For me it’s the quite ridiculous decisions by Government that cause the problems.
  9. Like
    sheeponacid reacted to Archied in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    We now have the Archbishop of Canterbury weighting in on the unvaccinated with being vaccinated doing what Jesus would have done and not having it immoral ,
    him or an unvaccinated person ? I know which one I find more dangerous ??‍♂️
  10. Sad
    sheeponacid reacted to Andicis in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Unfortunately I just tested positive which means I'll have to miss my sister's wedding and spend Christmas alone in my small city centre flat, very sad. 
  11. Sad
    sheeponacid reacted to Norman in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Not feeling well the last few days, but currently off work for a 4 day stretch - just done 2 lateral flows. Both positive. Got a PCR booked in for tomorrow morning. 
    My Birthday just after Xmas too. Good times. Double vaccinated, booster last Wednesday but probabaly hasn't had time to kick in. I did Google if that could bring up a false positive, but apparently the laterals work off protein spikes and not antibodies. 
    The Mrs is testing negative too, just to rub it in. 
    Covid round 2.
  12. Like
    sheeponacid reacted to JoetheRam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I'm at the point now, and have been for a while, where I think just let what happens happen.
    There are jabs available (that work), there are masks (that work), there is treatment (that works), there are tests to advise you whether you can be around people safely or not, there are stats about the risk you are open to should you not use these tools. And what's great is that in this country these things are available to all. Everyone is invited, regardless of your opinion. We should work further to make them available to all internationally.
    That is plenty that we didn't have at the start of the pandemic and it's plenty more than we have against many illnesses and diseases that people don't worry about.
    Use as many of these tools as you see fit for your personal situation. There'll be no judgement from me because I don't know your story or your reasons.
    I understand that there’s a small percentage of people that probably won't feel safe to continue with their lives in the same manner as they did before the pandemic, even with all these tools available and that absolutely sucks, they have my every sympathy and I hope they can get the support they need and that progress on better vaccines, better masks, better treatment continues so that they can live their lives as freely as the majority. But enough has been sacrificed by too many people already and it cannot continue.
    If this sounds heartless to anyone who's lost someone from Covid, who thinks any measure would be appropriate and justified if it could save just one life, I apologise, it's just my take, shaped by my experience of the last two years.
  13. Sad
    sheeponacid reacted to Mostyn6 in Christmas traditions   
    Feeling lonely, miserable, isolated and the general feeling that I’m missing the things that people with close-family enjoy. That’s traditional. 
  14. Clap
    sheeponacid reacted to G STAR RAM in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Heard a rumour this morning that CK is not the preferred bidder.
    Heard it will be a consortium of ex owners (no prizes for guessing which ones here) along with a former manager and a very random ex player.
    Guess we will all know better next week.
  15. Haha
    sheeponacid reacted to Mick Brolly in Christmas traditions   
    Getting absolutely battered and shiiting in the wardrobe. 
  16. Clap
    sheeponacid reacted to PistoldPete in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Always focus on police injuries. If it's something the BBC doesnt agree with.
  17. Like
    sheeponacid got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Things that annoy me but shouldn’t..   
    Sage if your not winding me up, I’m absolutely made up….have you reported your sighting to Derbyshire Wildlife Trust?
    The last confirmed sighting of a pine marten that I knew off in Derbyshire was in 2018, & it was dead on the road near to Ambergate. So you”d be bob on with the locality.
    The one prior to this was years ago
    It could be that Derbyshire wildlife trust are aware of a small presence & are not publicising it.
    i know that there were some plans being looked at to reintroduce them to Derbyshire as recently as August of this year. But I don’t know if anything came of it
    I do a fair bit of subcontracting work around Alderwasley, & I’m going to be obsessed with seeing one now.
  18. Like
    sheeponacid got a reaction from Miggins in Things that annoy me but shouldn’t..   
    Sage if your not winding me up, I’m absolutely made up….have you reported your sighting to Derbyshire Wildlife Trust?
    The last confirmed sighting of a pine marten that I knew off in Derbyshire was in 2018, & it was dead on the road near to Ambergate. So you”d be bob on with the locality.
    The one prior to this was years ago
    It could be that Derbyshire wildlife trust are aware of a small presence & are not publicising it.
    i know that there were some plans being looked at to reintroduce them to Derbyshire as recently as August of this year. But I don’t know if anything came of it
    I do a fair bit of subcontracting work around Alderwasley, & I’m going to be obsessed with seeing one now.
  19. Like
    sheeponacid got a reaction from Miggins in Things that annoy me but shouldn’t..   
    It looks cool as duck, but as the article says its a grey with a genetic defect, as opposed to being a separate subspecies like in the case of Black or Red  squirrels.
    There’s often a tiny percentage of animals within each species with this kind of DNA defect…..albino Robins, hedgehogs etc.
    Some animals do have albino as the norm, ferrets for instance (before the introduction of polecat DNA)
    Loved the article though
  20. Like
    sheeponacid reacted to sage in Things that annoy me but shouldn’t..   
