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Posts posted by GboroRam

  1. 6 hours ago, David said:

    As I write this, Virgin Media are yet again down, predictably since midnight.

    Luckily though our contract is up next month and we're free to leave again.

    I went from Sky to BT, now Virgin, snapping up new customer offers as they don't give a diddly squat about renewals.

    I'm not sure if my expectations are too high, but all 3 have downtime issues shortly after midnight, Virgin in particular massively underachieve with their minimum speeds and trying to get anything done about it is impossible.

    Tempted to go left field with Vodaphone next as that's where my mobile contract is with, can refer the Mrs for £50 off.

    Speeds are not overly impressive but the price is.

    Anyone had any experience with them, or EE, Plusnet etc?

    The only person I know that complains about a virgin going down. 

  2. 50 minutes ago, Highgate said:

    Absolutely. And also, who knows what could be done for tourism if the monarchy was abolished and all their residences and properties, art collections, etc... were properly opened up the public. 

    Versailles gets 10 million tourists a year and not a royal to be seen there these days. 


    I'm not going to vouch for the validity of the data, as I'm sure there's lots of ways to calculate it, but how many of the top 10 have a monarchy drawing in the visitors? 

  3. 5 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

    my girlfriend was moaning her knives weren't sharp enough, me, being the hero I am, got out my Kitchen Devil knife sharpening tool and proceeded to sharpen her set of knives.

    Three days later, washing the pots, with the cutlery in the bottom of the bowl, I happened to feather one of the aforementioned knives with my finger tip and now have the tiniest looking, but most inconveniently positioned, japs-eye looking, painful little mo-fo of a cut on the end of my middle finger and I keep catching it on things and squealing. It hurts like a GibsonBamford!

    I would post a picture, but the mockery would be unbearable.

    You living life on the edge, taking a sharp knife anywhere near your girlfriend. Did you not read the warnings on the back of the box? 

  4. 2 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Q: Hypothetically, suppose that someone’s futurist philosophy as a tech billionaire is nothing more than thinly veiled fascism, and their ultimate goal is to architect an autocratic Martian society in which they rule as a despotic god-emperor who has free reign to impregnate any female member of said society. What do you do?

  5. 5 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

    I may be in a minority here, but think the feeling of hatred towards Mel is too much. He gambled, and thought he was too clever for his own good, and for Derby's good, but in reality, his intentions were true and good.

    Lionel Pickering left Derby County in administration, and opened the pathway for the Three Amigos to get control of the club. Lionel is held in high regard. But his judgement was poor too.

    Double standards.

    I agree.

    You're in a minority.

  6. 22 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    I think these are all filed under "problems to solve once we've actually cracked getting there"

    But you're right - it'd absolutely have to be run as a socialist cooperative collective to stand any chance of working - which obviously won't go down well with some people!

    I'm sure a rich multi billionaire will be able to pay everyone loads for their labour. Shame there will be nothing there to spend it on.

  7. 3 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

    Could you explain the physics behind Axe Groves reaching the upper atmosphere with nothing but a rocket pack in the finale of the mandalorian?

    I couldn’t help see that and thinking about this thread, and how much effort is going to get a rocket into space. And there he is with his little rocket pack. Surely the fuel alone would run out before he got past the tree tops. 

    Did he use the force? 

  8. 15 minutes ago, Archied said:

    Why would I answer you when without doubt after a few posts you will flounce and complain that you wernt even in the discussion despite clearly instigating the posts between us 😂😂

    for the benefit of the other we leftie gaggle that like to circle the wagons ,,,,,,,,,,, it was a joke , a throw away

    though I’m sure it will stimulate some debate and banter, kind of the point of a forum🤷🏻‍♂️

    Er, it's the question you asked. 

  9. 20 minutes ago, Archied said:

    Really ? You painted the chess with a pigeon scenario then flounced and conceded but hey whatever makes you feel right 🤷‍♂️

    The best bit is, I'm not even involved in this discussion, but you feel the need to tell me I'm wrong anyway. Knocked the board over and declared yourself the winner - and I wasn't even playing. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Archied said:

    Thought you might 😂 , nice of you to fly in and give me the old superior intellect routine on the topic of saving the planet though 👍, you do know pigeons can fly under they’re own steam though don’t you 

    And the pigeon has knocked over the board and declared itself the winner. Congratulations. 

  11. 7 minutes ago, Highgate said:

    Obviously I haven't conducted any research myself but I did send you 5 links that I considered relevant. The evidence you requested is within those.  Just take the first link for example, click on Every breath we take: the lifelong impact of air pollution  just a few lines down from the top of the page.  There's a report there with more than 120 pages of evidence there for you to get started with.  I hope the Royal College of Physicians' have more luck persuading you about the dangers of Air Pollution than I do. 😄

    Have you got anything by a bloke on YouTube instead? 

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