    I'm convinced it was an immature pine marten. I mentioned it to some people we met in the Shining Cliff Car Park and this woman rubbished it and said size wise it was a stoat. However i checked when i got home and the colouring was that of a Pine Marten. The woman pissed me off so much in front of her mates that I just kept it to myself.   
    I will PM you exactly where i saw it. 
  21. Like
    sheeponacid reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Things that annoy me but shouldn’t..   
    Apparently there's incredibly rare White ones in Derbyshire and a few in Staffordshire.  One less at that minute as some twit shot one with a air rifle last year for a laugh and left it in agony till it was collected and put down by the RSPCA. 
  22. Like
    sheeponacid reacted to Comrade 86 in Things that annoy me but shouldn’t..   
    Sat in my garden in a previous dwelling where the back garden ended in a serried wall of trees with wetlands beyond. Had all manner of wild animals come visit. Deer, foxes, hedgehogs, enormous dragonflies, rats and lots and lots of squirrels. Sat one afternoon in the sunshine chomping though a huge bag of pistachios whilst catching a few rays and reading a James Ellroy novel, when after a while, I became aware that I was being watched rather inquisitively by a very large and very clearly pregnant squirrel. She was pretty unusual as they're busy little creatures and typically quite timid, but she was sat really quite close, on her haunches with her paws entwined and for quite some time. She looked like she was praying.
    So I chuck her a pistachio... It lands close to her feet and she doesn't flinch, not one iota, rather she scoops it up and shells it in one swift movement and chomps it straight down. Then she re-adopts her praying pose. I chuck her another, then another, then another. Pretty soon there's discarded shells flying all around her since as fast as I could land them near her, she could extract the tasty bits and wolf them down. Soon she begins stuffing them shell and all into her cheeks, then she starts running around and around a small apple tree, making a huge fuss of burying a few, only to dig them up and eat them mere minutes later. I'd had no idea that squirrels buried food and it was joyous watching her obvious delight at finding this funny looking massive hairless squirrel who was quite generous with his scoff. By late afternoon, she'd helped me polish off the entire bag and was literally sat no more than a few feet from me seemingly enjoying the late afternoon sunshine as much as I was.
    This became a regular gig, so much so that I dubbed her Dyson as whenever I'd venture out with treats, she'd be there in a shot and would swiftly hoover up whatever I put down. Soon, she'd even sit on the window ledge while I was washing up or sitting in the kitchen too, even without the lure of nuts. My GF of the time of course hated it. 'You can't feed a squirrel pistachios' she'd moan. Why not I'd ask? 'Pistachios are expensive' she'd reply. Well I bloody feed you don't I, I'd think without saying. I didn't really like her very much. 
    I'm not sure how many litters Dyson produced, but as is nature's way, a couple of years after our first encounter, she was eventually killed by one of her offspring (I assumed) after a prolonged and pretty vicious fight high up in the tree canopy. Don't mind admitting it saddened me quite a lot, even though I know that's how nature works and that it's nothing more than the cycle of things.
    Anyway, next time you see a squirrel, instead of muttering about rat's with tails, chuck the little bugger a nut or two and think of Dyson, because one man's vermin is another's funny little furry mate. We're all God's creatures after all, assuming one believes in such things and we all share the same planet. 
    And apologies for the huge digression from the core subject matter of this thread! 
    As you were ?
  23. Clap
    sheeponacid got a reaction from Kinder in Sitcoms   
    Not sure if anyone has mentioned Red Dwarf & The league of gentlemen, both were top quality in my opinion 
  24. Cheers
    sheeponacid got a reaction from ramit in Things that annoy me but shouldn’t..   
    Or black… people tend to forget that we have some small populations of black squirrels……estimates now put them at over 20,000. They have  enjoyed a steady but continual rise in their numbers since first being  discovery in the UK in 1912.
    Originally thought to be greys with a DNA defect, research now suggests that they are American black squirrels, who possibly escaped from a private collection. Their few colonies tend to be in East Anglia & Hertfordshire 
    To put their population into some sort of context we have around 140-150,000 Reds & 2.5-3m Greys.
    The Reds population continues to be under pressure, which is why their remaining strongholds need to be so vehemently protected from the more dominant Greys. Strangely enough a slight rise in Pine Martin numbers (still estimated to be at less than 4000) appears to be helping the Reds in some areas were both they & the Greys populations overlap each other.

  25. Like
    sheeponacid got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Things that annoy me but shouldn’t..   
    Or black… people tend to forget that we have some small populations of black squirrels……estimates now put them at over 20,000. They have  enjoyed a steady but continual rise in their numbers since first being  discovery in the UK in 1912.
    Originally thought to be greys with a DNA defect, research now suggests that they are American black squirrels, who possibly escaped from a private collection. Their few colonies tend to be in East Anglia & Hertfordshire 
    To put their population into some sort of context we have around 140-150,000 Reds & 2.5-3m Greys.
    The Reds population continues to be under pressure, which is why their remaining strongholds need to be so vehemently protected from the more dominant Greys. Strangely enough a slight rise in Pine Martin numbers (still estimated to be at less than 4000) appears to be helping the Reds in some areas were both they & the Greys populations overlap each other.

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